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:D I tell you, in case it works out, traditional animation is sooo much fun ♥♥♥

Maybe I should add more frames and make it a disney quality animation XD

UPDATE: And I did it :D I doubled the frames and made the animation a lot smoother.

If you wanna compare them, here is the previous version. (Plays only in the browser version of Patreon)




That’s beautiful


Have you ever thought of using AI to create 60 fps animations?


I even tried it a few days ago from 8fps and 15fps, but the difference is just so huge in fps, even with heavy encoding, there is a lot of distortion. I make tweening animations in 24/30fps, upscaling those to fps doesnt really improve quality, just increases size. Maybe I can optimize my 15fps traditional animations more in the future or add more time to make them in 30fps too.

Zach Feliz



Oof, pledging to you paid off directly! Soos is a hottie. Any chance on Thompson getting some more love too? :P


Maybe in the later future :3 I've got so many other things planned and so little time XD I wish I could draw day and night.