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Hello Everyone

Just a quick update about the currently open projects. There are still many things that require a lot of time and are not finished yet, so I've sorted out these:

✓ Lord Geld's Massage
✓ Greg's Carwash Adventure
✓ Hard Working Buddies
X Troll Tales
X Morning Routine
X Soos' Buttshot

The ones with Xs are gonna stay on hold, because they are either practice works, or can wait (even tho I really wanna do more Troll Tales), but may return in the future.

I will not do any side projects for now (except for the YCH and the Mr. Month pictures), and will instead focus on finishing the above projects. 

First I will finish Lor Geld's comic, because that's currently ongoing. It will have about another 3 pages. Page7 and 8 has the script, and will come out this and next week (hopefully close the story next week too). 

After that I want to finish Greg's story, which may result in a bi-weekly schedule, because it's a lot of work to animate.

Once that's done, I'll start serializing Hard Working Buddies, but I still need to start that first before I know more about how long it will go and how frequently I can update Patreon.


Russel Piggy

Greg car wash is my dream coming true 🥺