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So- today we were expecting to do a lot:  Order a new round of postcard premiums, meet with our social media manager, as well as a lawyer to draft a rock-solid NDA to ensure negotiations about the project are safe, bring in new meshes & animations, as well as a LOT of other stuff.

Ya see, a lot of our initial plans (including the next alpha release) were based upon Patreon's assurance that we would get your first month's support on the 5th of the month.

Unfortunately, we awoke to find that Patreon was now asking for up to 10 more business days (TWO WEEKS) to transfer the support that ya'll gave us.

For a bit, I kinda panicked.  However, I found some uncashed checks that  added up to enough money to allow me to work full-time on the game, until the Patreon pledges arrive.

Unfortunately, it puts everything else on hold.  

Now, don't get me wrong- while it sucks that this has happened: Laura and I worked on this game for 18 months on a budget of nearly nothing.  Two more weeks doing the same isn't going to kill the project.

We just ask that all our Patreon supporters understand the nature of this delay.  We will, of course, let you know if Patreon transfers these funds sooner.

Despite this setback, we got a lot done.  We are speaking to new animators, and are going to be bringing in a new cat mesh, and new animations.

I was also able to get in contact with  Kirstie Scarlett-Bruff, whose animation style is just perfect for the non-feline characters on the island.  Check her stuff out!

We also go our new development monitor in (Pardon the filthy desk- we've been remodeling the whole apartment, so dust & cat hair is everywhere!)

Peace Island has NEVER looked so good!

We also got new graphic design elements done, and continued the long, multi-day process of getting all of our apps, data & files into the new computers.

So- now that I am working full-time on Peace Island, I am going to scale back my Patreon updates to twice a week, from here on out.  After all, I think you guys would rather I spent more time developing the game, and less time writing articles.

I will still be posting to twitter pretty much daily- so if you are jonesing for development news and can't wait until the next update, catch it here! 

Talk to ya'll again on Thursday!  Here's hoping we have your pledges, by then!

Thanks as always for your support- it means the world to us!



I really hope they are quick to release the pledges to you guys. Also that Bengal cat looks so CUTE! Reminds me of my dad's Bengal Bikky. Love it, take as long as you need. You can't rush art xx