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Humanly Unashamed - or ‘I got dimensionally displaced, but now I have my Nudist Fox Friend to act as my headpat-destresser’ (Naked Penny, Human!SI)

There comes a time where a sense of shame has to be met by context and forced to adapt to it.

Not always, and not for everyone, but I would dare to say that this was indeed the case for yours truly. My name is John Bukharin and I got dimensionally shifted and displaced from Earth into another where humans are not a thing and… well, one where the average Fursuiter would feel ‘at home with’.

In a world where furred anthros are a thing… it would also be true to say that not much has changed despite what one may expect by biological circumstances as nature was odd, magic was a thing and most people around were omnivores as they could eat ‘lesser animals’.

I really don’t know the logic behind this despite the fact this gave me a strangely familiar Zootopia-like vibe, but I learned to accept it as soon as I realized how the supernatural is indeed a present element but hidden from the eyes of the most denizens.

In the ‘normal town’ of Witches Butte (yeah, couldn’t get more on the nose but… it actually works- so I am not going to shit on the ironic naming), I was the only human being that existed in this world.

Is this disheartening at times? Yes. Do I miss home? Yup. Do I feel all-time depressed because of it? Nope.

Why was I unaffected too heavily by my dreadful circumstances? Well, I was given a home as compensation, a nice flat at that, a monthly wage that was tied to my work as an ‘assistant librarian’ to the school of magic itself and… well, I got myself a guide that also worked as my ‘de-stresser’.

That can mean a lot in its meanings, but I will just start by saying it is nothing lewd- at least, not by my will. The individual herself was ‘controversial’ due to a curse that no one could exactly break- not even the principal.

Blonde, hazel eyes, and with just a golden cursed collar around her neck and nothing below that, Penny Fenmore was the example of a ‘forced’ nudist.

Quite gifted in terms of intellectual subjects, but quite the troubled individual in making friends even before being cursed by her ‘foe’, Penny is a bit of an odd entity within the school. Friendly as she may be, those that had the chance to watch her from afar could tell she was quite ‘mixed’ with her view of the curse.

Despite not wanting to be 24/7 naked, Penny was once a closeted Exhibitionist. That was a known fact to just a few people and now, due to the curse, a wider public was aware of it. And yes, this was frowned upon by authorities despite the magic explanation.

So, one would reasonably think- John, how can you be fine to have someone like her? The answer is very simple: 1) No one else wanted the job; 2) She is not a shameless slut or an ‘outward’ pervert, thus she was bearable- in fact, I would say her adorkable personality made her a wonderful individual to have around; 3) I kind of get how bad it is for her. Being outed like this, for something that she didn’t exactly ask for- yeah, the poor fox girl didn’t deserve some of the hate she got.

And the headpats were therapeutic. For both. The girl was clearly overworked between juggling her curse, homework, her general clumsiness, and her BF-related matters.

Speaking of her boyfriend, I did meet Artemis Bloodfang and… I had made a wrong assumption upon first glance. He was Quarterback in the Football team, extremely liked by the cheerleaders and he had quite the build to appear intimidating.

Despite being a wolf, the guy is a… softie. A dog-like person at that. Jovial, very lovable and extremely caring for his girlfriend. Then again, he was also unashamedly a Bisexual and a rather active individual in debauchery with Penny.

The girl was quite fine with that but… I was sure she wasn’t that fine when she realized Artemis had flirted a bit with me. And no, I wasn’t the one targeted for it but-

“I just don’t get it, why would he find you… well, fuckable.”

“...Really?” I asked as I focused on my laptop, the girl’s head resting on my lap as we were sitting by a couch in the school library.

I just helped finish her homework, so we were going through our usual ‘late school day headpatting session’. The girl was a bit skeptical at first, but she had outright made it a must to be there to get her daily petting after realizing it was just something to tease her ears and chin and nothing more.

This comment, however, was a surprise. It was clear she wasn’t trying to offend me, but I couldn’t help but tell she was ‘slightly jealous’ of it.

“I-I mean, you are nice-looking but… he should know better than being forward with you.”

Her squawking was adorable.

“I am actually surprised you are so protective of me. Even though you know Artemis isn’t too pushy about it.”

The girl… hesitated for a moment, eyes darting elsewhere as she pondered on the words to use or, even more interesting, to not use. I was busy with the pc when I noticed Penny lifting her head from my lap and… giving me a nervous look.

“Yes, Penny?”

“John… you know that you are a very good friend to me, right?”

“I am aware, yes.”

“I-I mean, you are the only one that doesn’t say I am a slut or anything because of the curse-”

“I do consider you a pervert whenever you get too worked up on it, though.”

“Yeah, but- still, you are not pushing hard on it and… it can get frustrating to be told all those things at times, so I find these moments refreshing.”

I slowly nodded at this.


“And I appreciate that. That’s- that’s all.” She muttered, a blush burning through her fur. And I could tell there was more to it than just that.

Still, I just nodded and thanked her. The girl went back to rest her head on my lap as if nothing had happened, her face hidden by her hands for a while.

“So… how’s Tammy?” I asked, trying to crack into her embarrassing self to restore more normalcy on the scene.

But as we were busy with that relatively normal activity, three heads were peeking from some of the shelves behind us. Annoyed, frustrated and ready for some unwarranted retaliation against their usual target.

Ah yes, if there’s a high school, then there is a clique of bullies.