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Hello Everyone and Welcome to September once again.
I'm coming to you today with an open question where you can be as detailed and honest as much as you want.
Has my popularity really dropped this year significantly, or is it just my imagination? Do I draw worse than before?

I've noticed ever since this Spring, that with each new pic I upload on Twitter, I receive less and less likes/shares/and basically almost no comments, even though my follower count was still going up (thankfully, Patreon has been more stable). To me, these numbers are my only means to get a feedback and my only real way to connect to you, so I experimented around for months, sharpening my skills, trying out different stuff to see what works and what doesn't, but whatever I tried, the numbers just kept going down. This lead to my conclusion, that something is fundamentally wrong with me or my works. I've asked friends and friends of friends, everyone said they've actually thought I improced and hear my name among their groups of friends, so we were brainstorming for months but no one could find any reason that would really hold up on such a big time span. 

I've been really depressed in the past few months because of that, I don't think I changed, if anything I really finally got used to drawing on a tablet and practice a lot, but the reception was usually a lot less, than in last Winter or before and starting Summer it became even worse.

Because You All are the first ones who see new pictures and have the first opinion, I wanted to ask you about this too. I'm not going to list all the possible reasons we came up with, because I don't want to bias you.

I've gathered my thoughts and heart about it already and found peace with it today, but I would really like to hear your honest opinion. I'm a human being too, not a factory, so of course, such topics are important to me.

Thank You♥




I can't speak for everyone but I love your content. I didn't discover it until this year but you're my favorite artist

Miles Stranger

Has my popularity really dropped this year significantly, or is it just my imagination? I haven't been a patron that long to be able to accurately answer that. It was you Lord Geld comic. Your comic formatting is really on point. One day I going to have to up my pledge to see the HD.

Himbo Barret

Ever since i started following you on patreon i haven't been looking at Twitter much so im sure its probably the same with others


Thank You Very Much, being someone's favorite artist is really the best feeling. ♥ :3


Thank You! If you are into making comics yourself, I can really recommend the tools of Clip Studio. It takes some tweaking, but after that, it's really easy to add panels/layers/bubbles/etc.


That could be one thing, though the decrease was rather huge with time, like hundreds/thousands less interactions than before.


I am sorry that you have been feeling depressed! Rest assured, I am very much happy with the art you produce. By and large because of the sense of fun it evokes! Your art projects a lot of positive energy, which makes your sfw/nsfw content a reliable source of comfortable good vibes. 😊


That's actually what I've been thinking that my style maybe shifted lately too much towards "porn" and lost the fun factor. Maybe~


I feel glad I can help support your artwork! the areas you tend to focus on and your level of detail are particular favorites of mine. The only problem I can think of is consistency, I don't really know when to expect art from you. If I wasn't already subscribed to your patreon it would put you on the back burner for me, you don't exactly have to have something every week but at least a project that comes on the same day of the month to build anticipation. I'm perfectly fine with your work as is, but that's my best criticism.


Thank You ♥ That makes a lot of sense and that's why I'm gonna add some consistency, work off backlogs and then focus on maximum 1-2 projects at one time.


I found your art out this year and actually immediately subscribed to your patreon because I just kinda fell in love with it. And I'm actually always so astonished of how you can draw so many different characters from different styles in so many poses and angles, it just makes me admire you even more. Always count on me for supporting you because it's actually the least I can do. And actually it's really cool to see something of the person behind the art, I'm hoping you feel better soon. Much love to ya 🥰


=3 Thank You Very Much!♥ Drawing different chars and styles is really fun, I just need to focus better and finish ongoing projects first, before I start new ones. I still have such a huge list of things I wanna draw~ XD

Fen Kurios

TLDR Your style is changing and still just as sexy while growing more and more. And trust me I can rant about this!


I've been in love with your art for as far back as you have probably started posting. throughout all the change i have not stopped loving it. plus you're awesome


and you're one of the few people who actually hit my fetish right on the head. BIG BUTTS AND UNDERWEAR SEX! did i mention you're awesome? cuz you are!


XD Thank you very much♥ That gives me a lot of confidence boost that I haven't derailed! :3


You're fine, DS! Remember that until a couple months ago everyone (depending on the country) was at home a lot more due to the pandemic & now everyone's running around more & spending less time on the computer. Keep on doing what you're doing Shiny Biscuit!