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I've chosen to insert tile attributes for every screen manually for simplicity and control. It's not as time consuming as you would expect when you get used to it. It's also a simple way to let every tile do exactly what it needs to and nothing else. A soild might not need to be a floor if we aren't meant to stand on it, just being a wall is fine.

This is an array stored as a list in memory and the code then checks the mole's position versus the array, y and x. All while doing some bit shift division because the mole moves in a grid 16 times higher resolution than the pixles we see (while the tiles are divided into 8x8 pixel blocks). 

Games frequently use sub pixels to define player position for better acceleration and physics. I've chosen times 16 of the tile position to keep the numbers below five figures while also affording me a lot of control. Also, all math with 2 to the power of anything else is lightning fast in binary.



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