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Yesterday, Laura & I were jubilant as we were finally able to get the Peace Island project to again actually open and run on the Mac - BUT...

When we begin a "New game," the engine throws two errors up, and refuses to go forward, past the main menu.


Our new save/load system requires that the Peace Island application is able to create a small package file on your local hard drive, when you start a new game.  This is where the app will store all of the pertinent details of what you have done, and where you saved. (location, time of day, progress, etc.)

On the PC side, this is a relatively simple thing. The PI app says "I want to write a new file!" and the Windows OS says "Hey- go right ahead!"

On the Mac side, it's not so simple. Unless any app comes pre-approved from an authorized Mac developer, you will have multiple issues.  

Specifically: As we are not a developer with official Apple approval (something that comes with a pricetag,) the Mac OS is simply unwilling to let this necessary file be created.

FORTUNATELY, THERE ARE WORK-AROUNDS. Later this evening, we will be attempting to build a version for Mac that has the save/load feature disabled.  

Will let everyone know what is what, when we have this settled.  

Members-only update, Monday - Thanks so much for your patience, support, and confidence!


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