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To be the Wingman of a guy whose 100 Girlfriends really (x5) love him!

“I don’t get it,” I mumbled, glancing at the sky as I found myself wandering out of school with my only friend here in this most Japanese environment.

As an environment where Muricans are ‘common sight’ as ‘exotic entities’, I, Avery Patson, did struggle in finding someone to lean on in terms of brotherly closeness. And the guy that got a friend in me was someone that went by the name of Aijo Rentaro. Nice, reliable and-

“How the hell did you reject so many times?” I added as I turned to the downtrodden boy that  was walking beside me.

Today marked the end of Middle School, readying us for a path into highschool and… Rentaro has somehow been the victim of more than a 100 rejections to his love confessions.

“I would like to know that-”

“You are not fucking those up, right?” I asked, causing the boy to snap awake and appear a bit irritated.

“Like hell I do, Very! Maybe a few times but… I am not a rookie anymore. I just… I don’t get it. This girl just said that I was ‘sickening’.”

I raised a perplexed brow at that. “That’s a bit rude. Like, I don’t get it. You are not doing bad as far as I can see and… Well, I guess it’s bad luck.”

I wasn’t even trying to be mean. Rentaro had a long history of rejections, and while I would say roughly twenty percent of those were fuck-ups on his part, I would also say  that the rest lacked any true reason to be unfolding like that.

I tried to find the source of his weird misfortune, but I couldn’t find anything entrenched in rational explanations that could justify such a weird and perplexing circumstance.

At a certain point, even a logical guy such as myself have to accept one thing: someone up above was fucking hard with Rentaro’s chances to have a gf. And whatever was doing that, either had a good reason to do so, or just wanted to do it for shits and giggles.

“This is not a ‘oh well’ situation! I just… We need to go to a shrine!”

I paused at the sudden snap input. I knew we shared brain cells at times like this, but for him to just yank me into pursuing a religious resolution was a bit out of the blue even for me.

“We? I have soccer practice after- W-Wait! Don’t pull, you dolt!

In the end, I got dragged by Rentaro through the entire town to find a bloody shrine. I wasn’t a believer of Shintoism, so it felt wrong for me to do any praying in a place that didn’t represent.

It was a nice place, no doubt in that, but it sure made me feel weird to stand there while Rentaro was going through all the praying and gong-sounding as-


The dry greeting coming from the box in front of us drew a frown out of me. And as Rentaro looked up, I looked down to the box and froze up at the sight of an old man’s head popping out of it.

“Aw shit, this shrine is haunted!” I jumped, the shriek making Rentaro panic as he looked down and drew the same assumption I did.

“I am not a ghost, you absolute- GAH! WHAT IS THIS?!”

I should have trusted Father Takeo more! Luckily for me, he gave me a sample of holy water in case I stumbled on some demonic entities. The liquid was soon burning the eyes of the entity, causing it to stand up and reveal itself as a-


The snarl and the ferocious look had us both pause in confusion, panic still within our minds.

“A… A God?”

“Yes! I am the God of this Shrine and I have decided to come to your attention for a very serious reason, Aijo Rentaro, my most wronged believer,” The bald old man said, the knots of the bell’s rope giving him a bit of a blonde hairdo as he allowed those to sit atop his head. “There is a reason why you have been unable to gain yourself a girlfriend!”

There’s an actual religious reason for this sort of mess?!

“R-Really? What is, Kami-san?” Rentaro asked swiftly, pressing on the topic.

Before being given the true reason, the bald deity decided to do a bit of a ‘background explanation’ in regard to Soulmates. It became clear that Rentaro’s situation was tied to this but-

“The thing is that you don’t have a single Soulmate, Rentaro,” The bald guy admitted, appearing sheepish. “I may have… made a mess and gave you 100 of those.”

“You what?” I recoiled fast, while Rentaro’s expression showed he was still broken by what he just heard.

Some deity, infallible entities within religion, just admitted to giving a guy a hundred times more than he should get. Literally he created the most absurd harem situation

“You see, there was an episode of Silent Fortress and-”

To get things confirmed in a short and summarized situation: god love to slack off, god decided to do his work while being distracted, god also somehow ended up getting Rentaro’s paper scoring at its maximum possible- thus leaving the boy with 100 Soulmates he will have to interact with him by the next year onward. And while that didn’t sound like a bad spot if one was good at swiping only for the ‘true one’... Well, there’s a big catch with the long list of girls diving for Rentaro’s heart.

“So, can he just refuse those that he can’t support? That’s a lot of girls and a single man can’t pull that,” I pointed out, turning to Rentaro. “Like, bro, you’re good and all, but 100 life partners means that you will have to not only keep things afloat around them but not get screwed by the law itself.”

The boy nodded in agreement as we turned back to the god as he was busy pulling out a snotball from his left nostril.

“Hm? Why of course he can do that-”

Oh, that’s good to-

“Of course, the girls that are rejected will die young.”

“WHAT?! WHY?!?” Rentaro asked loudly, making the deity flinch momentarily.

“See, there’s… Soulmates are born from a rare bond. It’s very easy for two destined partners to fall in love, but the heartbreak tends to irritate Fate itself. Thus the scorned lover tends to be killed off as punishment.”

“...That’s horrible,” I flatly remarked, turning to Rentaro. “We are going to my church. I am sure Father Takeo-”

“It’s already done, conversions shan’t do at this point,” The bald deity dryly interjected, making me grit my teeth.

“This religion is a scam!”

“That’s not true- I did a fuck-up but the rest is fine, so your words are uncalled for!”

I felt some pressure from the deity trying to make it clear that 1) he did a royal fuck-up, 2) Rentaro was meant to suck it up for it and 3) I was being too rude?!

“I want to speak with your manager,” I flatly rebuked, the old man tensing up and then… diving down, disappearing in the box and outright leaving the premises of this realm of existence.

“Did you scare a god, Very?” Rentaro asked with a slightly awed tone and I sighed, causing him to frown as he saw me turn around and walk away. “Very?”

“Dude, do you not see how fucked you are?” I asked strongly, stunning him with my nervous tone. “Like, man, you are expected to date 100 girls at once. Do you understand how fucked up the logistics of that are?”

“W-Well, anime-”

“Anime and hentai are fictional shit. Do you think you reasonably have a chance with so many girls on your ass? You know how jealous some can get and there is a high chance most of those going for you will turn murderous to keep the competition away.”

I admit I was drawing some extreme scenarios, but I wasn’t truly wrong about it. There was a high chance of the worst people ending up in that pool of girlfriends and being against any attempt of compromise.

“Also, Harem wouldn’t work. You are too soft for that and- And no that’s not me saying you’re weak. Just that it’s not feasible.”


“So you better be giddying up for some polyamory and study on the topic, because you’ll need that knowledge and more.”

And with that I left. I would have wanted to keep him some company but… I had just a few months to get Rentaro ready for the shitstorm since I doubted he was going to miss the point I raised and expect the best of people.

But I wasn’t going to let bro get screwed by Fate itself. Bros before hoes!


Three months and I felt ready. Sorta.

I had done Rentaro a solid by actually getting a list of all students at school, remove the guys and those girls that were already in a relationship, then I removed individuals that were outright incompatible with Rentaro’s personality and-

And the list I got was above 100.

It wasn’t perfect, but I didn’t have access to absolute details on some people, plus I had to take into account single mothers, students’ sisters, aunts, and even teachers. It also didn’t have to be people just at school, and I hadn’t been able to get that bigger list ready, so that… that was going to be a problem.

Still, I guess there was some mercy in this ‘blessing/curse’: First, it didn’t seem to hit him all at once and, second, Rentaro ended up with just two girls ending up falling for him and him for them.

Hanazono Hakari and Inda Karane. Both I had classified in the ‘same options’ category with the one that was closest towards the ‘dangerous group’ was the pinkette.

Hakari was rich (like really rich) and it was due to her mother making a fuckton of money through stocks by using the traditional family’s old money that got them to a prominent position in society. I couldn’t get much more beyond that since most of the info about Hakari and her mom were hidden away for ‘safety reasons’.

Odd, but the girl didn’t stand out as a threat as she was recognized as a bright student with a positive attitude around teachers and fellow classmates. That is until she got a bit friskier around Rentaro himself in an effort to outpace her current rival.

Speaking of Karane, she was a non-violent Tsundere. Flat, tomboyish, but overall not a bad person with her bouts of self-opposition at the chance of showing her true self to Rentaro.

She was aware that Hakari was going to butt heads with her, but while that could have easily been smacked away with some honesty, the girl’s tsundere attitude had her restricted to how truthful she could get, but those clutch moments helped Karane in keeping up with Hakari’s smoother approach.

Their core traits were on full display through this first day, not wasting a single moment to outpace themselves in this ‘competition’. Their behavior was tame at first, but also noticeably ‘thirsty’ on both of them.

It felt weird to explore this situation as the external figure of the ‘third wheel’, but I felt awfully amused when I got to see how far the soulmate bond could take these two girls to do things for their romantic interest.

First, they tried to fake having sprained their ankles when they first met Rentaro, both rebuffing Rentaro’s idea of me picking one of them to assist rather than leaving my bro to shoulder them both. Thus, the guy looked now like a successful pimp with the girls just latching tightly by his arms.

Then it was time for a rumor being caught by the two about finding a pink four-leaf clover to ‘show’ undying love towards Rentarou, with the duo just diving into the pink clover field by the internal courtyard.

Finally, the most amusing bit was when Hakari tried to get an indirect kiss going through the fact that Rentaro went to pick them both some soda cans and… well, it got silly very quickly.

No Day-1 kisses from the looks of it, but it was clear that the girls were quite ready to give up their ‘Level 1 Purity’ early on within that competition. Which was surprising but also not considering girls have been getting brazen each new generation even here in Japan.

Still, Rentaro decided to leave school without me as he mentioned having to ‘check something with the shrine’. Which was nothing new but I could tell he was just remembering now that he had to ‘choose both or let one die’.

Instead of giving chase, I let him be for now. It had been a big day and I knew he needed a break from all to think on how to solve this on his own. At the same time, I had to check a bit more on these girls since Karane was one of the few girls that played ball in the soccer club in middle school and I expected her to join the soccer club here in highschool too.

After I was done with my own test and passed it, I checked to find anything about the girl as I saw her playing a bit around, but I realized she was nowhere to be found by the time I was free to play for the day.

“She flunked.”


“Are you sure? She was quite good about it.”

The dude I asked this from was also part of the club back in middle school, so I was surprised to hear that as we both were aware that Karane was actually a good player.

“Well, she got distracted by something and kind of messed up a few tests. Coach gave her an hour to clear her mind but… dunno what to tell you, something is gnawing at her and got her unfocused.”

I nodded. “I’ll talk to her. I think I know what’s up so… tell the coach she will be ready.”

The guy nodded and returned to training as I paced to the direction where he saw her go. After roughly ten minutes, I found her and-

“I hate it!” She snarled at no one in particular, hitting the ball with her feet and sending it slamming against the hall’s wall. “Why can’t I just be honest and- and tell him the truth!”

The loud self-loathing had me wide-eyed as I studied the situation. The ball that Karane was using was one that could be picked by the nearby storage room, so I guess she found one around and was using it to ‘find some focus’.

From the way she was angrily kicking the ball, it felt more like she was trying to punish herself or something. And the tears further added to the notion that, instead of finding her clarity of mind, Karane was losing more focus and growing more emotional with each strong kick.

“I am… broken?”

“You’re not.”

My voice sharply cut her out of her monologue, the girl’s yellow eyes darting to see me staring there and she tensed up.

“I-I was-”

“Karane. I am not going to make fun of you for having your own troubles. What’s wrong?”

“N-Nothing. I swear that I- that I-”

“You love Rentaro. I have seen that,” I interrupted again, causing the girl to blush as I took a step closer. “And I am not here to embarrass you but… I am truly worried about how you are reacting to all of this.”

“I-I am fine.”

“I mean it. I am just- I just can’t think of anything else but that dummy. He is always so nice, so kind, but he also likes Hakari and… and I am not as pretty as her,” Karane admitted quietly. “I am just a girl that plays and behaves like a boy. And- and I am flat.”

“So? What do you think, Patson-san?” Karane muttered quietly. “Am I right? Wrong? Is it fair to feel like- like I want to say a lot but just can’t because it would hurt me or something?”

“I think you’re just shocked by the feeling of love itself. And you don’t know how to react to it.”

The orangette frowned. “I-I am not afraid of-”

“You are afraid of what you can’t understand, especially when it matters to your emotions. You are a tough girl, no question to that, but you are hardly subjected to emotional tests. This one, loving someone, is just that,” I explained to her as calmly as possible, closing up the gap and standing in front of her. “There’s nothing wrong in feeling small before such a challenge. You’re just being human. And that’s a lovely trait to have.”

Her shoulders sagged a bit at hearing this. “It’s just… it hurts to be like this. To just- just not be able to tell him how much I feel towards him. It feels like I would just embarrass myself and make a mess.”

I raised my hands to her shoulders, grasping those softly.

“That’s because feelings are difficult to express by words alone. And I am sure you felt a lot of warmth when he was either speaking kindly or just holding your hand. Words and gestures- that’s the language of proper love. To be able to know when it’s time to speak, and when it’s time to act. Got it?”

Karane smiled a bit and yet… showed a hint of confusion. “But… why are you helping me? You are his friend, shouldn’t you be with him or… dunno. Not here with me?”

Releasing her shoulders, I smiled back. “To put it in simple words, Rentaro is a bro to me. He is a guy that went through a lot but- but it’s also true he is a tougher guy than he looks. He is currently in need of some solo-thinking, especially since he feels pressured that he has to choose between two lovely people.”

The orangette blushed and yet she pressed me to speak some more.

“I think it will end with both you and Hakari-san dating him at the same time. Not because he is too ‘lazy’ or trying to go for an ‘easy’ question, but can you blame someone that likes two wonderful individuals to choose on the spot?”

Karane was a bit upset by the idea of having to share with someone but allowed a hint of awareness. “I know- it’s just… how would that work? I know harems but I am not like that.”

“Best possible scenario would be a polyamorous relationship,” I alluded flatly. “Which means instead of a harem where all girls are equal under a single interest, it would have the three of you on the same level.”

Karane frowned, mulling over the concept and then frowning as she caught a detail that made her feel a bit awkward.

“L-Like, I would have to also… like her?”

“Once again, it’s not the only option. As far as I think, you and the others should just use dating to check out how you work together. It’s quite easy to establish thoughts but difficult to put them in practice. Polyamory is a solution, but not the only solution.”

“So, the answer is… dating? The three of us.”


“And you are fine with your friend hooking up with- with two girls?” Karane pointed out, frowning suspiciously back at me and… I shrugged.

“I mean, I can say you two are nice and all, but you both are not my type.”

The orangette appeared surprised. “Seriously? Just that?”

“Just because a girl is pretty and reliable, that doesn’t mean it is my preference. Plus, I just have this feeling that both you and Hakari are smitten to the bone with my bro so… that’s a thing.”

“...I want to say you’re lying, but you sound too fine with this. I guess it’s… acceptable, yes,” The tsundere mumbled. “Still, you are going to help us both? Like, you are also going to help Hakari?”

“It’s not a competition, Karane. Either this works or it doesn’t, there is no ‘test’ or ‘winning prize’ at the end of the road.”

My words seemed to hit deep with Karane in this topic, and while I doubted she was going to just roll with this notion, I could tell the polyamory seed had been sown in her mind.

After that pause, she went back to the club’s test and managed to do it just fine. Her mind was clearer, her bottled-up emotions had been handled well enough and… I would say she had gotten a bit comfortable around me when it came to having me as her ‘confidant’.

I just didn’t expect this to be the catalyst of a few interesting scenes by the next day.


Hanazono Hakari knew from the very beginning that her beloved Rentaro would have stuck to his guns and actually took them both as girlfriends. Sorta.

It all started from a rather strange dream she had while she went to sleep over the idea of her rivalry with Karane. Despite the fear she held in her heart about being beaten by the tsundere, the pinkette actually thought nice things of Karane.

The tomboy had that precious petite beauty that Hakari couldn’t help but feel enticed by. It would make sense that Rentaro thought the same, and as the new day came and school started, she was proved right when Rentaro told them that he would date them both. That didn’t mean his confession was predictable at all.

He appeared so disheveled as he had spent the night looking, digging and then finding two pink four-leaf clovers to give to them both! The amount of care put in that gesture was non-negligible and it made Hakari’s happy heart throb in delight!

Still, Karane looked a bit surprised but also actually ‘fine’ with this. Well, better than how Hakari thought the tsundere would have reacted to the idea of sharing. Not only that, but the orangette had started to look at her a lot during classes.

At first, she thought that it was out of antagonistic feelings a rival should bore to another… but the pinkette soon realized that the core value of that unwarranted ogling was a particular quizzical expression that left the big-bosomed girl to wonder what was up with the tomboy.

After the confession and the promise of a ‘three-people date’, the best chance to further understand what was going on inside the tsundere’s head came when they decided to eat together on the rooftop and…

The foreigner was there too. And what’s with that Jojo-like air around him?!

Avery Patson, the closest friend to her Rentaro. The only real foreigner at school and the very individual that had pretty much studied her each step the first day she spent with her Rentaro.

She had nothing against Patson-san, but it felt clear the boy acted as some sort of protector to her beloved Rentaro as he analyzed the days and then possibly conjured some response to her naughty behavior. Could it be that her fellow classmate had noticed her intense affection towards her love interest? It was possible.

As much as she tried, the pinkette still felt invested in trying to get close and personal with her beloved. To have him ravish her as they basked in each other’s love and affection~!

Rentaro looked so dashing and nice, and she knew from her mother’s own account regarding love that it was only reasonable to rush things with a solid cause if it could avoid her losing much precious time to give to her beloved.

Plus, his friend would have nothing to stop her as she moved with her attack plan. It was time to eat some snacks, and she had prepared bento that she served to Rentaro.

This had outplayed Karane as she didn’t have much to offer… but half of her own meal! Clever and cunning, she couldn’t have gotten a grander rival and yet that battle was far from over as there was another trick in Hakari’s sleeves.

“Bokhis~?” The pinkette offered, immediately raising the bet with this huge game move that everyone

The classic snack for lovers- one that you can play for kisses and to induce a step forward in any relationships of that kind. Karane could see it, Rentaro could see it, the foreigner eyed the situation with interest. This was going to be a battle with high stakes and odds!

Yet, Hakari saw her advantage almost vanish as the tsundere countered with her slender and swift hands.

“I’ll go first,” Karane struck as she picked the box, unleashing one of the half-chocolate breadsticks and-

“Whoops~!” The pinkette’s boobs, a tool of admiration and pride, were also a weapon to push aside threats as she ended up smacking Karane with her chest, inflicting ‘confusion’ to the orangette as she was puzzled by what she got hit.

Hard or soft? What’s this conflicting feeling?!

Hakari had won! Thus victory chants manifested as she picked one of the breadsticks and urged Kentaro to follow through with this ‘silly game’. The boy was so nice and yet so naive as her main goal was not to ‘win the true game’, but to win the true prize.

Slowly but surely, she was zeroing the gap and getting her plump red lips closer to his masculine one when…!!!

Another breadsticks entered in action! But where Hakari had thought that her rival would also fight to get Rentaro’s first kiss, the attack was aimed at Hakari herself much to her shock.

What is she doing?!

A strangely cute look appeared on Karane’s face, a determined and yet shy look that stirred in the pinkette an odd feeling of dread and anticipation. She gulped nervously, this outstanding counter having no chance of being deflected as Karane was moving fast and..


One of the Bokhi’s sticks broke! And while Hakari thought it had been the one used by Karane, she could see that wasn’t the case and… and she was soon hit to the core with her first kiss being with a girl.

Hakari was flustered, Karane was still intense, and Rentaro was confused but also intrigued by what was going on. And while the pinkette had thought herself the most endurable in terms of intimacy, the driven smooch provided by Karane took the air out of her lungs. She just could tell that this was far grander than she could have anticipated and that she had nothing to regret at that moment.

[Soft and Wet], we Go Beyond!

The pinkette was spent as the kiss ended, the raw intensity of such contact leaving her baffled for a while. Yet her good mood wasn’t bound to last as she was angered by the sight of Karane just cupping Rentaro’s cheeks and pressing her nose against his. Preparing for one thing and only one thing.

“Dummy, at least take notice we want to kiss you.”

Surprise flared in the boy’s face as he was pulled in a kiss.

Hakari felt outraged of being upstaged like that, but Karane looked relatively parched over the ‘victory’ she scored and then she gave a strange look at the pinkette. One mixed with a happy blush and stutter that further made her more adorable in her eyes.

“W-What? We kissed him both with this.”

Opening her mouth, Hakari wanted to question the logic of this but… then it clicked to her mind. The maddening genius of her rival!

What happened was not a defeat- it was a shared victory. Instead of picking this battle, Karane had gone around the rules and outright ruined what competition could have come out of this moment to maximize the happiness between the three of them!

By kissing her first, Karane had stained her lips with hers, thus turning her own kiss also into an indirect kiss for Rentaro. In a rather weird logic, the tsundere had succeeded in solving a situation that could have been quite dreadful to handle in the long run by merely taking the initiative, sacrificing her own first kiss and her rival’s, and then using the ‘combined feeling’ towards Rentaro.

The pure brilliance was not lost to Hakari. And it made her realize this rival of hers was actually far more fearsome and far less antagonistic than she had predicted her to be. She was stomped outright, and she could only say one thing at such a moment of high intelligence.


What Hakari didn’t account for was for her breathless voice to sound so dreamy, and turning the compliment meant to flatter Karane’s impressive move into a general one aimed at Karane as the tomboy blushed a storm much to the pinkette’s distracted thoughts.

In the end, Hakari kissed Rentaro too and… it felt just as amazing as it did kissing Karane. The entire ordeal just left her heart beating and drumming excitedly at the idea that this wasn’t going to be some painful romcom where the main characters either fight over a single man’s love, or actually waste years of their existence making abysmal progress.

She kissed both her rival and the love of her life by the second day of knowing them! Well, the latter was true, while the former was more of Hakari getting smooched but…

But it was so weird how hot it was to imagine the commanding air that cutie Karane could muster when she was so serious~!

After that peculiar second day, Hakari could happily say that any certainty that she had over her feelings was now put under a new perspective. After all, she didn’t mind kissing a girl like Karane despite both being girls.

It should have been somewhat wrong since she never thought herself being interested in a girl, but as she went home and she found herself back in bed to ponder over this before falling asleep, the pinkette realized she actually felt strong feelings for both her beloved Rentaro and Karane.

She could feel her chest tightening affectionately at the incredibly warm feeling these two bore to her heart and mind, but at the same time she felt this could be quite weird to handle in public.

After all, how would her mother react to know she was dating a boy and a girl at the same time?

Still… Hakari had no regrets. The kisses were nice, and the prospect of new horizons to explore a real relationship and new wet dreams further amused her into seeing how the upcoming date was going to end with the three of them.


“Does that make me gay?”

The question Karane aimed at her confidant was one that made him almost trip on himself. Truth be told, she was already embarrassed by the idea of bringing this up at all, but she had been feeling rather unsure on how to label that sort of sensation she had towards Hakari.

It had been an improvised move, but she bore no regret on how things turned out for the trio, and she felt this unease was more about trying to make sense of her feelings’ names than their content.

Right now that they were walking out of the soccer club, Karane decided to bring her new questions up to the attention of her newest friend and… he didn’t hesitate to provide another set of blunt but acceptable answers right back at her.

“Kinda?” ‘Very’ admitted with a perplexed tone. “Like, I would say you still like guys, so it’s more ‘bisex’.”

“Bisex?” The orangette had heard of this term before, but she had never delved too deep about it. As she asked for clarification, Avery answered truthfully and gave more details to the term itself.

“It means you like both girls and boys, but you can also say ‘I prefer more boys, but I have nothing against girls’.”

This simple explanation made sense to her and it fit her to a T. She liked Rentaro, but if she was bound to share him, it was also right to be on good terms with the one she was to share him with: Hakari.

Thus, Karane had spent most of the remaining hours of the previous day thinking on how to address this situation. After all, there was no way that the pinkette would have let things go fine through words and… Karane doubted she would have had the means to speak her mind without making a mess or a new misunderstanding.

No, it had to be a gesture. After all, Avery’s wise words were aptly used in that instance- the kiss had driven the point across as the pinkette returned the pacifist feelings, while Rentaro was fine with this since ‘it made them more united.’

Once again, he found a way to make her so happy and proud of this small victory. After all, this was just the beginning of their relationship, but as they were strolling, Avery also drove in a rather unpleasant scenario.



“What if another girl ends up tagging in?”

The orangette went for a full stop at hearing this. “What?”

“What if another girl tags along with the group? Like, what if something like it happened to you and Hakari happened again?”

Karane appeared shell-shocked. And reasonably so, as the girl realized this possibility, albeit stupid in a more realistic circumstance, was feasible with how things had turned for her and the pinkette.

“Y-You mean that another girl could tag along?”

The boy nodded and the tsundere snorted.

“W-Well, that’s not happening.”

It was ridiculous! Utterly and truly impossible-

“Like two girls ending up in a solid relationship with a guy in the span of two days?”

Karane had no defense to that, but still… it shouldn’t be the same. One thing was for this to happen once- but to ‘expand’ this relationship just felt off-putting and somewhat unexpected.

Could having more than just two girls actually work in a relationship like theirs? Could it actually happen?

She knew Rentaro was not one of those wild mutts that just wanted to sniff at girls’ boobs and butts, but that didn’t stop her from being self-conscious of emotional affairs or, worse, of emotional replacements.

“That would be bad.”

“He would make it work, or not,” Avery assured in a strange way. “Still, be aware if he does something to hurt any of you, I would like to be told so I can give him a piece of mind and maybe a bit of a knuckle sandwich.”

Karane appeared surprised if not flattered by the comment.

“Thanks but… isn’t he your friend?”

“My closest friend without a doubt,” The foreigner admitted. “Like, a brother in all but blood. That still doesn’t mean he gets a freebie in hurting a girl for trying to do the impossible. Also, I wouldn’t like our female mascot in the soccer team to get too hurt because of Rentaro being an utter moron towards her.”

Admittedly, that would have gotten a chuckle out of her if it hadn’t been a touchy subject. Still, the girl perceived the mirthful attempt and just rolled her eyes, huffed and then punched him on the elbow.

She knew Avery was tough enough to handle it, but he suddenly fell down, crying foul and then saying that he may lose a limb because of her ‘gorilla strength’. Once again, being a joker, and one that the girl knew how to handle as calmly as possible

She would have pummeled him for less, but the orangette merely increased her pace, forcing him to catch up to her and apologize while smugly smiling and saying a few words which tone showed the utter and pure amusement she held in that moment.

“You’re such a Drama Queen.”


Jackson Waddle

Huh this is actually really well done. Not too sure about how the plot will work in the long term with a “plot fixer” around to minimize the relationship drama, but to be fair more could definitely be added if they make a deal with the gods to make him the new soul mate to the girls Rentaro can’t see himself with. That way our boy gets his own unwanted harem whilst trying to reduce casualties.


First, the story will be a two-shot. And the commissioner confirmed that a tentative pairing would happen with a character that is currently not part of the harem. But since it is not planned to go far, that's not happening