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A Cowardly Demon - or ‘How a Craven Girl ends up married, wife'd up and becomes the center of the plot’ (Kimetsu no Yaiba, SIxMukago)

What happens when you are a demon… but you don’t want to fight?

Such an odd circumstance would perplex the many, gaining the frowning of Demons and Demon Hunters alike. It would also be true that the life of a Demon is rough and dangerous, even more if you are considered one of the strongest.

So, it felt rightful for the demon known as Mukago to be fearful of confrontations. Despite being seen by her Lord and ‘creator’ as one of his closest servants, the woman was not shy from assuming a very sad thing- Strong she may be, but she didn’t have the intention to expose herself to potential pain.

All demons had their own view of fighting. Some crave it the most, others just plotting and letting others do the dirty work. Mukago was more in the second group and, even then, she didn’t have a group of minions to rely on.

She tried to create one, but that result was-


A very nightmarish occurrence she had to stain her hands with. The abominations she mustered from dead humans had been a sign that she was not cut to be a cunning plotter and… this was bad. Really bad.

Had it been years ago, back when she was first initiated as a High-level Demon, Mukago would have been deeply offended if someone had called her out to be a coward. At this point, however, that felt like a flattery compared to worse terms like ‘blood traitor’ or ‘backstabber’ or ‘worthless one’.

Her self-esteem was not exactly a thing anymore. Not with the many reprimands she was subjected through in the various years from Muzan himself. So…

She decided to shatter that perception. To put herself out of her safe space and… kill a village of humans. It was a simple job for a demon- and definitely a walk in the park for a Twelve Kizuki member like her.

So, she wandered around, looking for the kind of village that was remote enough so that no Demon Slayer could have gotten to it in time before she was done with it and… she found one.

The place was small. Mostly old people as the youth had left to join major cities. Ah yes, westernization had done a fine job exposing some of the smaller settlements for easy demonic conquests. But while Mukago was rubbing her hands in giddiness, she also frowned as she overheard some of the old women around commenting about the ‘handsome foreigner that was helping around’. Turns out that, in a rather unusual development, a young man that came from beyond Japan had decided to settle in this desolate place.

Odd, but still quite bad when she also learned that he was armed with a ‘gun’. She had heard from some of the fellow Kizuki that these guns were not meant to be dangerous but… it wasn’t like these demons were actually caring for the pain delivered by attacks against them. So, that still put a degree of risk on the operation and forced her to handle this threat first.

Night came soon, everyone went to sleep early, and Mukago prepared herself for her first real fight in a while. Maybe. After all, it was late in the night and her target may already be asleep.

Slipping through the shadows, the female demon finally got an opening into the house through an open high window. Jumping inside as silently as possible, she was welcomed by a relatively normal house. Nothing that would suggest any difference to the common Japanese household.

Maybe she was overthinking this- after all, the gun was what really worried her. And she started to search for it. If she was to secure the human’s only method of defense, then Mukago’s chances of succeeding were going to be absolutely in her favor.

So, she started to look around and…

Fuck, where is that blasted gun!?

She just couldn’t find it! The house was relatively small, and yet she couldn’t find the gun she was looking for. Mukago’s confidence depleted fast. Even more when she realized the owner was not asleep but taking a bath in his mini-onsen behind the house.

It was a surprising discovery, not many having that sort of service in their houses but… Mukago couldn’t waste further time! She had to find the gun or-

“Who are you?”

Tensing up, the girl’s eyes widened astronomically as she heard that clear masculine voice. Slightly accented, but clearly a man. The foreigner. She slowly turned to glance at him and… her jaw dropped at his appearance. Face-wise, he was average. Nothing impressive or stunning with his short brown hair and dark eyes… but she was more concerned by his lack of clothes.

He had just a cloth working as a towel around his waist, covering his lower body and hiding his length. Still, he was toned and it was clear he was no slacker with that good frame of muscles.


What to say or do? The human was in sight, not having the shotgun but… maybe he was hiding it nearby? He could dodge, get it and kill her so… so she had to improvise.

Unfastening her kimono a bit to the point of showing some cleavage, Mukago engaged in something she was utterly inexperienced and unprepared for.


“I-I was… told that a handsome foreigner was there and wanted to offer free service!”


She could already imagine the human lusting over her body, but this was a good chance to kill him. Distasteful as it may be, she could get on her knees, sucking on his hidden length and maybe… cut it off with her teeth?

That’s… a bit extreme. B-But I may not have a choice on this.

“Oh, that’s… neat? But why?”

“Foreigners are handsome!”


“Are you say no to free bedding?”

“I-I am not but…” He scratched the back of his head. “You kind of have-”

“I was… uh… born like this.”

“I wasn’t implying-” The human started to argue, but she caught him on that.

“W-Well, it felt like you were!”


“Well then, apologize by letting me service you!”

The human didn’t look utterly sold, but slowly nodded at this.

Mukago braced for the debauchery. She expected her perky bosom to be teased, her thighs to be molested, body tainted by forceful depravity… She didn’t expect him to start from something rather ‘simple’.

“How about we go for a kiss first?”

Surprise flared at that option, and she found herself escorted to his soft bed. Mukago hesitated, knowing she could rush for that victory but… She was nervous like hell.

“Y-Yes. It would be fine.”

The sloppy thoughts of such an exchange had her on guard. Despite sex having been a thing for her in the past, kissing had not been. The faint pride of a maiden that wanted to give it away to someone she liked was no longer there, but she never saw a point of ‘kissing’ anyone.

Still, Mukago couldn’t help but feel glad that she waited up to this point. The kiss was chaste. It wasn’t too pushy, but not even bland. Her lips were warmed by the feeling of the human ones and she felt her heart skip for a moment at the raw feeling jolting through her body as they smooched some more.

Once that was over, Mukago felt… relaxed.

“My name is John by the way.”


“So… Mukago-chan?”

No one had called her like that in years. It felt so nice to be addressed as much. So, she nodded.

With just a hint of unease, the demon girl undressed, removing her kimono and her underwear, soon remaining completely nude before him and… she couldn’t stop looking at his hardening shaft. It was bigger than average and clearly aroused by her.

“You are quite beautiful, Mugako-chan.”

F-Flattery! He is trying to be flattering!

“Y-You are big.”

He chuckled. “I can’t help with how gorgeous you are.”

Gulping nervously once more, Mugako was confused as the human had her lie down on the bed. She thought sex was next but-

“W-Wait, what are you doing?”

“Well, I want to make sure you are quite wet down there for some proper sex.”

“W-Wet? I am already like that?”

“Not enough. I can do more.”

Confusion skyrocketed at this, but she was tempted to push him away as his head lowered by her exposed flower… Mugako let out a noise she hardly thought possible anymore.


With his tongue reaching and savoring her lower lips, the noise forced her to

Why? Why did I make such an obscene noise?

And while Mukago was stunned by the moan, she was equally shaken by the jolts of pleasure it gave to have his tongue service his lower body.

She knew some men could do it on cue by strong female demons, but it was clear Mukago was being on the receiving end of that situation. She was the one serviced, but her body was unable to muster any dominance as the human imposed on her.

The teasing had her twitch entirely as her body was assaulted by an amount of pleasure that was a stranger to her mind and recollection. Eventually that came to an end, right before she could have climaxed. And she saw his cock lining up to her hungry pussy.

Mukago was… at a crossroad and-


She should have been angry. This had to have been rape- she was forced into it. That was how it was going, without a doubt. There was no way in this world she had craved for this from the get-go. The feeling of being loved in such a blunt and direct way, to be claimed and put under a less oppressive submission of soul, mind and body.

John looked surprised and then quizzical. “Something’s wrong?”

“I… I am not here to pleasure you. I was trying to… uh… kill you.”

“Were you?”

“I-I was, it’s just I messed up because I am a coward and an idiot,” She admitted, looking away. The shame was unusual, the pain yet familiar and- he had his hands on her shoulder. “I-I am a weakling. I should be a high-level demon, but I am failing like this. Like a moron, and just because you- you are-”

Her tears were burning down her cheeks. How long since she had last cried like that? It felt like she was growing ugly by the second- she didn’t expect a kiss to cut through.

Her body flared with a degree of warmth unfamiliar to her as the sadness was given a slap through this action. The human pulled back, looking caring.


“Because you’re not a coward. It’s just that you don’t like to fight or kill.”

“I- I don’t want to be hurt.”

“That too.”

She bowed her head. “Y-You’re telling me that because you want to have sex with me.”

“We could stop and talk about it,” He offered and she actually frowned.

“I… I also want to finish this first.”

He leaned back, possibly upset with her indecision and-

“Tell you what. If we go through this, wouldn’t it be fair to say I could ask you to be my wife?”

“Are you- are you crazy? I am a Demon!”

“And? We are still doing this.”

That is true but… urgh!

“And if I was to become your wife… how would you treat me?”

“With care and love. I wouldn’t ask you to do much around the house since I do that myself but-”

“I can’t- Demons cannot be exposed to the sun.”

That should have deterred him but-

“I guess we can keep the windows closed and covered all around. That shouldn’t be an issue, right?”

“I-It would not but…”

Why is he being so genuine about this?

“But you think I am rushing it?”

A slow nod and he smiled. “Then, how about we talk more about this after we are done with our business? Don’t want to delay it for long or we may lose interest in it.”

This time Mugako nodded strongly and she didn’t hesitate in spreading her legs again to him. She held her breath as he lined up once more to her pussy and… he soon entered her. The pure jolt of pleasure rekindled what had been stopped in that confession, but instead of being ruined by it, now she felt less guilty of what she was doing.

Before now, it had been pleasure within shame, but now she felt light. She felt boundless. And as the thrusting took a more paced effort, she felt her core tapped incessantly. Demands of being open, to be free, to break off from that last bound within her soul.

All demons created by Muzan are bound to him by a connection that allowed him to know, control and even kill those creations of his from afar. It wasn’t uncommon for Muzan to do so to kill traitors and she was already threading with this accusation by just thinking of betraying him.

But the more she was getting fucked, the more she was getting teased, the more she was getting coddled with nice words and then the kissing- Mukago’s mind was no longer excluding the option of being a wife.

It would mean freedom of having to fit into excessive and dangerous expectations, it meant that she would be given love as much as she could grant it back, and then… it meant no longer having to put herself in harm’s way. It was… right. It felt right. She was even contemplating children. It wouldn’t be bad- she may be a coward, but that didn’t make her outright scum.

And as she felt she was approaching climax with her human lover, her John-kun, Mukago felt the end of the time left for her to make a decision just around the corner. And driven by lust, pleasure and love, the demon had only one thing to say.

Y-Yes~! Ah~-All in~, keeh~-ep it all inside your wife’s womb~!”

John nodded, knowing this was a confession of sorts. And that dangerous bond that she shared with her creator was soon ripped to pieces by the pure devotion she was bestowed by her own affection.

But as Mukago broke the chains binding her to a dangerous past, her life with John had just started. This was meant to be the beginning-

Mukago didn’t know that things were bound to get wackier in the ensuing months than it’s been in the last few years for her…


Lost Story of winds

Ohh. This was quite fluffy and adorable. Great job Bukha!