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Boner alert!! xD

Now, full disclosure, I'm actually not a huge fan of canine or any animal cocks. I think human is still the best looking but that said, this image just didnt look right with a human type cock and actually looks better with a big red rocket, even though its not 100% accurate :P

Also I have kept the leg straps on from now on to complete the look of the Wolf.




Woof now thats a good sized knot hehe~ Always love a wolf with a nice cock~ 😏


I actually am of the same mindset of you where I highly prefer a human-like dick, but there are some situations where animal ones just look better, and I think this is one of them. You did this absolutely amazing! That huge red rocket is incredible and so mouth-watering ❤️ It and he looks gorgeous, you made him look in redible with that beautiful weapon!