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MazoTsuma 1 - or ‘Demon Wife: My Wife is so Nice, I Just Can't Be Happier!’ (MazoHaha, SI)

Reincarnation is odd when, from the get-go, you really don’t get much changed about your previous life.

I was once John Bukharin, I am still John Bukharin. My parents were the same, my sister was the same, the world was mostly the same but… I guess I am not exactly ‘normal’ considering I got a ‘free gift’ sort of deal that I could ‘Gacha’ in a bundle of ‘Godly Things’.

Yes, Gacha in Reincarnation is a thing and… I am not sure how to tackle what I got at that point: ‘Get the Best Wife you could ask for’.

Since I died single, it felt somewhat heart-warming that it was a ‘certain thing’ and… also bad because I wasn’t sure how to tackle this. After all, I couldn’t exactly expect my ‘best wife’ to be someone that could claim me as a worthy partner. Not if I didn’t put an effort in securing myself a good life.

Working my ass off from the very first step into education was a must, finding the right path in life which would realistically get me ‘moving’ around (which was medical jobs), and then, the most important thing, get myself in a place within the timeframe I would ‘develop myself’ where I could potentially find my ‘wife’. And that was the good ol’ US and A.

So, twenty years later after my birth, my brain was a bit ‘focused’ hard on work to keep up with my rising career. I was utterly invested in this, preparing for what was going to be a ‘monumental event’.

Hence why… I kind of got a pleasant surprise when I finally met her.

It was around late in the evening, the private office I owned was about to close and I was leaving to get myself a nice lonely meal before slipping back in my loft to catch some sleep.

Right as I passed by the entrance, expecting my secretary to not have much to deal with at this hour, I was quite surprised when Paul was actually having a verbal spar with a woman. Not just a normal woman- and I wasn’t referring to her outrageous curves.

The lady stood quite tall, with long black hair and green eyes kept behind a pair of glasses. She was wearing a ribbed sweater dress that reached down to her to below her hips, dark-gray pantyhose then continuing before finishing in a pair of black heeled boots. By the way, she has wings protruding from her lower back and horns.

“I-I just need to talk with him and-”

“Mr. Bukharin doesn’t need to waste time with people that lack documentation and want to show off some strange green goo you are trying to pitch as a ‘revolutionary thing’,” Paul sharply interjected and looked ready to continue before he took notice of me. “Mr. Bukharin, this cosplay girl was trying to waste your time with-”

“A curious circumstance, I believe,” I interrupted myself, walking up to the two and… lifting one of the jars from the counter.

A closer inspection made me realize there was something peculiar about it. But I wasn’t willing to call it a healing thing like I wasn’t going to call her a cosplayer. One of her wings literally twitched as I got closer, a sign of frustration that could hardly be mimicked to that extent.

“Could I give this sample a quick look? Under your observation, of course.”

The woman appeared surprised, then thankful. “Y-Yes. I don’t- I didn’t mean-”

“It’s alright, I suppose you have your reasons to be without documents. And possibly without a place where to be- but carrying around this sort of stuff, whatever it is, may be seen as some sort of unpleasant sign. Trust me when I say you should be more prepared.”

She bowed her head, and then I got a name. Merii.

No last name, just ‘Merii’. It felt convenient how this felt particularly off.

Still, I felt trusting of this one. Something about her mannerism felt too genuine to be faked. So, I let Paul go and I got Merii to my laboratory, the woman appearing utterly surprised by the place.

She had the giddy eyes of a child being shown new toys- which was concerning considering the compound was clearly not produced in anyplace similar to this location.

Despite that, Merii was quite obedient as she listened to my request to put on the same equipment needed to handle a potential dangerous chemical. Hours went by, but the process allowed for marks and most of the stuff to come off as more data was presented through tests.

Merii herself took note of the process, asking questions a few times and then raising concerns over how some instruments were registering those numbers. It was… refreshing if I have to be honest as I had mostly worked on my own as a doctor and a researcher. And looking at this green goo as the latter role, I could see the potential of this medicine.

It was… effective. It was the new penicillin that seemed to adapt to outright outpace a body’s capacity to become accustomed to it. It was the ultimate killer for standard viruses and bacterias.

“So… did I do good?”

“Depends on how you produced this little miracle of medicine,” I replied, glancing at her. “Also, are you a demon?”

Her jaw dropped, her face burning red. “Me? A-A Demon? I… N-Nope.”

“I promise you that I will not cause a fuss about it.”


“And how did you produce it?”

She was soon fidgeting and pressing her indexes together. “T-Through my… my feelers.”

“...Tentacles or tits?”

Her face burned red. “T-Tentacles!”

“Oh, that’s less embarrassing.”

“Y-Yeah!” She exclaimed, then paused. “Wait, you don’t mind the fact I have- you know, that I have tentacles?”

“You just secrete this goo from this.”

“And I hurt bad people.”

I slowly nodded. “In a violent non-sexual manner, yes?”

She nodded rapidly. “Yes! I-I am not a pervert.”

“I have to ask since Succubi do fall in the category of demons,” I reasoned calmly. “Plus… you do look quite gorgeous enough to give that impression.”

Once again, I had Merii turn her face in a tomato with how much she was blushing. After a while, however, the details of her current rewards were explained as I planned to put that black on white through proper documentation:

1) She would be my assistant and co-partner in any medical breakthrough;
2) She would get a limited wage for three months, then she would be allowed to get a full wage once she got through the basic steps of her job;
3) She could have her corner in the lab once she learned how most of the tools around worked;
4) This was Merii’s request, I would give her a corner to stay in my loft until she was able to afford her own home.

Now, six months later and an exchange between scientific and magical education between Merii and I allowed us to bond some more but…

The fourth point was something I am sure Merii forgot as she just became a permanent fixture of the house as our efforts started to dramatically expand the economic success of the business we were running, but I wasn’t any better in ‘remembering’-

Good morning~,” A sleepy Merii tended to say as a greeting in the morning, having grown accustomed enough to wander around in her unfairly skimpy nightgown and panties.

After all, I had a Wife to court, seduce, romance and then wife up…



It sounds extremely difficult, but it is actually more simple than it looks to get all of that done. The issue is it will escalate between ‘misunderstandings and rapidly-rising moods towards escalations and seductions’.

Also both John and Merii are 20 in this arc, with the canon beginning of MazoHaha starting when Merii is 23 so… prepare for a time skip once the first ‘Marriage Arc’ is wrapped up!



Si, simplemente si


Demon wife let’s go!!


We need more stories about husband, having adorable wives, and having cheesy adorableness I love my cheese!