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Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great day.

As you may know, we currently have a Discord server for DoC, one that started with around 8 people as the first version of the game was released. To my surprise, it grew incredibly massive in a very short amount of time! Currently, more than 800 people are present in it! It's really awesome to have the community around the game and its themes to have a hub to gather in, but at the same time I feel like the tight focus that the server had at the start was a bit lost as the room filled.

So, I would like to try something out, a server that's friendly and welcoming that pushes ourselves to be at our most creative. One with more moderation and one that's more focused on artistic development rather than the themes of the game.

This is a server that I will be present in, much more than the old one. You'll probably see me working on the game in VC from time to time, just like I used to in the other server.

So now some of you might wonder, what happens to the discord rewards tied to the patreon? Basically, in the next few days I will move the discord releases to the new development server once everything is up and running. Once that's done, I'll make another post to notify you guys so you can reconnect your discord account to your rewards.

That about it! I'm excited about hanging out with you all. See you there!

PS. The new version is coming in really smoothly, I'm super excited to show off what's in the work <3


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