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My Girlfriend is the Hero Rabbit! 5 - or ‘My School Sweetheart is Mirko and… no one but a few knows about this!’ (MHA, OC!MC)

It was a lovely day, despite the fact it was raining.

With a lovely soft-red umbrella keeping her dry, the young blonde girl that skipped along the wet sidewalk hummed happily. Differently from usual, it wasn’t a matter of murderous ordeals that had left her in such a good mood.

It was a lovely day because she could finally visit her uncle!

It’s been a while since she did that and, while she was reasonably nervous all those times she visited, fearing he would betray her like her parents did, the girl was quite confident that wasn’t going to happen.

Not when her uncle understood her. It was odd, really, that her quirk was in part related to her uncle’s, but where the man was scorned by the rest of the family for ‘not becoming a hero’, the blonde was hated by her parents for her morbid interest for blood.

So, it was only logical that detaching from them had been a good idea. Just like how her uncle did so many years ago. And while life wasn’t the best, it was still better than the gilded rotting cage she had been living in for most of her life.

Her uncle supported her, discreetly, and provided her with some pocket money as she found a nice part-time job at a butcher’s shop. Despite that not being enough to fully satisfy her interest, it made her mellow and it made it easier to handle this obsession of hers.

Still, it made money and it gave her the chance to rent a flat and live on her own. Autonomy had never felt so sweet to someone that had never been geared for it, or at least that’s how Toga Himiko saw it.

And while things could have been worse, she still was upset for one thing- she kind of wanted to visit her uncle more and more than just once a month.

Which is why she wanted to change that. She was in a better situation, she knew her uncle hardly moved around from his little house and… Himiko liked Auntie Rumi. She was a hero, something that worried her at times as she expected the woman to turn her in or something, but she thought her Transform Quirk was-

“So cool! Can you take my form if you get some of my blood?”

Well, Himiko was overjoyed. Auntie Rumi was kind of like Uncle, but bolder and a girl. It made Himiko less upset that her uncle put time on someone else as she knew Auntie Rumi was ‘worthy’ of that attention.

Others not as much. It was odd, really, as she always felt attracted to her uncle. The man was the only one that cared enough to listen to her quiet plight back when she was just a child. He would play with her, he would head pat her, give her lap pillows and, much to her delight, introduced her to crime shows where blood was always a thing.

The wonderful scenes of people working through the dark system of the gritty world they lived in was always a reminder that the world of heroes wasn’t just white and black.

Part of her thought that becoming a villain was the end of the line, but as she grew more endeared to these shows, she realized it wasn’t the case: Himiko wanted to help others despite her urges.

But she couldn’t exactly expose herself much. Dexter in particular had her incredibly hooked to the idea of becoming a vigilante. Then again, she lacked the connections and the skills of the vicious serial killer that targeted criminals. In fact, she was tempted to say it wouldn’t be even a good idea considering that the end game was losing everything and being condemned as a villain nonetheless.

No, Himiko made a big decision through her uncle’s love, care and support: she was not going to be a villain, but she was also not going to become a hero.

That didn’t stop her, however, from feeling other ‘needs’ as she grew up. By her uncle’s own comments, she had ‘matured into a fine lady’, and Himiko felt validated by those words. After all, her view of her uncle had changed into an even more positive view as she started to ‘experience how he lived when he left the rest of the family’. It wasn’t the same, but it was enough to put the blonde in the right mindset to  go through the few hurdles along the path.

She was now independent enough to consider her current successes her own in most part, with her uncle’s support being limited and yet much appreciated.

As the blonde finally arrived at her destination, she rang the doorbell and waited. One moment she was patiently waiting, a shy smile forming out of unease and then, as the door opened, she sprung forward and hugged tightly the one that opened the door.

To her delight and her inner pleasure as she caught a strong sniff of that wonderful scent of his, it was her uncle that came to greet her.

“Miko-tan!” He exclaimed jovially, making her tremble in pure bliss, her chest experiencing the same knot as usual.

“Kobo-jisan!” The blonde returned with the same enthusiasm. “Surprise~!”

“It sure is a surprise,” He confirmed, lifting her up a bit. “How are you?”

“Super-good, uncle. You?”

“Managing, just as usual,” He replied confidently. “Wanna come in?”

“Definitely!” She snorted mirthfully, grinning as she followed her uncle inside his house and took a look around.

Same as usual, nothing had changed and… she dive-bombed for the couch. A chuckle left her in a giddy and childish mood. It was a habit she had since she was a child. She once saw some heroes diving for the ocean, so when she saw how blue the couch was, she ended up doing the same whenever she visited her uncle.

Her parents would scold her for that bad habit, but her uncle would just tell her to be careful to not hurt her head by going too fast against the pillows. They talked about the same old things, but she would never get bored about it.

It was so nice to spend the full day there and yet there was another reason why she had looked forward to this very visit.

“By the way, Uncle. Can I use your shower? The one at my flat got a few tubes broken so-”

“Sure thing. It’s alright.”

She beamed, securing herself the ‘bread’ so to speak as she happily went to the bathroom, closed the door with the key and… undressed as quickly as she could. She was sweating a lot, yet the one thing that was telling of her intentions was how soaked her groin was.

Himiko liked blood, but she also loved her uncle. His smell was wonderful when coupled with many good memories she had of him. She was smitten, she was in love, and, worst of all, she lusted after him.

Without shame or hesitation, the blonde went to the chest with dirty laundry. Between some clothes left there from both her uncle and auntie, Himiko snagged a few used boxers. Her uncle’s underwear- the one thing she had been tempted to sniff at two months ago and was now quite addicted to.

It was wrong for other reasons compared to her blood-related obsession, yet she couldn’t stop. She sat on the toilet, legs parted as her left hand started to play with her needy pussy, while her right one pressed the first piece firmly against her nostrils.

Her imagination did the rest as she imagined herself on her knees, before her uncle, and with his cock resting on her face. Her face lost focus, her lips puckering and kissing the heavy balls near her chin, and soon she felt her world just escalating into a major case of pure feminine depravity.

It lasted less than a hour, and she almost lost herself to it as she ended up dumping a lot of girlcum down the toilet’s drain. Himiko knew it was wrong, but it made the forbidden flavor stronger than it was with blood. Hell, she would let her uncle nibble at her neck until it bleed lovingly just to seal the deal if it was needed.

She would give him her blood and more to always be by his side.

Yet, a shower was needed to cool off her mind. Too much madness can give so much pleasure. Plus, she couldn’t waste time in the shower without drawing attention.

By the time she was done, however, Himiko decided for one last act of pure perversion. Rather than dress up with her own panties, she decided to put on one of the used ones from Auntie Rumi. She just could imagine, right as she put those on, that she was sharing something with her Auntie. The ‘moment’ just before pulling those to the side and feeling Uncle’s strong dick filling her up.

Plus, the scent of her Auntie made Himiko feel safe and protected. Kind of like uncle, but more on a physical level. A win-win to her, but a rather depraved one truth be told.

Once that visit was over, Himiko felt emboldened for more.

After all, she was a gluttonous brat at times. Her uncle should know that~.



As I have mentioned, this story does not follow the plot/canon of the show in some instances.

In this case, Himiko didn’t join the League of Villains but rather decided to find independence from a young age and ‘tame’ some of the worst aspects of her nature.

She still lusts after blood, but some love and understanding makes it easy for her to find satisfaction about it through means that don’t involve maiming or killing others.



El dicho dice que a la prima se le arrima, pero supongo que la sobrina tendrá que bastar *like*