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First of all, happy Labour Day to everyone! At least, it's a day off in Canada. I'm completely unsure about other parts of the world.

This week I'll be doing a rare editorial type of video where I try to break down the Modern Age into different parts. I was hoping to have Into The Murphyverse ready, but I don't think that script is quite ready yet. Not even close, by my standard. So, I polished off this script and I intend to make it the next video. The above picture is my tentative background. I'm still playing around with it, so I'm not sure if that'll be the final product or whether I'll use it as a thumbnail. Maybe both. I don't know.

Also in the works is a Steve Ditko piece. It started out as research for a Rorschach miniseries video, but then became something else. Basically, it's the only two incidents that I could find where Ditko spoke on the record about Mr. A. I'm probably the only one interested in the topic, but that hasn't stopped me from making videos in the past. Ha ha ha.

That's it for now. I am going to post a poll after this, so look for that too.

Have a great day and an equally great week.




You are definitely not the only one interested in some Mr. A deep dive. I cannot wait for that.

Don Leibold

All of these WIPs sound great, especially the Ditko one.