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Fido: I've never done this with another guy... Are you sure you want this, Bandit?
(•᷄- •᷅ ;) 

Bandit: Sure, mate! Just don't wreck me back there. It's a first for me too and I want to enjoy it.
( ̄▽ ̄)

(Sketch is attached)

This will be my last drawing for the year. A huge thanks to all of your for your support!
I wish you a very pleasant new years even and a super good upcoming year!♥



Gayme Guy

Ooo~ this is a new sketch we haven’t seen before. Also ending the year with the biggest cliffhanger I see. Haha xT


Yes, I made the sketch today too so I rather waited till it was colored, instead of giving away spoilers again XD The continuation Sketch is already up tho but I still have a few ideas for Fido I wanna draw in a Round2.