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My Girlfriend is the Hero Rabbit! - or ‘My School Sweetheart is Mirko and… no one but a few knows about this!’ (MHA, OC!MC)

EDIT: This story follows a plot different from the OG MHA story. So, it’s an AU and most events don’t happen.

In a world where superheroes are a thing, the notion that something involving a ‘househusband’ dealing with morning chores may sound like a dull narration.

The story of one Kamoto Kobo is indeed one of a man that liked practical stability to a risky lifestyle. Born with a Quirk that makes his body adapt to the endurance and strength of someone he was touching for a prolonged time, such a quirk would have worked wonders within a chance of becoming a hero.

Yet, Kobo was not interested in that world. A loner due to his lack of popularity back in school, the young man had ultimately decided to not stick around to become a hero. Too risky, too dangerous and he just ‘lacked the face for it’. Too bland, too forgetful.

So, a happy life with a normal job was his ultimate goal and completion. He had ‘peaked’ by what many that were aware of this mindset would be keen to say. But while that was indeed how Kobo felt in his current state of existence, it would be a lie to say that he was single.

He was in a long-standing relationship with a girl he befriended and then got in a romantic commitment with from the very beginning of middle school. One of the popular ‘delinquents’ that was keen to engage in some ‘troublesome behavior’ back when they were young but had then shifted to do a legit job as a hero.

All in all, one may wonder what kind of woman would make a man like Kobo so happy and… the truth may surprise the many. As the morning finished and it was around time for lunch, the man prepared two meals. One for himself and one for his girlfriend as both tended to live at his place most of the time. For good reasons it wasn’t always as that would endanger Kobo through villainous troublemakers and potential paparazzi.

Soon he was done with his meal, sitting on the couch and resting a bit while watching the local news. Another villain attack beaten back by All Might, nothing new in that front and-

“I am back!” A loud voice called as Kobo nodded, but as he turned, he saw the blur that was his girlfriend rushing for the bathroom.

Considering the physical duress she tended to go through while dealing with troubles, it wasn’t anything new. He was still baffled by her speed, but not to the point of really raising a complaint considering that ‘too much sweat’ was indeed too much.

There was a sense of relief at her arrival, however, as he knew that today was going to be a big day as they had planned. She had done a lengthy early morning shift just for the occasion, ready for a full rest at home- their home.

After a few minutes, the girl was quite ‘done’, as in that she left the bath dried up, but clearly undressed and happy to show her frame around. Then again, who wouldn’t want to do that with that muscular frame. She was proud of the hard work put behind her current physical peak, and she was also in the mood to show off around her boyfriend.

Shifting briefly by the fridge, she retrieved a carrot juice can, sipped from it and walked up to the couch, leaning down and cheekily pressing her tits against her boyfriend’s head.

“How’re ya,‘bo-kun~?”

Looking up, Kobo smiled. “Doing well, Ru-chan. How was work?”

Hero Rabbit, Usagiyama Rumi, licked her lips at that.

“Lengthy, but nothing to break much of a sweat over,” The girl hummed as she shifted on the couch, happily leaning against the young man’s shoulder. “You made my favorite dish.”

The comment was met with a nod. “Today’s a special day after all.”

“Hmm, yes,” The white-haired woman replied with equal delight. “You, me, lots of free time, and a bed to break.”

“You know it’s awkward to explain to some shops why we have to buy beds so frequently, right?” Kobo pointed out and Mirko giggled, reaching out to land a kiss on his cheek.

“But you don’t mind being the one breaking it with me, don’t ya~?”

“I would never regret that,” Her boyfriend proudly admitted, turning and landing a soft peck on her lips. “So, anything new?”

Rumi looked up, a pensive look on her face. “Well, U.A. is going to pump out a new bunch of rookies. So, more PR work and keep some of those morons in the line.”

“It’s extra money-”

“I get paid a lot already,” She whined quietly, glancing at the TV. “Like, it’s mostly PR at that point.”

Kobo nodded and a pleasant silence ensued for a few minutes. Yet, the young man could perceive something was up with his girlfriend as she tensed up and gave him an intense look.

“What’s up?”

“Was just thinking,” Rumi answered curtly. “Like, what if we weren’t together.”

The young man blinked at that. “Ru-chan-”

“You wouldn’t have to deal with the fact we need to keep this a secret. To keep us a secret,” The girl quietly remarked, growing upset by the second. “Kobo, I… If you want-”



“Did you forget what I told you back in Highschool back when we were dealing with the Underground Masquerade?”

She blinked, looking away for a moment. “Y-You said you were going to stick by my side-”

“Because you needed me. Back then it was a matter of teamwork, now… this is more. You think some journalists frighten me-”

“The villains-”

“Could be god going after me for you and I would still stick by your side, Rumi,” Kobo firmly interrupted and pulled her in a hug. “I am not leaving because I love you too much.”

She burrowed her face on his neck.

“...You’re making me cry.”

Kobo chuckled and hugged her tightly. “And you shouldn’t because you are a wonderful person. What made you think otherwise?”

“That Takeyama bitch. She poked at the fact I was single and ‘unapproachable’ because I was so ‘isolated’ from hot men and women. And as I told her why that wasn’t possible… I thought back on that discussion we had like this, a few years ago.”

Sighing, Kobo rubbed his chin on her forehead. “You’re a bit of a dumb rabbit for butting heads with that pervert. Of course she will rile you up about it.”

Deciding against rebuking those honest words, Rumi nuzzled some more and they ended up cuddling for a while. Rumi got up from the couch to get through her lunch, sitting with her boyfriend right beside her as they talked a bit more of recent events and then-

“H-Hey, I can walk just fine,” Rumi huffed as Kobo picked her off the ground in a bridal carry.

“You sure can, but didn’t you tell me you wanted a headstart for my powers to be ready to pound you?”

By holding her at the moment, Kobo was getting more seconds that would enable his body to be ready to give Rumi what she wanted. Realization hit the bunny-themed hero, but she pouted adorably nonetheless.

“F-Fine, I guess.”

That shyness was cute, but it was brief. The moment she was placed on the bed, she raised her legs up, butt and pussy in full display as she gave her boyfriend a loving look.

“Remember that it’s my safe day and I am on the pill. So, come and give me that dicking raw and strong, hun~.

Shuddering at her words, Kobo undressed and revealed how hard he was. Licking her lips at the sight, she was more than welcoming of the bed-breaking experience she had asked for.

And as the two lovers went on through their usual hours-long mating day session, none of them was aware that their status quo was about to change.

It all started with a favor Rumi offered to a colleague that needed a place to stay… a certain dragon girl was definitely not prepared to learn some secrets about her fellow hero.



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