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Hey everyone~

Got a pretty big update to end the year on, with a new ending and a bunch of new art!

There's really not much to say this time, except that I hope you enjoyed the additions to the game throughout the year.

As if this version, it has over 200k words across 2500 pages.

No way in hell would I ever thought it would ever reach that point lmao.

Still I'm determined to carry it to the finish line next year, stay tuned. <3

Thanks again for the support and see you in 2024!

Release Notes 0.8.3:

Added a huge new ending about becoming the apex predators of the Barrens with Ferro. (With writing by SomeMuscleGuy)

Added reworked art for Apothus' first form. (Thanks Winty!)

Added new art to Apothus' second form. (Thanks Winty!)

Added nsfw bits to Abel's art. (Thanks Winty!)

Starting player stats have been buffed slightly (from 40 hp to 60), (from 5 strength to 10)

Prideful Ascent now has a combo cost of 4 (from 2)

Slash now has a chain cost of 4 (from 3)

This version is NOT compatible with saves from 0.8.2 but you can restart the game with your Essence, Achievements and Exp from older saves.

