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Hey guys, I know it has been awhile since I have blogged for you, but I am here to explain myself now! So on thursday last week I fell down the stairs in the afternoon. It was a pretty bad fall. I couldn't just get up and walk away from it as I had hurt my ankle. Upon doing further research, I found out that my ankle is sprained. But not just the normal sprain that everyone gets, you know that one I am talking about. Where you might limp away but you are up and moving right away afterword. And there is no bruising and the effects don't last that long. Well the way I sprained my ankle, there was massive swelling and it took a couple days for the bruising to come out. But now that the bruises are out, man it looks ugly. This is a week later and I still have a little bit of swelling and some pain still is there if I walk. So I try to keep my food elevated, I wrap it to help support and immobilize it and then I am resting a lot, as in not walking around.

So there is my story for the past week, does anyone else have something that happened to them this past week? Is everyone enjoying October?



Dang Abby that sucks but hope you get to feeling better soon


Rest up and get yourself better quickly Abby. Can't wait to see your next show of loveliness.