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This week has gone by in a haze.  In successive passes, we've completed three reviews of every single component, collider, and object in the main exterior scene.  We've consolidated what is right, ditched what is wrong, and gotten rid of thousands of redundancies.  

After this latest review, we're pleased to say that 100% of building roofs on Peace Island are now accessible, and walkable!

We still have two more reviews to go through:

- Laura is adjusting the ivy to ensure that every patch leads either to a roof, or a window.  
While she does this, she's assembling a list of any anomalies found - because there always will be a few that we missed...

- I am adjusting the exterior lights to ensure they conform with the adjustments made, during previous reviews. This is giving me a chance to find any remaining terrain glitches.

We both expect the above to be completed early tomorrow.  We will then be bringing in the "Elevated Power Line Highway" and giving it a final test.

Concurrent with that, we will be ensuring that the cats will be able to access & walk on all narrow areas such as fence edges.  I expect we will be done with that, by the weekend.

I always knew there would have to be a final review of the island's biomes, so we budgeted time for remaining issues with those (such as certain rocks not having proper colliders, when spawned at runtime). I cannot see this process requiring more than 2-3 days.

By the 10th of March, the exterior will be Beta-Ready. If anyone out there wants to be a playtester, please drop us a line at peaceislandllc@gmail.com!

This gives us two months to focus on optimization, adding dialogue, and finalizing the UI.  I am hesitant to make any predictions - but judging by our rapid progress over the past two months, let's just say that I feel pretty good when I wake up in the mornings, these days!

One last note:  Shipment of premiums was FURTHER delayed by our printer running out of ink, and not accepting refurbished ink cartridges (I refuse to spend your money on brand-name, new cartridges - it's bad for the environment, and a waste of money.)

Fortunately, we just found & implemented a firmware fix on our printer that allowed it to just ingore whatever data it was being fed by the cartridges, and just PRINT.

So- we have about 20 sets of postcards & prints going out, lunchtime, tomorrow.  We TRULY appreciate everyone's patience!




I'm glad you figured out the problem with your printer and so keep making further progress. Good luck