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Sensei is Ruthless! - or ‘When you can’t make a big difference in the previous ‘series’, then you can make it in the ensuing one!’ (Boruto, Ninja-Teacher!SI)

There was a rumor at the Academy.

A rumor about an infamous teacher that is renowned for his ruthless methods being quite eager to put his students through intense training sessions, to put them against adversities, and to put the fear of Kami upon them– all for the sake of greatness!

Only a few have been successful in such a tortuous path, and they all were unwilling to provide confirmation about this rumor. So, to one like Uzumaki Boruto, this all felt like a lie meant to put kids in line when dealing with the Academy.

His mother would tell him about this, warning him to be ‘careful’ on not becoming a scoundrel as that would set him up for trouble in case this infamous individual ended up being his homeroom teacher.

He didn’t believe it… until bad luck struck him.

Truth be told, he should have seen this one coming. Especially when his mother had warned him about it, but– Boruto is Boruto. It was futile to try and explain something to him when, actually, he had it easier to be ‘subjected’ to the surprise rather than being warned about it.

So, he knew something was different for himself and his classmates when his Sensei just… ‘appeared’. Shunshin no Jutsu was such a known technique, but he didn’t expect his teacher to just ‘appear’ out of thin air while the door closed shut.

Everyone was already there and-

“Welcome to your first lesson at Konohagakure no Sato Academy for Shinobi and Kunoichi. I am Tatsuno Kantaro, I am your sensei and you have all been signed to my curriculum as prescribed by the Academy’s rules,” The man spoke strongly, leaving no space for distractions. “This means that I will have blank paper for the way you will be educated and trained, all within the limitations and the lines of conduct of the academy itself. You will hate it, you will despise me, and, best of all, you can’t leave unless you decide to call it quits… now.”

There was a pause and… then a hand shot up. Eyes were soon aimed at the bespectacled boy that had ‘dared’ to do this. A prankster maybe, but Boruto could tell this boy was genuinely frightened.


“I-I would like to quit!”


Boruto was shocked that someone would just come here and give up like this. And he wasn’t the only one surprised by this. The rest of the classroom was quick to whisper questions and potential reasons for the guy quitting.

Was he afraid of the teacher? Did he know something they didn’t? Was he there for a dare or a prank? Instead of leaving this matter on the nose, Tatsuno-sensei hummed.

“Okay, your name and the reason why you want to quit.”

Gulping nervously, the boy mustered his courage again. “Ka-Kaminarimon D-Denki, sensei.”

“Kaminarimon,” The white-haired teacher hummed. “You’re Ereki’s kid, right? How’s your father?”

“H-He is well. He wants me to be a shinobi but I don’t want to.”

“And what would you like to be, Denki?”

“I… I would like to study computers.”

“And?” Tatsuno-sensei pressed. “After learning computers, how do you wish to contribute to society with your knowledge?”

“B-By making new computers! Better and easier to use so people can have an easier time with those.”

The teacher nodded, sounding genuinely compelled by this argument.

“I see… and what would be your plans if this fails?”

There was a heavy silence as he asked that. It was a rather curious query that got the bespectacled boy confused.


“What if you fail?” The teacher pressured once more. “Let me draw some issues with that scenario. You would need money, who would you get the funds from?”

“M-My father.”

“Why would he want to give you funds if you are already planning to defy him? Doesn’t it make sense he would be less inclined to help you about it?”

Hesitation struck the boy. “H-He wouldn’t. He… he is not bad.”

“And yet you are making a big decision. You decided to come along for this first lesson, establish a point that you are here against your will, and now you are planning to establish yourself as a civilian after today. This is bound to bear repercussions to yourself, your father and his work.”


“So, what happens if you fail?”

“...I don’t know,” Denki admitted quietly, and the teacher nodded.

“You don’t know. Why don’t you know, Denki?” Tatsuno-sensei asked, then turned to the rest of the class. “Actually, I turn this question to all of you- what happens if your dreams fail somehow?”

Other hands shot up. “Yes… you.”

“Yuino Iwabee. I will become the next Hokage.”

“I don’t recall asking that, Iwabee. Focus on the question.”

“Well, I will just push through because I will be the strongest,” The tall student rebuked smugly and the sensei… hummed.

“So, you think that strength is the most important thing, Iwabee?”


“I was an ANBU before I turned to teaching,” The sensei replied, stunning many with this admission. “No one else in this building has that sort of training. So, who is the strongest individual in this building right now?”

The tall boy snorted. “You, sensei.”

“Am I? If I was to punch you, or just hurt you in an excessive way, would I be left untouched?”

Before the student had the chance to answer, he saw a fist coming his way, the man having teleported in front of him and looking ready to strike him. Boruto and a few others stood up in shock but… eased down on their stances as they saw the fist stopping before connecting. Still, Iwabee leaned back and tripped with his chair, eyes glued at the fist that almost hit him.


“T-That would see you fired-”

“And put to trial, and maybe secured in prison,” The teacher answered flatly. “So, does strength matter?”

Iwabee kept quiet, perhaps scared or perhaps shocked by this practical counter to his argument. Yet, Tatsuno-sensei walked back to his desk, uncaring of this turn of events.

“Anyone else?”

A single hand shot up and it was owned by a girl.


“Su-Suzumeno Namida, sensei,” The brunette introduced herself. “I-If I am doubtful of something, I ask others for help.”

“That’s a good argument. Elaborate for your classmates.”

Surprise flared at this comment, and yet the girl went on as she was pushed to do.

“W-Well, since this is a big question and it- it matters a lot, I think that- that asking for help is nothing to be upset about. A-After all, it’s very important.”

The smile on the man’s face was stunning and his next words were even more.

“Asking for help to those that can offer you insight. A different perspective, the notion of being able to let go of your fears of being judged and being bullied out of your thoughts because some others are unwilling to listen,” Tatsuno-sensei refined from Namida’s words. “Being a Konoha-nin means more than just being a cool ninja. It doesn’t mean being a hero, it doesn’t mean being a strong warrior. It means that you all are allowed to discover your talents, improve through it- improve yourselves, and then become someone great. You may be frontliners that face the battle head on, but a ninja is not a samurai. Some of you may already know that tact and support are two qualities worthy of investment.”

The teacher turned to Denki. “Which is why, Denki, I will reject your request and tell you how this is going to work- you will become a shinobi. Your goal is to become a computer specialist, yes? Then you will use this job to secure your own money for it. You will make a name for yourself, you shall put up your own reputation and you shall become someone that is known first as Denki and then as your father’s son. Got it?”

“...Yes, sensei.”

“Cheer up, boy. Look at it my way- since you have been honest, it means that I will put you through a lighter form of training,” The white-haired man announced and these words confused many.


“Yup. Which is why, now that we are through some simple familiarization, we can start the proper first lesson. There’s still an hour for us so… time for some practical training~!”

After that lengthy talk, no one was prepared for the ruthless set of exercises for that first day of Academy. Boruto was excited for some physical stuff but… this was too much! Running around the Academy building so many times, then carrying heavy weights from one side of the gates to the other.

More and more added as Tatsuno-sensei viciously subjected them to vigorous exercises while Denki was… put through the strange exercise of ‘planning three perfect precise shots with a shuriken’ via his computer and getting it done.

It was quite an unfair way to get coaxed into ninja training and it got so bad that he eventually tripped on his steps and allowed his face to kiss the ground. Things just couldn’t get any worse than this…

“Are you alright?”

The soft voice that asked this was met with a tired groan. “Yeah, I am just… surprised. That’s all and-”

Boruto’s voice died in his throat as he turned to greet a classmate of his. He remembered seeing her from afar as they were talking with Sensei, and yet he never noticed how pretty she was. She had plum-shaded hair that matched well with her dark-violet eyes.

“H-Hi. I mean-”

The girl giggled. “It’s alright. Not many are ready to handle dad’s ruthless exercises.”

The blond nodded at the apology and… then froze up as his brain caught up with what he just heard. “Eh- Father?! You mean that- that–!”

Her smile widened at the growing look of fright on his face.

“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Tatsuno Sumire. Nice to meet you, Boruto-san~.”




Boruto is about to get his world rocked. But next time will be a proper introduction of the man, the legend, Tatsuno Kantaro. The One that Lurks, the Personification of Paranoia, the Unpredictable Bastard! Also, Dad to Sumire due to something that happened back when he was an ANBU agent.

Who is this guy? A Self-Insert that botched shit up due to being born in the right place at the wrong time.



Well, this is gonna be interesting turn of for someone would do a freaking boruto story I know that the series have kind of fucked the power scaling but it’s not all bad. It’s just that some things can be a little bit jarring. I mostly blame the characters sometimes but can’t wait to see more.


It has to be mentioned that this story will be shedding away most of the nerf since some of it just makes absolute zero sense. So yeah, prepare for Naruto, Sasuke and others to not be ragdolls. Same for some 'low-tier' villains that got some absurd nerfing too.


Maldita sea, no quería está historia porque sabía que me terminaría encantando con los giros que sueles darles y eso sucedió ahora quiero ver más de este tipo que se volvió maestro y como llego ahí.


What did he do exactly (his impact) for "botched shit up due to being born in the right place at the wrong time" ? Will I have to wait for the next snippet ? Ahah, thanks for it !


It's more like he ended up becoming a shinobi right as the Fourth Shinobi World War happened, so he didn't have the chance to train up and be a big contribution to prevent deaths. In fact, he was relatively at Chuunin Level when he ended up losing his team during the war, and that left him unwilling to play it 'slow and steady'.