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Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay on this new release, catching Covid and easter holidays took some precious dev time away.

Still, this new build has got a lot of features that people have been asking for a while!

Felt good to make a bit of everything for this one. New writing for Torgar, UI stuff, progression stuff, a fun new fight move and achievements!

Being able to work on such a variety of stuff is honestly one of my favorite parts of this project <3.

Also, thanks again to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dracoofzeradaith for editing the writing on this one!

Release Notes 0.6.3:


Added the "Path of Redemption" for Torgar's storyline. He can now be convinced to reject the Corruption invading his body.

Added Fight Move "Tonic of Stillness" (Turns Corruption into temporary strength.)

Added "Redemption" achievement (which unlocks "Tonic of Stillness" for the player)

Reworked Level up stat gain to be done automatically. (You gain stats from a set table that goes on infinitely.)

Tweaked ability select screen to show a lot more perks per screens. 

Tweaked very high stat display to use thousands (k) and millions (m) for measurements.

Added "Master of the Barrens" Achievement (Accomplish 100 expeditions.)

Added "God Amongst Men" Achievement (Reach Level 50.)

Made all passage links slightly bigger. (Less misclicks!)

(Special Build) Add in the debug menu a way to shrink down to default height.


Deadly Aim now directly adds a percentage to crit chance instead of being a multiplier.


Fixed display error for Abomination's Corruption requirement.

Fixed weird decimals display on stats affected by stat multipliers.

Fixed "Sombreve's Whisper" removing the Corruption you were processing.

This version is NOT compatible with saves from 0.6.2 but you can now restart the game with your Essence, Achievements and Exp from older saves!





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