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I finally took the dive and brought something I animated to Unreal Engine 5, and man, this engine is very promising.  

DoC is still my focus but I try to spend around an hour a day into polishing this beast, hopefully it'll be out this month for Macro March. I forgot it was a thing until a few days ago, but now I can say it was the plan along (keep my secret pls).  

Next steps are to put some lighting on the city, some spotlights on Som, more explosions, and look into how to make a big monster flood for the ending~  

I hope you enjoy the wip, I'm super excited for it!

ANIMATION LINK HERE: https://mega.nz/file/MDFx2R7S



clive silverson

oh my! i think we know whats gonna happen to all the people living there. so much delightful corruption spreading!