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Sorry I haven't been posting much the past weeks, work and even work after work kept me busy as I am working on a car for a friend as I am the only one with experience in the friend circle of local furry friends it seems xp

But hey, friends you appreciate you do this for and it's fun too, most of the times x3. 

Anyways, I added more body to the pec meme collab I did with some good friends, but one specific friend wants to do more so I added more body to DJ, and I am quite happy with it I think. 

-> Couldnt help but detailing out the veins was something I just had to do, now it feels more complete as a sketch. x3

I won't do much more with this one, but once it's done by an awesome artist friend of me, you will definetly get to see it here too. ;3

And now, time to continue the otter pic ❤️

Thank you all reeeeeeally much to keep up the support to my patreon, thanks to you it all works just in a way I am happy with, you are all awesome and super sweet. ❤️❤️🦊❤️❤️

As always, no unauthorized use in any way of this image, thank you. <3




Ooo he's looking real good there! Love the muscle detail and anatomy, you're one of the best when it comes to that!


Great physique and awesome addition to DJ's meme. It's especially great to see the rest of his amazing triceps, and more!

djdarkfox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 06:38:10 Thank you very much &lt;3
2021-09-10 11:53:49 Thank you very much <3

Thank you very much <3

djdarkfox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 06:38:10 I know right? The meme started so good I just had to do an addition to this beast body, and the friend who will color it, will do an amazing job, you'll see &lt;3
2021-09-10 11:54:55 I know right? The meme started so good I just had to do an addition to this beast body, and the friend who will color it, will do an amazing job, you'll see <3

I know right? The meme started so good I just had to do an addition to this beast body, and the friend who will color it, will do an amazing job, you'll see <3