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Precure Ranger! - or ‘How I became the protagonist, the side character and recurring mentor to the Precureverse (It never ends!!)’ (PowerRanger!OC-MC into the Precureverse)

2018, L’Avenir Academy, Hagukumi City

Top notch education. That’s what L’Avenir Academy was known to many. The quality provided by its teachers was the main reason why many were keen to enroll students to form a solid preparation before being trusted into society.

To many, this was the place where adults that would shape society were created from those youths provided by the rural-semi urban population, and to some it was-

I am laaaaaaaateeee!!

The loud voice was perceived by the many students, some sighing, some frowning in interest, others just ignoring the loud girl that was clearly messing up right on the first day of school.

Truth be told, Nono Hana was not having a good first day. She literally took a soaring baseball straight on her face while protecting someone that was clearly unaware of the incoming projectile, getting some strange hallucination from it about a baby crying and some pink lights- yeah, concussions were odd and she was running unfashionably late!

Her legs were hurting with how much she had been running, but at least she could make a case for traffic- even though she had rushed to school on foot.

Ugh, this is not my day!

She got to her classroom, rapidly pushing the door to the side and-

“I am here!”

And she quickly realized the mess she just made. Every single student had turned to look at her, some already giving her malicious looks that promised some bullying and others were just disappointed in her.

But it was a single one that mattered the most.

“Young miss, may I ask you why did you interrupt today’s lesson so abruptly?” The harsh tone of the teacher hit her strong enough to have Hana standing tense and uneasy. “You could have just knocked and then waited for permission.”

“I-I was late.”

“And do you think what you did will help you?”

She bowed her head, staring down at the ground. “No.”

“First, your name and explain why you were forced to turn up late on your first day of school.”

Gulping nervously, Hana spoke. “I- My name is H-Hana- I mean, Nono Hana and I got late because…” She bowed her head, her stuttering further digging her in a hole. “And I got hit by a random baseball!”

Some students snickered, but they were quietened by a glare from the teacher. Hana didn’t lift her eyes to see as said teacher then walked up to her… until he stood before her.

His hand lifted her head by the chin, surprising her with the gesture, but she was mesmerized by the sight. The pinkette had heard that some teachers could be from beyond Japan, but this was a proper blonde man with blue eyes, glasses and a bit of facial hair. He looked intellectual, in a modest manner compared to an outright clean appearance many would expect from ‘nerdy scientists’.

And this guy wasn’t even a teacher for a scientific subject as she quickly remembered what was today’s first lesson- P.E. and Advanced Gymnastics. Mark Lupos was someone that came from the States and had been in Japan for a long time. Not much is known to many beyond him being recommended by her parents as the teacher that could ‘help her be less reckless around others’.

Still, the worst part was that she literally turned up late to one of the lightest subjects one could get during their first day at school and…

“Owie!” She noised as the teacher poked at her bruise. “S-Sensei?”

“You’re lucky it’s just a bruise, Nono-san. If you had been anywhere too ‘soft’ against the ball you would have gotten a bad cut,” He replied calmly, retrieving a piece of paper and a pen by his utility belt. Soon he wrote something in it and nodded. “You shall go to the nurse’s office and show her this. You will be pardoned, just this once, about this late arrival. Do not do it again.”

The girl nodded eagerly, knowing that she had been saved for the occasion. “I will not do it again, Sensei. I swear on it!”

As she ran to get herself checked by the nurse, the rest of the class started to whisper with one another. Without skipping a beat, ‘Lupos-sensei’ walked up to the blackboard and-

I think I can drop the third person at once.

Because yes, the story here is not about Nono Hana despite the girl clearly having all the skills and personality traits needed to produce a Pretty Cure leader. To me, this was nothing new and… at this point, I had resigned myself to the notion of being part of these endless adventures to the very end.

My name is Markus Lupos, I am 28, and I have been a ‘Precure Ranger’ for fourteen years. I am not here to explain how things are ‘now’. In fact, I think we need to go back to the very beginning. Back in 2004, when I was sent to study in Japan by my Japanese mother and…

Things started on an awfully familiar pattern.


I am laaaaaaaateeee!!

I messed up big time! I thought the alarm was not going to betray me like this, especially during my first day of school at Verone Academy! For a foreigner like me, this was a big mistake and one that was going to haunt me forever, I could just tell.

My name? Markus Lupos! I am 14, fresh from a lengthy stay in Oregon and now stuck dealing with a new reality I was barely prepared for. My parents were investors that came from old money, and were both involved in businesses tied to California, Nevada and even New York.

The reason why a ‘Gaijin’ like me ended up in Japan was a decision taken mostly by my mother. By her own admission, I was too unruly, too reckless and… I guess I'm too unmotivated.

It’s not my fault there’s not much I can do back home!

I eventually got to school, got detention and pretty much was lectured for thirty minutes by my homeroom teacher about ‘stopping being disrespectful because I am a delinquent’.

Who even said I was like that?

Hell, I admit I was a troublemaker at times, but I was not a thug or a goon. Why the hell would I want to do that even!?

Still, I got stuck with detention, I got homework to do back home and I found myself sitting in my room, in my flat, away from people and with many bad thoughts on my first day of school.

The Academy is a nice place, but it was clear I wasn’t welcomed there due to my own circumstances. The fact that mom had refused to write a letter to clarify why I had been put in this school further created misunderstandings which I knew I was going to face for years to come.

“If only I had protested much more. Or dad had some backbone,” I muttered darkly while practicing my Japanese.

Mom had me ruthlessly subjected to learning her native language from the time I started studying English, and the confusing effects of that decision left me confused on which language to use during formal events.

Starting to speak Japanese in a charity event in Los Angeles can be seen as a bit odd considering I didn’t look much like a proper Japanese anyway. It was something that screwed me back in the States, and now it was going to mess with my chances to… well, have friends.

This is just stupid. What did I do to deserve this?

As I was musing over this, something caught my attention. Something that was flashing from beyond the window. I stood up from my chair, biology forgotten momentarily as I went to check what it was.

Stars? I could see bright lights rupturing around the sky, creating a pretty sight and… I kind of wished upon it.

“I really hope to make friends this time around,” I admitted tiredly, looking away…

Right as something rushed through the window, almost sniping my head and forcing me to drop on the ground as I perceived the imminent sense of doom it carried for a moment.

“W-What the hell was that?!” I turned to the thing itself and frowned as I crawled up to it. A soft green glow came from the item, and I realized it was… “A heart?”

A heart-shaped precious stone to be precise. There was a pulling attraction coming from it and… I reached out and felt something warm coming off from it. I grasped it, squeezing it softly before bringing it closer to my face and-

Find them-popo!


I jumped back, stunned by the voice running into my ears and the urge to follow through with it. It was like it was screaming at me to do it, to find ‘them’ and to help them. Because they were going to be in danger.

For some reason, this got my full attention and I forgot my homework entirely as I bolted out of my little place to try and ‘find them’. The gem was humming softly and ‘telling’ me where to go.

Around thirty minutes into the ‘stroll’, I ended up in the park, right where something odd was happening. A girl was there, holding close what looked to be a Lacrosse's racket and, in it, what I felt was-

It’s one of them-popo!

The voice called out again and I felt almost ‘yanked’ into approaching her despite the fact there was an issue. A flying one at that, as a villain-like man was keeping above the girl and looking menacingly down on her.

He suddenly turned to look at me and then grinned. “Ah yes, the Green Prism Stone! The one that should have been mine… and is now in your possession, you thief.”

“T-Thief!? It came close to killing me by breaking my room’s window like a bullet, like hell I am a thief!”

The girl turned, and I saw her full appearance now. She had shoulder-length hair which looked spiky. The color felt like a mix of light-brown with a hint of orange. Her eyes were a darker shade of that

The girl blinked in surprise. “Wait, you too have one of those.”

“No-mepo. He has a Prism Stone. It’s important-mepo!”

“D-did your phone just talk on its own?” I asked, the girl nodded and the phone-

“You need to protect the stone-mepo. That nasty man is trying to steal it!”

“Lies! The Evil King gave me, Pisard, full authority to claim that stone!”

“Evil… King?” I repeated, trying to make sense of it. “Wait, you want us to believe that some guy called the ‘Evil King’ is the rightful owner of these ‘Prism Stones’? Not gonna lie, that’s… weak.”

“I suggest you think carefully about what you say, worm,” Pisard growled. “The Evil King has all the rights to claim this sort of power and-”

“W-What is going on?” A new voice called and we all turned to see another girl. This one with long straight blue hair and blue eyes..

“They are being attacked by an Evil King’s minion-mipo!” Her own flip phone started to talk too.

“Okay, how come yours talk normally and mine doesn’t?” I asked within good reasons, but-

“I am not a minion! I am a loyal subordinate to the Evil King!” Pisard rebuked angrily. “And you all shall give me your Prism Stones.”

“You need to transform-mepo!”

“That’s correct, we can help you with that-mipo!”

Transform? Is this like Power Rangers or something?!

“H-How do we do that?” The blue-haired girl asked and… they kind of followed the instructions. Two flashes of light, one black and one white, came through and allowed the girls to transform into… magical girls?

I was confused about the lack of staff and wands, but then I saw the short-haired girl rush at Pisard and give him a kick mid-air. Is that even a thing? That magical girl can just go physical like that?!

The villain emerged upward, bruised and very furious. “I will not give up!”

He formed a sphere of darkness and hurled it at an… amusement park attraction? Looking around, I didn’t notice that someone had ditched a circus-worthy of amusement park-related stuff.

Soon a monster made of darkness manifested in an incoherent yet organized blob that took over the various ‘flying cars’ and turned into a dangerous boss. The girls shared a look and then nodded before trying to fight off the monster.

“So, how do I transform?” I asked, turning to the Prism Stone and… being answered with silence. “I can transform, right?”


This is bad. Actually, scratch that-

I turned up and saw Pisard was giving me his full attention.

This is really bad.

“You would do better to unhand the Prism Stone at once. Or I will end you here and now,” He threatened but… I just couldn’t let it go.

I mean, I am a civilian right now, but this- this could really be dangerous if it is really that powerful and could provide issues to the girls. I gritted my teeth, knowing that a confrontation wasn’t possible but… I could run.

There’s a few circus tents, maybe a way out without him seeing from above. I need a distraction.

I cleared my voice and- “You think I should give up when I am on the cusp of victory, you fiend! As if I would just go along with that!” I snapped angrily, surprising Pisard for a moment before aiming an accusatory finger at him. “In fact, we humans have a special technique against the likes of you! One that has proved many times to be impossible to beat and overcome! For we are better than you!”

“Nothing you have can stop me, mongrel! Do you think you have any chance with this technique and-” He paused, turning to look at me as he realized I was no longer standing still and running towards one of the circus tents nearby.

“NIGERUNDAYO!” I said, mustering Joseph Joestar’s pragmatic mindset and legs for the time being.

Growling, the villain bolted to intercept me, leaving the girls to deal with the large poltergeist monster controlling the machines outside. Pisard was giving chase, hungry for the power held within the Prism Stone but he wasn’t trying to approach me directly as he sent familiar dark orbs into the tent, each of which taking over the machinery held within.

“You think you have a chance, little mortal? That you can be the hero of this story?” The villain started to mock while tearing into the tent itself and allowing more freedom to his newly-created monsters. “Resistance is futile.”

Panic roused as I had to dodge some slow but strong-looking attack from the dark masses, the gem providing me with clarity and energy as I started to get nimbler through these attacks. But that was it- I was faster and slightly stronger, which was still far from dealing with these threats.

“An insignificant human, that’s what you are. Weak and cowardly, always running- I can smell it. The dissatisfaction mixed with your worthless self-value!”

I rolled away, dodging the magical attack, but being unable to block the unpleasant and sharp injury of being called out like this. The multiple monsters were getting too difficult to avoid, but it was the notion that there was no point to it. I had been forced into this, and I hadn’t been given a chance to fight back against those monsters.

You can’t give up-popo!

I definitely can if you can’t help me here!

You are getting energy-

And that’s not enough. Can’t you see I am going to die?!?

Y-You are not going to die. You- You can do it!

I can only dodge like this!

That’s because you need to want it! The Prism Stone’s powers are tied to the user’s will. Only you can save yourself right now!

I can’t do it, I-

I know you can! You are giving the girls time- you don’t want to die and… and you are a good person! Please-popo, don’t die- I… I don’t want you to die…

The genuine pressure to see me live gave me some hope. It was the first time someone believed in me so truthfully, and it reached deep in me.

I felt the Prism Stone burning in my hands as I wanted to fight- I needed to. I couldn't give up, I didn’t want to die! And as I thought this, I felt the Prism Stone shift in my palms in another item- something more familiar.

“You’re done for, weak brat!” Pisard snapped, all monsters he had created rushing towards me when…

I turned around and held the item forward.

It’s Morphin’ Time!

A blinding green light erupted from the Morpher, fabric forming around my arms and chest and legs, covering me as a helmet with a visor appeared around my head. The crystal vanished ‘within me’, as a dagger was created to finalize the kind of transformation I had pushed through my will.

I was the Green Ranger from the first generation of the Power Rangers- and I wasn’t going to take any prisoners!


I jumped up, easily overcoming the numerous blobs rushing me as I fully introduced myself mid-air.

“Fiend of Darkness, you shall find defeat against the true justice of the Dragon! I am the Green Ranger so… prepare for some ass-kicking!

As I finished that, I felt it easy to plan the counterattack. The Dragon Dagger was burning with energy and it easily cleaved through limbs and heads, killing the various monsters created by the villain. As he saw his creations getting decimated, Pisard turned around to fly away, but by the time he got to the entrance of the tent, I was above him.

I tried to cut him, but he manifested a barrier that bounced off the dagger, but that did nothing to hold back a kick to the chin that sent him flying on the perimeter wall in front of him.

I landed back on the ground, right to see the villain, now severely hurting, vanishing in dark mist. There was a moment to silence and I looked at myself- at the Green Ranger’s armor all around me.

The Precure Ranger! I name you that-popo.

Oh no, I am the Dragon Ranger-

Procure Ranger! It’s non-negotiable!

Urgh, who are you even?

I am Prince Pollun-popo!

…Nice to meet you?


Before I could have asked some more, I felt someone jump at my arm. I jerked in surprise, turning to find the short-haired girl from a while ago giving me a starry-eyed look.

“This looks so cool! Are you a Kamen Rider?”

I frowned deeply. “I am a Power Ranger.”

“Shouldn’t it be Super Sentai?” The other girl inquired, raising a fair argument. “The Power Rangers are the Western version of the Super Sentai.”

My transformation dropped there. “I suppose that makes sense.”

“I am Nagisa, by the way!” The brunette remarked and I nodded nervously.


“Honoka, it’s nice to meet you both.” The bluette added.

“Likewise and-”

“Does this mean we are friends?” Nagisa asked, her eyes still glowing brightly, stunning us both for a moment.

“I think we have to work together a lot, so… yeah?” Honoka replied tentatively, giving me a look as Nagisa tagged along for some peer-pressuring.

“I-I think that’s the case too. Yeah-”

“That’s awesome!”

I didn’t expect to be pulled in a group hug so early on but…

I would come to remember these days fondly. For while they were going to be difficult ones, none were as tedious as things would get in the ensuing years-

At least our friendship would survive through it all and blossom into something… more.



A glimpse in the future and then a full dive into the past/present! A Mighty Morphin’ Precure Ranger appears!



I wonder does he only turn into the Green Dragon Ranger or can he turn into the other Green Rangers? If I was in his position I would have like to turn into the Green Samurai Ranger from Ninja Storm


He can only do the og Green Ranger at the moment, but he may obtain new forms the more things happen in the ensuing series

Austin Smith

If you feel like it, maybe do something with lord Drakkon, the evil green/white range, for a cool power up, kinda like the zi-o 2 power up from kamen rider Zi-o, accepting a inner darkness


Muchos gustan del original Green Ranger y lo entiendo es genial y su daga flauta es muy llamativa, lo admito ya que por el mismo motivo me encanta Zenaku de Wild Force, pero tratándose de la primera generación siempre me gustó más su segunda forma como el White Ranger.

Crimson Grave

I am just glad that it is with Nagisa and Honoka. Black and White were a series of firsts for me. My first introduction to the PrettyCure series, where I found my love for Yuri. (And my hatred for series refusing to allow them to get together officially and on screen! Nanoha was the one that REALLY holds the Top Spot for that though. THEY ARE MARRIED WITH A KID AND THEY STILL WON'T ADMIT IT OFFICIALLY OR LET THEM KISS ON SCREEN!?) Nagisa gave me an intense love for a Magical Girl that went against the norm and fought physically, with her fists, rather than with a pretty staff and colorful blasts from far away. This also introduces me to a genuine love for tomboys. So I am looking forward to this quite eagerly. XD


Def looking forward to more