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I just wanted to take this time, since it has been a month for some, and really thank each and every one of you for the support. It is very humbling and wasnt too sure if many would even bother :P

I know some will probably just give it a month and leave and thats fair. I do hope you will stick around a bit longer. As time goes on, I will try expand a bit more on what I can offer you here. 

Soon I will be doing a Bi-monthly raffle for the Sohei Rank. You will have the opportunity to be entered into a raffle. (But more on that soon, once I get properly on my feet. I want to try do raffles via live stream, so you see the results and know its not me just choosing one I want to do xD ) 

After 3 months on here apparently I can also offer a yearly patronage which I think might work out cheeper then doing month to month. (but I will keep you informed on that as I find out myself)

Thank you all again and please feel free to drop me a note here any time with personal requests of what you like to see drawn and I will see about getting those fantasies of yours to come true. But keep a look out for monthly polls too :3

Thank you one and all! 



It's been an absolute pleasure to support your work through Patreon as a long time fan. Keep up the great work! The raffle idea is very interesting, will definitely be on the lookout for that! ^^


Can't wait to see what you have in store dude, always loved your art and glad I can support you in any way i can ^^