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Hey everybody!

I got a cool new concept to experiment with this month. Something that would help fill the Barrens with encounters without bloating the scope by making huge storylines like for Kanathar and Torgar.

Without spoiling too much what I have in mind, I wanna create encounters that would build on the mysteries and strangeness of the Barrens instead of specific characters. Smaller encounters that would still lead to intimate scenes and boost the progression of players who fight them often.

I want to have one of these done for this month, while also working on the Nyx Dungeon rework on the side. It's been on my mind for a long time and I wanna get started by tweaking the minotaur guard encounter. This poor mino was only meant to be a gatekeeper for mid-game content, a progression barrier rather than a full character. But I have some ideas that would make him more fleshed out than that.

Along with some more audio work and sound effects, this is looking to be a pretty big version! I hope you'll enjoy this one <3

Also, if you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen some more 3D stuff related to my model. I've been learning texturing in my free time, so you can expect a few 4K renders showing up on Patreon in the near future. Kinda feels like I'm learning the 3D workflow in reverse in some ways, but it's been fun. <3

Final thing, I will be going on a vacation trip to Anthrocon at the end of the month with some extra time to visit USA friends after that. Hopefully I can meet some of you guys there! It's gonna be a pretty big trip so I don't think I'll have the time to make a version for July.

The Patreon will be paused so none of you will be charged for that time off.

Cheers everybody, and have a nice June!


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