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Hello everyone!

We're back with another version for Dawn of Corruption!

This one comes with a massive rework for the intro of the game!

I can't thank my good friends Ortha and Delta-Tango for their work on it <3

We also have the full tech for doing endings for the game, so expect some especially cataclysmic content in the next few versions~

Release Notes 0.4.1:

New Intro:

Completely reworked the intro! (Massive thank you to Ortha and Delta-Tango <3 )

-This intro has more than 6k words amongst many different branches

-A permanent ability will be bestowed upon you based on the choices you make in this part

-The fateful encounter with Echo now happens as you explore the barrens

-Merging with Echo is now what unlocks the Arousal mechanics and the Pleasure Self fight move

New Game+ mechanics:

We now have everything in place to trigger endings that loop you back to the beggining with additional abilities and powers

-Our only test case at the moment is when you lose to Apothus' second form and join him

-A lot more of these endings will be coming in furute versions!


Added "Focus" Fight Move (A move to recover stamina.)

Renammed "Haymaker" Fight Move to "Slash" (A potentially devastating slash of your weapon.)

Renammed "Jab" into the "Bash" move. (A quick bash of your weapon's hilt with low stamina cost.)

Added "Host Of Echo" Ability

Added "Memories of Apothus" Ability

Added "Tainted by the Lost" ability

Added "Survivor of the First Eclipse" Ability

Added Behemoth to symbiote race selection

Added Dragonborn to symbiote race selection

(Special build) Can use your custom race as a symbiote form

(Special build) Added small experiments for ingame music in the debug menu (Thanks Shades!)


Added colors for combo buttons based on corruption


Fixed an issue where "Pleasure Self" would reduce your arousal even more if it was negative

Fixed bug with change moveset cancel button not untagging chosen moves

Fixed an issue where sizes where displayed as bigger than they were with the imperial system.


