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As some of you may know, The Sims team has clarified and the early access is totally ok during a reasonable amount of time whithout specifying how long it should be. I will stick to the 3 weeks early access program like it've use to do. 

I want to thank you again for you whole support during those last days, it helped me a lot. I am honestly happy this whole situation is over now, this was a lot for everyone and kinda ruin the community dynamic at the moment, so I hope things will get back to normal for everyone very soon ❤️

Hello everyone,

After more information (not official yet, but via screenshots of EA’s chat), apparently EA doesn’t allow early access anymore, not only permanent paywall. I’m more than sad to read this. My set always had been on early access respecting the rule of the 2-3 weeks before public release, and I was more than happy with this because people who can afford to support my work can access the set a little earlier, but people who can’t or who don’t want to support still can get it, and that is, in my eyes, a good solution for everyone. Now, due to permanent paywall creators, or business strategy or whatever, we’re not allowed to do this anymore.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and I decided this time to not follow the rules and keep early access for my content at the moment. If it is about protecting people from doxxing issues etc, I am more than happy that EA is finally making something about it, but I don’t get why everyone has to be punished for this. Especially when mod and cc helped a lot of people keep playing this game.

During my studies and now my job, as a 3D modeler who also made illustration and photography from time to time, I’ve seen and learned that creative jobs aren’t really respected and most people don't think it deserves to be paid, or not enough. When EA decides to cut the early access option, they don't respect our work, the time and the energy we put in it. Mods / cc will still be free at the end, so I don’t know where the problem is with this. Even as a passion and being part of the community, the amount of effort and sacrifices made each month to create large sets where we try our best to give you good content wouldn’t be the same without support.

I respect this community, I respect this game but I also respect my job and myself and I don’t think keeping early access is unfair. I know some of you will understand, I know some of you won’t. I’m totally fine with it, especially knowing that now I may be against the rules (until official announcement). I’m not mad at people who don't want early access anymore or anything, I’m just mad at people who abuses those conditions to lead to this situation. If some of you don’t want to support me anymore because of this, I also understand and there’s no problem about this at all.

I will never say this too much but I’m so thankful for all of your support, messages, comments, repost etc, I really love creating content for you guys.

Thank you for being there ❤️



Hi Pierisim! It looks like the EA TOU has been updated to SPECIFICALLY clarify that Early Access is, in fact, 100% okay! https://help.ea.com/en/help/the-sims/the-sims-4/mods-and-the-sims-4-game-updates/


Hi, thank you for your post and opening up. I love your content and I always waited until it's free but now I decided to support you here. Good work should be worth paying for because you invest a lot of time and mainly your own creative energy. Thank you for keeping up your amazing work in spite of restrictions. I'm sad for good and talented creators like you who have to suffer because of some people trying to make money from permanent paywalls. Oh and also thank you for updating your beds. I love the Calderone pack! Love from Germany, D.