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I must apologize in that we don't have much to show off this week.  Both Laura & myself fell victim to the usual rash of seasonal influenza. We should be back to full recovery within 48 hours.

While we were ill, Richard continued work on the ambient audio, and Lance made progress on a new system we hinted at last week's update:

Yes- Cats will be able to drive Golf Carts - but it's not simple.  
You need to form a clowder of four cats to get all the positions covered, and the more rural roads will be a bit tougher to navigate, due to wear and tear.

Now - if you decide to run a cart off of the ferry landing, or create a modern art masterpiece out of piled-up carts - that's all up to you.  The cats will be fine, but you'll lose access to that cart.  That might become a problem, considering the limited number of carts available on the island...

Because my my own incapacitation, I was not able to make great progress on the Mac Build.  Work will resume in earnest on Thursday.




have a good recovery, health is more important than work. take care 💜


omg i'm just laughing about this update! drive a cart off the pier???? hahaa! omg the kitties will have so much fun doing that!