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Hey everyone!

First of all, happy new year!

I hope you all had some good relaxing time during the holidays. It really helped me feel recharged and ready to tackle 2023!

I've been thinking a lot about DoC during that time, about how it's going and when to hit certain stages of production. I always believed that a game like this should be produced in the most agile way possible, where things I work on would be tackled based on what feels right, based on the current state of the build.

But with how things are going, I think it's time to start to aim for the finish line. I have fully developed my plan for the story, with all characters and story beats, and I want to have it all ingame during this year.

2023 is the year that Dawn of Corruption reaches its Alpha.

So that means I have 12 versions to make it happen. The first of which will be about improving the flow of the main story in general.

From right where the intro ends, the player is very suddenly thrown into the "open world" side of the game without much context or pacing to it. I want to build upon the encounters that are already there, and use them to move the story forward while also providing some lore from their perspective.

Speaking of encounters, I've also been reworking the incubus encounter. This was the first "complex" encounter I made, as a test to the ability system more than two years ago. I always had a soft spot for the "mutual corruption" he brought to the game. Turning the player into a Lord of Lust so he can ascend as well, it feels intimate while keeping his character kinda greedy and depraved. He's one of the encounters that will probably not have a purely romantic path, but will still have an intense ascension ending.

Lot of stuff to think about!

That being said, I can't slack off when it comes to stability either. The game is currently broken on firefox and some mobile devices. I'm not that surprised considering how many backend changes were introduced in the last version, but I'll make sure to have it all cleaned up for this one.

Happy January everyone!

Let's ship this thing~


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