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The Wholesome Latias Experience 3 - or ‘I swear, this Pokémon Copypasta is worthy of the Most Wholesome around’ (Pokémon, SI)

“You know, this was fun,” I admitted, trying my best to ignore the smug look of my ‘very human and clearly not a Pokémon’ companion as we were walking around the pearly beach of one of the untouched areas of Orange Islands in Kanto to dig some old treasures.

“‘Tias~!” A smug Latias replied in her human form, holding the first catch of the day as we were preparing to leave the area altogether with quite a lot of antique stuff to sell to collectionists.

After that Mew encounter, I had been quite wary of where we were going. Especially when my recollection of Pokémon movies was rather abysmal. I knew the Mew one, I remember most of the legendaries got some, but I didn’t have a remembrance of where the others were meant to unfold.

So, I thought that this side of the world would be free from any issues. I… thought wrong. We didn’t discover much until a bit later as we noticed a bit of a storm forming around the region. A bit surprising, but nothing to be concerned about.

Until Latias, back in her usual form, felt the urge to fly us to Shamouti Island. Located in a central position within the Orange Islands, it was the ‘eye of the storm’ in this situation. My mind just failed to remember any of the movie tying with the legendary three birds, so I was unable to predict the movie until Lugia popped up.

Oh shit, things are about to get insane!

And they did. As we had joined the rest of the locals and tourists in the effort to assist around and stop the British Imperialist (his name was Lawrence III, he was a collectionist, and he sure had a bit of evil imperialism in his cocky tone) from causing a regional disaster.

To make this short and kinda sweet, this guy thought that by capturing the three Legendary Pokémon birds, he would awaken Lugia. In a sense, that worked, but the prophecy he was following mentioned a ‘Beast of the Sea’. And that wasn’t Lugia and… it wasn’t a Pokémon.

The presence of the three big birds settled in some of those islands was to keep a massive great underwater current that would have destabilized the sea. That should have been the plot of the movie but… something else came up while we were looking around to find a way to help without revealing Latias’ identity. The big girl had switched to the human form once we had landed on the central island, kept quiet but listening and looking for something or someone.

I thought it was Lugia, but no- Latias was looking for something else. Something… that was out of place as I would soon learn. While we were wandering, we found out that the large underwater current was not of natural origin. And it kind of explained why a Legendary was needed to fend off against the current: another Legendary Pokémon was behind the current itself.

And this one was not in the right region.

“What is Kyogre doing here?!” I asked loudly, surprised by the sight of the massive oceanic behemoth as the big scary fish was trying to cause trouble as it noticed Lugia doing something to stop the current.

There was no way this happened in the movie- it was too early for this shit to be right. So… maybe that’s what Mew was talking about. Something was off with the timeline, and I kind of got hurled there to act as a ‘fixer’ of sorts. Latias and I at that.

“Girl,” I turned to Latias, the Pokémon having instinctively switched back to her original form as she turned to glance at me. “I need you to supercharge a Dragon Pulse quickly. Can you do that?”

She spared me a perplexed look, and I returned it with a shrug as I knew we had to do something and… it was the best shot we had. Especially since Kyogre was clearly distracted. And it didn’t notice until it was too late that a supercharged Dragon Pulse was moments away from hitting the bit of his body that had surfaced.

One moment, one shot, one opportunity. The blast slammed onto the Legendary and made him faint. Without hesitation, I jumped on Latias’ back and had her approach the temporarily disabled big fish. And I retrieved a Poké Ball from my bag-

“Latias?!” The Eon Pokémon whined in clear distress, and I could tell what she was asking.

“I know, I got a bit cheap on not buying proper Ultra Balls but… it’s a bit too late to cry on spilled milk. Or a scary Legendary fish.”

It wasn’t going to last as a containment, but I didn’t need it to last for long. As the ball landed on its belly, causing the big Pokémon to be enveloped in a blue light and be forced into the sphere. Said sphere landed on my hand… and it started to shake.

“Hoenn, now!”

Without hesitation, Latias soared through the sky. She couldn’t go super-fast since I was onboard, and I had to cover my eyes just to not get blinded by the wind with how fast we were going. The ball shook for a second time, and I saw we were rushing through Johto and getting to Hoenn.

Right as the ball was in the middle of the third shake, I threw it away, feeling it was close enough to Hoenn and far enough for the tantrum the big fish was going to throw to be without repercussions.

“We did it! Home!”

LATIAS!” The Eon Pokémon screeched loudly as a victory roar, following my order as we got out of sight of the infuriated Legendary.

Later that day, as I was making some dinner for Latias and I, I got a glance at the world news, with Hoenn warning locals that ‘the water was experiencing anomalous agitation’ and that ‘it was best to not set sail too far from the main settlements’.

“That was a big risk, am I right?” I hummed, and I turned to my started.

My gaze turned to the pillow fort that Latias had built with the various Eeveelution pillows she wanted to see bought with her hard-earned money. But, much to my light chagrin, the big girl was asleep in her castle of softness, happily resting from what could be seen as a relatively quirky adventure.

“Oh well, you deserve a bit of a break for that fright,” I admitted, turning back to the TV’s screen.

Still… What was Kyogre doing in Kanto?



Next time, John becomes Uncle. And Latias struggles with the notion that a human child may end up getting more headpats than she does for the duration of the day.



MC inadvertently becomes secret final boss with team of only legendary Pokémon lmfao

Tony Kirkwood

Arceus:hey can you- Mc:already done and any other situation dealt with


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