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Are we really friends? 8 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

The car ride was quite… awkward.

Agent Shirokuma (White Bear) was giving me one of the most intense flat looks I have ever experienced.

The woman literally invested the entire ride doing just that, while I alternated between glancing quietly at her smaller colleague, Agent Iero Debiru (literally ‘Yellow Devil'), and squeezing Satsuki’s hand in an effort to comfort her.

The girl had been given a trenchcoat to cover herself, but it still didn’t help her ‘shrug off’ the idea she had used a gun to kill someone we both knew about. I couldn’t exactly dig into her mind at the moment, but I could tell that it was messed up.

Hell, I had been able to use it on those bastards because they didn’t matter to me and I knew it was a necessary evil- if they were brought down on the spot, then they would have no chance to hurt other people.

At least, that was what was repeating as my thoughts responded to the many what ifs emerging after the adrenaline got off my system. I felt sore, tired even, but overall awake. I couldn’t show any sign of sleepiness compared to Satsuki.

The poor girl was barely holding up at this point, but found some strength in leaning on me for the time being. I didn’t like it, she didn’t like it, and I sure felt a bit off-put by the opposed reactions of the two female agents ‘escorting us to HQ’.

The driver was hidden through a black mirror, and that was all between the stressful silence of the white-haired woman and the rambunctious chit-chat offered by the blonde loli.

It would take just about twenty minutes for us to reach our destination, a parking lot right underneath the main building of the PBIA. Once we got out of the vehicle, we were led to an elevator.

At this point, neither of us expected much from what was to come. It may be the main building of the Secret Service for interior businesses, but that should be it so…

“We are going down,” Satsuki mumbled, voicing what my thoughts were slowly picking up as the elevator didn’t take into the building. It got us even lower than we were now.

“That’s right!” Iero remarked mirthfully. “Our base of operations, Section 4, is housed in the ‘super-basement’.”

“It’s just one of the Sub-Levels,” Shirokuma argued, clearly upset by the different naming.

“Bah, always the prude, Shiro-nee! I am tempted to say that’s why a certain man never considered you as-”

Enough,” The white-haired woman interrupted coldly, her harsh tone catching me off-guard just for a moment, and I was perplexed by her purposely looking away from me in the specific. “That’s not a topic for discussion.”

“Eh, that’s fair but… Satoru-chan, how do you feel knowing your papa was a super-agent?”

“Mildly surprised,” I admitted flatly, the loli gasping.

“Only mildly!? That’s your seemingly boring dad!”

“It would be cool if he was around,” I replied dryly, the bubbly mood of the blonde dissipating before my rebuttal. “Plus, it is giving us more trouble than not.”

“Mou, it saved you and your girlfriend?”

Satsuki blushed slightly, but there was no point in denying a teasing effort.

“Only because I wasn’t there for her. If I had been around Satsuki when that happened, we would have avoided the kidnapping.”

“Maybe not,” Shirokuma firmly rejected that answer. “You are playing with unknowns. You never know the full truth.”

I didn’t respond to that. Admittedly, the answer I gave was more by instinct after having to face a lot of stuff on my own as of late. And I felt like I was ‘above others’ in handling this sort of shit. Kind of arrogant-sounding, but the euphoric sense of winning and standing on top of dangerous elements between NTR-inducers, hoes and even secret corporations kidnapping employees and turning them into bimbo sluts.

I was… relatively desensitized on the topic at this point. It was like part of the fiction had blurred with how ridiculous this has all gotten. And when we finally got to the director, passing through a few desks with other different agents either busy working or taking a pause to talk in friendly tones, I felt like I was staring at how I imagined growing up old in this new life. Gray hair, jaded eyes, a relatively ‘lax’ posture while sitting and yet a rather attention focused on every small detail.

Paranoia oozed from this guy, but he played it off with a smile and some grandfatherly tone.

“So, these two are Satsuki-chan and Satoru-kun. I am so happy to make your acquaintances.”

He offered a hand for me to shake, but I didn’t return the gesture. I didn’t hate him or anything, but I didn’t want to give any wrong idea about openness over the matter. His smile remained unchanged, the same fake thing that he greeted us with.

“I guess it’s fair you don’t want to be too friendly considering how this whole organization is massive proof that, for its great work, it can’t save everyone.”

I didn’t reply to that, and he just gestured to us to take a seat. The two agents that took us there left as they were asked to and… Director Machiba offered some water to the both of us. Satsuki accepted, I didn’t. My throat was dry, but I kept on playing the ‘tough line’.

Not in an effort to show off, but I really didn’t need to accept anything from them as this whole situation was a set up.

The director closed his eyes and then sighed. “Beyond what little excuse I can muster to explain our position on your father’s unfortunate situation, I still have to ask you how you feel after killing people.”

“Like crap, but they deserved it. Beyond what they tried to do with Satsuki,” I replied tensely, failing to fully crystallize the entirety of my trail of thoughts on the subject.

Satsuki was… in a similar spot. “It- It was the right thing to do. It was self-defense.”

“For you? Definitely. Yet Satoru-kun was keen to have them slain even when they were  running away.”

“They would have come back.”

“You wouldn’t know,” The director pushed back and I snorted. “You think they would?”

“I know they would? These are groups that rely on primal reputation. If they get their asses handed back to them, they will just plan ways to punish the troublemaker through indirect means. Plus, they made it clear it wasn’t their first rodeo- you could say that I made your organization’s job considering your agents were on standby and not helping civilians, Machiba-san.”

The last bit was the small bitter feeling I had been keeping bottled up through the entire car ride, and the man… nodded in agreement.

“It’s indeed tragic they didn’t act. I will have a conversation with them as that wasn’t planned,” Machiba confirmed. “Still… About the gun.”

“I will return it.”

“No,” The old director rejected the offer, retrieving a plastified document that he passed to me. “You will keep it.”

I reached for the document and gave it a read as I realized it had my name and other data about me there. It was a Gun-holding license. Which was quite odd and very illegal considering I wasn’t old enough to get one- hell, I shouldn’t fit other requirements too at this point.


“I don’t want to mince my words- I would prefer you two weren’t suddenly feeling that I am recruiting you to this agency,” The Director explained calmly, his smile having fallen as only a small scowl persisted. “I am not a searcher of hopeless souls, but a man that takes in individuals that are aware of the dangers without feeling too personal about those. And you two have both gone through intense experiences that would cause major issues if I even consider hiring you.”

“S-So?” Satsuki asked the big question of the moment.

“So, you two are free to go. All I needed to know is how this event impacted you and… you are not a psychopath.”

That’s good to know.

“However, we will monitor any trouble near your houses- just in case the organization that took your father tries to do anything with yourselves and your family.”

That’s concerning.

And that was pretty much the entire trip. A car waited for us in the parking lot and took us to my house. It was getting around early evening, about an hour before dinner, so… yeah, mom was surprised when I told her I got late because ‘Satsuki ruined her sports outfit’.

She had a spare in our house so she was able to change into that fast but…

“That was crazy.”

“Yup,” I hummed, dinner consumed and Satsuki claiming a trauma-healing cuddling session for the night as we rested on my bed. “How are you?”


She fell asleep roughly ten minutes after saying that, and I… didn’t. Once again, insomnia is a fucking bitch. But, at the very least, more of the old troubles got removed from our existence.

All I needed to focus on was getting prepared for new surprises and whatnot. That ain’t a fun thought to skip a night of sleep for…



The director knows some heavy shit. But while some of the trouble got hurled out of the window, old issues are bound to return and new ones appear. Sadly for them, Satoru is not going to be unprepared for (most of) those.



Gracias por el capítulo, algo pesado para nuestro MC pero también una preparación de lo que viene


Getting into the big leagues I see, thank you for the update!