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Smol Sausage is da best~♥



Orion-Sunset (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-27 08:37:20 “If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t need hot dogs!” .....but, BOTH of these pork chops ARE perfect....and so are their “hot dogs!!” 😳 <-system error-> *head ‘splodes* XP
2021-08-04 23:42:27 “If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t need hot dogs!” .....but, BOTH of these pork chops ARE perfect....and so are their “hot dogs!!” 😳 <-system error-> *head ‘splodes* XP

“If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t need hot dogs!” .....but, BOTH of these pork chops ARE perfect....and so are their “hot dogs!!” 😳 <-system error-> *head ‘splodes* XP


Haha, thank you very much! I'm not that good at drawing penises, so I always tinker with them a lot XD "add some more curve, more light, more shininess, more saturation, maybe some reflection"


Your “dick-tinkering” creativity certainly pays off! Best example I can think of are the varieties of shapes, hues and colours you presented in the piece you made of Richard Watterson’s dildo collection. ☺️