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This is a little "get to know you better" Poll and a retrospective of May.
(I love polls :Q__)

First, May was an incredible experience in many ways. Learning new things like animating, new programs (I am still on the fence what to use or combine, need to test out more things), learning that my PC is not capable of rendering the preview of even smaller animations without significant lag, etc. I also went overboard and ignored my health and could only be thinking about animating (I even had many dreams about it XD) but it's still such a new and exciting territory, it will eventually stabilize.

♥♥♥ I say this a lot, but it's important, Thank You All for your incredible support! ♥♥♥

Now to the poll. What do you usually prefer? For me anything goes, I love furry and human characters on the same level, it always depends on the character itself (color, shape, personality, BUTT, etc). Also, I love fantasy creatures, like Orcs! ♥u♥

You can also leave comments to tell more about your likes.
(I love comments even more :Q__________)


Robert Smith

As long as they have big butts, I love them :3