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Hello everyone 💜

Here's something new for you guys. On top of the monthly versions I feel like I should do some little posts here about what I'm working on and what my headspace is looking like. Something a bit informal to be more transparent with how I work as a dev. I hope you enjoy these little dev notes. 💜

February's version is gonna be a very exciting one for me. I'va had this goal for a long time to make the game more about multiple playthroughs split in a bunch of different little sessions for a long time now. This idea is meant to synergize with how people play nsfw content, where sessions don't last more than a few hours and preferably lead to a big climax. 

Feels kinda funny to talk about it that way lol. 

Still the medium is my guide here, and I wanna make DoC a rpg where every aspect of the game considers that flow and structure.

So, with that being said, this version is gonna test that idea, where some choices with the imp story arc will affect the main path and lead to endings that affect future playthroughs. This is something that I wanted do before finishing the Torgar arcs since one of them will be unlocked in a similar way. As always, the imp ends up being my little guinea pig for experimental ideas that I come across hahaha.

A lot of this new content has been written as of today, and the structure for it to be integrated ingame has some good progress as well. So I think that this one will ship at the usual time if all goes according to plan.

In other news, I've been slowly getting into Blender recently. If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed me posting renders of my sona. This is something I wanna learn for more long-term endeavors, since I want to make my next game something 3D featuring the kinks you guys know me for. 💜




hey're a lot of fun to make so if there's demand for it I'd be down with making some special renders for the Patreon along with DoC work.

Cheers everyone, and have a good month!



3d stuff is always exiting!, Can't wait to see what you have in mind ^^


Moreeee Incubus