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Here's a surprisingly brief series from J. Michael Straczynski.

For the record, I do have at least one more of these quick reviews coming this week. Probably two. I have a fair amount of these already written and, honestly, I kind of like being able to whip up a quick video while I work on a script for a longer one. So, I'm hoping y'all like these shorter ones.

Speaking of longer videos, I'm piecing together a look at Stray Bullets...which I'm hoping will be this week's regular video. Not only have I been meaning to get to it for a while, but there has been a number of people expressing interest. So...cool beans!



Super Vader

A video on some of J. Michael Straczynski other independent comic book work would be cool.


Oh wow, another superhero "deconstructive" mistery with JLA stand-ins by JMS. I am so not interested. Nobody should have ever let this guy read Watchmen. Or write comics.

Daniel Von Egidy

Did you stick around on his Amazing Spider-Man run?