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Hello everyone!

First of all, apologies for being rather quiet the last few weeks. I've been rather busy working on videos and this has been exacerbated by the extreme cold that hit my area. Like, it hit -40 Celsius for a few days and didn't get much warmer for almost a week straight. Due to this, my apartment was freezing. I had to hole up in my bedroom with a space heater to keep from becoming a human popsicle. Periodically, once I was warm, I'd sit at my computer, wrapped in a blanket and edit videos. It was a bit challenging.

But that appears to be over now.

This week I should be able to do a lengthy review of Jonathan Hickman's independent works, from the beginning of his career until right now. It's reasonably comprehensive, with announced and cancelled projects, a few series that never reached an ending and other works where his involvement was, possibly, minimal. It'll probably be a good twenty minutes of nothing but Hickman talk.

After that, I'm going to try and get back to the Murphyverse. It's something I have to re-read because, honestly, a lot of it fell out of my head. A good portion of the script is complete, but there's some details I want to make sure I've got correct. 

Also on the table is another Steve Gerber video, which will be a compilation of his work during the 80's. For the most part, I think I've covered a lot of it already. But I need to redo some vocals, fill out a few areas and make it consistent.

I do have another essay about Ditko that's completely written. And the same can be said about the final volume of Cerebus that I intend to cover. Both are on hold until views stabilize. This is a rough time of year for the channel and it views have dramatically fallen off. Again. I swear, YouTube loves to ignore whatever I post. Anyway, that means I have to focus on more commercial/more current comics until things improve. Otherwise the hole I'm in will just get deeper.

So, that's it! I'm hoping to include a few shorter videos here and there. But we'll see how it goes. No promises.

I hope everyone is doing awesome and I will talk at you later!



Super Vader

Looking forward to the Gerber and Ditko videos.


I'm in Red Deer and that cold was no fun

Super Vader

I just watched the Jonathan Hickman video. Very good. I only read the Manhattan Project and The Fantastic Four run.

Daniel Von Egidy

Of these I've read Transhuman and Pax Romana and liked both but have not liked any of Hickman's Marvel work save some early FF of his. Every MU book he has done would fit better in the Ultimate Universe. He is the sensible person to be in charge of that new version, I have to admit. It might be that either I A) like Hickman's early work and that's it or B) I would prefer his indie work where his authorial voice doesn't bother me.