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Returns Jill's original hairstyle (compatible with any mod).



Kyo Gato

Thank you so much , Mr. Dedraz. You make all mod to be parts , this is great idea!

Kyo Gato

By the way , hope can have pubic hair part ( maybe bushy? )


I will not create a new post, I will write here: Yesterday I spent all day on this, but I came up with something. If everything works out, then the pubic hair will be 3d and can be activated and deactivated. The technology is already working, now we need to make them look realistic. There is a pitfall - the game engine displays hair in different ways at different distances. They look good up close, bad at a distance. Or vice versa. So far, I'm not very happy with the result.


Does sound a bit stressful in a way mate, keep up the great work man