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-This is just the sketch, but because of obvious reasons, its just for the NSFW-tier patrons ;3-

This is a pic I work on for a friend of me, Lex Ferran!

He's obviously enjoying a sun bath at the beach, even a big tigotter with magic powers needs a few days to just recover and relax... I wonder what he feels bothered about~ ;p

Patreon only content, I wont post this sketch public anywhere, like I will do with most future sketches and line arts too!

This sketch will be inked and colored in the near future, which will be posted in high res exclusively here!
Stay tuned~ <3

Thank you all for your kind support, you will all help me make it possible to cut my work hours per week to have more time for art, if this amount of supporters stays or even rises.
You are awesome and I never thought my art will be supported <3




This is going to look even more awesome when it's finished. Lex Ferran is going to be so happy to see this! :D


A tigotter with magic powers? Smells like an intriguing backstory^^ Besides that, the sketch looks awesome! He looks relaxed, yet the pose is extremely sexy :3 Shows off his well defined musculature perfectly^^ And this drawing is, for a sketch, already insanely detailed, well done! And of course we will support you! I think I already told you a bit ago in a comment on DeviantArt that we gladly support you, your art is so worth it (especially if we get some exlusive content like this :3) You provided us with 10+ years of incredibly beautifull, FREE art, and I think many of your supporters/watchers gladly spend a couple of Dollars to give back to you^^ You deserve it man! One thing I think you could do a bit more is promoting your Patreon on Twitter or DeviantArt^^ I think you haven't mentioned it on DA and barely on Twitter? A little announcement Tweet/Status Update would go a long way getting some more people to notice your Patreon (especially with maybe like a sneek peek at this exclusive drawing) and help you gain some more supporters^^ Love to see what comes next and have a great day :3