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Hey everyone!

Got some fun stuff planned for this month~ I'd like to finish what you guys have seen for the Lost Prisoner mostly. He'll be able to join your party and give you some personal moments. I want him to be the equivalent of Abel for corrupted runs, where he'll be giving you lore and advice for what's coming.

I also have some audio work to do for the Lost Naga, I already have the lines so all I need to do is to add some nice effects to if and set them up in the engine.

This leads me to what comes after, with 4 months left until the end of the year, I want to start focusing on the golden path of the story a bit.

There's two aspects I'd like to build upon, and I'm open to letting you guys vote for which one you'd like me to work on first.

The first one would be the penultimate ending of the game, where you'll need to have a few different endings before being able to access it.

The other aspect would be to add additional quests similar to the one involving Lukka. I really like to have multifaceted quests that can be taken from different angles in multiple playthroughs. Really helps with building our characters too!

So yeah, that's the plan for this month, hope you enjoy what's coming!



personally i always play these kinds of games looking more for the characters to interact with/corrupt and the side content more than working towards the main story, ESPECIALLY if the side-content alters or adds to the conclusion of the main story as well! i spent more time on CoC1 playthroughs corrupting the companion and side-characters over and over again than anything else, only ran through the main storyline maybe 6-7 times in my 100's of playthroughs of that corrupted classic still a hard choice, but i vote for more focus on the side-characters and content and of course, corruption ^w^ the current endings are freaking DELICIOUS, but running through them over and over through the last few updates makes me wanna see more of the personal interactions, lewdness, and corruption between the Player and the "Enemies", NPC's, Companions, and more in terms of what im interested in seeing i am definitely interested to see how the NPC interactions might modify or change depending on the normal endings acquired too. i love how the whole premise is one big corrupted loop where you gain specific gains and buffs and secrets depending on what you did in a previous Cycle <3

Red Ash

I'd also like to see the quests fleshed out more. More options to corrupt characters and take them deep through multiple phases of growing monstrosity is much more appealing. The endings being fully fleshed out for 1.0 will also make for a nice surprise for those of us who have been playing through it this whole time.