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Sensei Rationale - Or ‘When my seemingly insignificant take on the Lilith-softverse takes a sharp turn into relevancy’ (Taimanin Asagi, SI)

Rationale: the reasons or intentions that cause a particular set of beliefs or actions.

John Bukharin. Sensei. That’s a title related to my current job.

Truth be told, I didn’t expect to, one day, wake up within a dystopic future such as the one of Lilith-Soft. Also, I didn’t expect to be already ‘stuck’ with the job of a normal teacher in one of those highschools around the country.

Sekkai Academy was the classic school where things were decent, but trouble was always around the corner. When I started my ‘first week’ of work at my new workplace, I didn’t exactly do much beyond witnessing some concerning sights that the few delinquents in my classroom were keen to be quite the troublesome bunch towards girls. Same for some of the fellow teachers.

I am a good person, but I am also a smart one. Smashing through without a single valuable piece of evidence was the equivalent of getting hurled to jail or in worse places where my sexuality may end up either compromised or outright destroyed.

So, the week-long ‘study’ I performed was keen on a few steps: help those students of mine that were unaffiliated to this mess and cast a degree of ‘protection’ when possible in school; track down one of these dickheads through the places he visited and write down any potential suspicious rendezvous with other thug-like students in shady and seedy areas of the city; then produce a sufficient enough level of concern to expose to the police.

Still, I was nervous. Lilith-Soft was known to have scum police officers in charge of the bigger positions, yet it was also known to have a predominant side of those being protective of fellow scum engaging in sexual activities.

If I went on with the notion and the presentation of this being a nest of rapists, the entire thing would have possibly been ignored and even cast away. But what about the production and spread of common drugs? It was something I had contemplated a bit- if the place was deemed a nest for that sort of scum, then the chances of a potential raid was higher.

In the end, I decided to do something a bit more ‘drastic’. I didn’t have proof of it, but I could get the police on high alert and ready to do ‘justice’ by providing a false claim that the place was a ‘nest of Chinese Unionists’. The Chinese Union was the one entity that the entirety of Japan not affiliated with it was keen to not approach. With ‘WW3’ ending in a bitter note where most nations died and were revived in supranational structures, Japan was hit the hardest and was the one that was stuck between the Chinese Union and the USF (USA + most of America and some pieces of Asia).

So, while to a normal thug this didn’t mean much, the police had all reasons to be alarmed at a potential ‘take over’ that could ‘take away their power’. With that in mind, I bought a voice changer, found a good public phone booth and then acted out with the script I had prepared to recite.

The ‘young girl’ that mentioned that strange ‘chinese-speaking fellows’ were bringing ‘flags and guns’ into the building was enough to get the bastard on the other side salivate at the chance to ruin the day to some dangerous elements and get a filthy promotion out of it.

Later that day, the local news struck out about the ‘shocking discovery of a rape nest’, the police were quick to say that they had planned this raid for months, but it was clear from the irked tone of the police chief that the bastard had been caught off-guard in having to arrest his own son while he was pounding a girl that looked like a kid.

Those thugs were all those students and teachers I had noticed at school being suspicious enough to be seen as cliche rapists, and soon they were all taken away to be judged in a separate city since the town didn’t have enough space to keep those people as inmates.

Sekkai Academy was thus ‘shredded’ in terms of the staff and only a fraction of the assaulted students decided to return as others sought to study elsewhere. The principal was forced to retire as one of the good teachers took over and… this was meant to be the end of it all.

A single push made the only castle of cards that worried me fall down and bring to hell those that had caused issues in the place I lived in. What I didn’t expect was for this action to be noticed and for someone to successfully investigate and find out that it had been me behind this development.

But I soon learned of this during one of these seemingly peaceful and normal days. I was making my way to the flat, those students I was teaching English showing impressive recovery over the lost time due to what happened to them as therapy helped them find out the balance they had lost, when I saw a few black cars parked by the corner I usually took to reach my current home.

From one of those, a familiar man walked out of it. Gray hair combed in a clean fashion, a bit of a beard, and piercing black eyes that matched his formal suit. Standing slightly taller than me, Yamamoto Nobushige was quite threatening appearance-wise, but his mannerism quickly eased the tension.

“Bukharin-sensei, I presume.”

“That’s me,” I hummed quietly, frowning at this development. “Do I… know you, sir?”

“Yamamoto Nobushige, I am a senior agent for the Ministry of National Affairs and Public Safety,” He introduced himself. “You are not in trouble, Bukharin-sensei, but I would like to discuss with you over a potential job offer.”

“...I am not a spy.”

“That’s not the one I wish to offer to a normal civilian, no. It’s about teaching and education to… special individuals. People that are out of the ordinary through their skills and bloodlines.”

And while part of me wanted to fight this sort of ‘offer’ as I knew this was going to be forced on me, I knew better than put myself against the fucking government out of all potential issues.

“I am listening.”

Thus Bukharin-sensei was hired as the ‘Professor for Advanced Studies on Analysis and Planning’ at Gosha Academy.

A role I am not going to like at all due to how many troubles I was soon going to face.


Igawa Asagi frowned at the paperwork given to her by Nobushige.

It’s been two years since she retired, and this was clearly not something that should be in her possession. At least, not in terms of an official exchange.

“What is this?”

“A new teacher for the Academy. I wish for you to keep an eye on him,” The government agent and current principal of Gosha Academy answered. “He is not a threat, but it doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on this one.”

“Why me? Shiranui is your Deputy so-”

“I can’t have the staff targeting the ‘new guy’. I need someone that has no connection to the school and yet is trustworthy for this.”

A sigh left her lips. “I am retired. And currently busy with my boyfriend, I can’t-”


Despite her excuses, it would be a lie to say that Asagi was without her own genuine doubts about her decision to retire. Sure, the plan worked successfully in terms of becoming Kyosuke’s girlfriend and thus tightening their bond but… they haven't made any progress. Kisses were rare, hand holding was the common interaction they had as a couple and sex was not in the mind of the young man as ‘he wanted to wait for marriage for that’.

Respectable, but really off-putting for someone that had forfeited masturbation in the hope of getting laid with him. Sakura was so lucky that she didn’t abstain from that, but the many times she had to ‘ignore’ the odd wet pools on her ‘gaming chair’ by her room was ludicrous.

So, going back into action sounded like a hopeless dream to retrieve what was not within reach.

Which is why, despite the opposition she was raising to Nobushige’s idea, she found this idea to be… worthy of some thinking. It was just a spying effort, and not even an in-depth one as she had to just monitor this individual from time to time.

She sighed tiredly, hiding away the curiosity she now had for this candidate considering he didn’t sound like a member of the government or anyone with a connection with the supernatural world.




Yes, this story starts precisely 1 year before TA1. And it will screw with the plot through the first and so on. Especially in regard to how the Chaos Arena and the Incubus King affairs are dealt with.



Oh boy, Oboro will curse his name for ageeeeees, well, if she survives x'D


Interested to see how this goes