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Oshi no Shugosha 2 - or ‘I refuse to kill this poor Idol, you heartless scum!’ (Oshi No Ko, Ryosuke!SI)

It’s been three months since I have been inserted, and I have not taken a break from trying to set my life up to be ready for any surprises.

I had taken the duty of watchdog over Ai, but I knew better than just devolve my life into one of an obsessed stalker. I started to focus mostly on three principles:

1) A steady source of income in the form of a part-time job. I found it as one of the couriers for a local McDonald's. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep me afloat economically-wise;

2) Start looking into higher education as I had to find a way to either make it to a good uni, or look into specializations. Either way, the path was open through the Summer and I spent it to ultimately concede to Tokyo U for Business & Economics. I didn’t like to go back to something I had left a while ago in my previous life, but I didn’t get much of a choice on the matter;

3) Get my body in peak shape. I was now inhabiting the body of a young man that ate unhealthy for the average guy and had a crappy lack of exercise to keep a degree of strength. In that regard, I found a gym and bought a yearly subscription.

Three months of exercising were already showing some progress as I was now in a good shape to not look like a creep. Had also a haircut to properly lessen that trait to nothingness.

I was now ‘averagely good’ in terms of my lifestyle. Not too much, but far from too little effort into it. The schedule was unforgiving at times, but I was a workaholic by nature, and I managed to slowly settle in the Japanese world of work like a cog adding to the rest of the well-oiled machine. And with my life improving, I also saw a point in keeping some aspects of my ‘previous actions in regard to Ai still active’.

Specifically, the Discord Groups were important for a counter-action against the murderous bastard. I made a screenshot of the DMs he sent me, then proceeded to make slight alterations to the Pregnant Ai’s picture to make it seem Photoshopped and then wrote some DMs to a couple of Mods.

So yeah, this is the story of how I got the entire fandom riled up on the guy. I am not sure how good his current cover is in terms of hacking, but I sure hope that is going to kill him somehow. It would spare me some trouble, and it would pretty much solve all my problems in that regard.

Still, I have a feeling like this was going to be interesting regardless of how this was going to get for the bastard. Why? Well, let’s just say that destiny has a thing to fuck me over when I set myself to keep as far as possible from Ai.

To be fair, I don’t know where her flat is. Some in the Servers have speculated on where she may be living, but no one had ever got the chance to either confirm or find her in those places.

So, I didn’t know that we shared… the same grocery shop. It happened around early Saturday morning. I was done with a morning jog and I went to buy a water bottle when I ended up finding quite the scene at the shop.

That was clearly Ai (in disguise), and it didn’t take me much to recognize her as she was checking on some glass containers with… baby food. I had to actually pause a moment on the sight. It wasn’t much the notion of Ai being there or her looking at baby-related stuff. It was because she was looking into baby food of all things.

After all, baby food was not meant to be eaten by babies that were younger than 6 months old and her kids/kid should be 3/4 months old. Shaking my head, I decided to leave her to deal with that on her own. Once I got to the water bottle and was making my way to the cashier, I heard the girl mutter something under her breath.

Why are all those for 6 months olds?

I blinked, looking away and- “That’s because babies are meant to only drink milk before starting to eat baby food at 6 months.”

A brief rebuttal, one that made her tense up as I passed by and then left for the counter. That should have been it. A brief advice as I ventured to have my bottle checked out and paid before going back home but-


The girl clearly didn’t get the memo. Ai’s hand was surprisingly small as she reached out to grasp by my left elbow. I had to stop in my tracks and glance at her. She is… short too.

“Y-You know more about this kind of stuff?”

I shrugged. “I have worked as a babysitter before, miss. Why do you ask?”

She smiled and then-

“And before you ask anything compromising. I have a girlfriend.”

“Hm? Why would that matter?” Ai blinked in confusion.

“Because there are women around that tend to use these circumstances to seduce men in a relationship like me. So, I have to guard up in those instances.”

“...That’s silly.”

“Society is silly, but it doesn’t make it any less dangerous. So, how may I help you?”

“Well, I have… two children. Twins. I have noticed that they have been asking for more feeding and I just thought that the issue was related to eating baby food.”

I was a bit surprised that Aqua made it through to be a normal kid. I guess fate isn’t too strict on this sort of stuff. Did I butterfly it somehow? I am unable to tell, but it made for one less reincarnation in the show. Ruby had to have been reincarnated, but I am not sure how relevant that was at the moment.

“...It is not,” I assured with a flat tone. “May I ask you a few questions, some of which may sound a bit awkward?”

She slowly nodded. “Sure.”

“How many times is your ‘regular feeding frequency’?”

“Well, it’s mostly six times a day, but on most occasions it’s five.”

And here’s the issue. I think it was due to Canon Aqua that Ai had to use a breast pump to feed him since he didn’t want to be too reliant on breastfeeding. It is possible that, in an unmentioned detail within this circumstance, Ai learned of the needed frequency to feed her kids. Right now, she clearly did not.

“Miss, on average a baby needs to be fed at least twelve times a day.”

“R-Really? But that’s a lot of time to keep track.”

“You have a time-consuming job?”

She nodded nervously. “I can’t bring much of it but-”

“It’s time-consuming. That’s what really matters on the topic.”

Ai nodded to reiterate the point.

“Now, here’s a bit of an awkward question: is it common that at times your breasts hurt for being ‘full’?”

Her eyes widened astronomically, and while one may think she was flustered-

“Oh! That’s the thing, yeah. They do hurt even now!”

“Not so loud!” I whispered angrily, causing her to flinch and nod in agreement. “It’s not the kind of stuff you can just shout to the winds.”

“Sorry, it’s just… it really is annoying.”

“Well, it means you need to use a breast pump.”

“I heard of it but… why?”

“Because it’s clear that you need someone to feed your kids when you’re busy. The breast pump would allow you to store some of the milk away to be used at a latter occasion. Just have a friend, a female one at best, to help you with that.”

She appeared surprised, and yet I took her to the section with it and told her the basic steps behind it. Ai was nodding along with my words and soon it was time for me to leave as I was taking too long there.

“Thank you.”

I merely waved as I walked to the cashier, paid for the water bottle and-

“W-Wait, I didn’t ask your-”

I was already sprinting back home. I know, I know, it’s a dick move, but I already exposed myself too much. If I got too ‘close ‘to her, I would have become a target for the bastard- not as an assassination in the making, but more as someone for him to track down and keep his guard up about.

So, it was best for it to be a one time thing and… it wasn’t how it turned out to be.

Not when Ai was now interested to learn how to be a good mother from the kind guy with babysitting experience.



So… how long do you all think it’s going to take for Ai to develop feels and ‘kinks’ about the nice tall and slightly athletic guy that is helping her with the twins?



Get best mom. Become best dad.


Like to see more

Alex McGregor

Bad Gateway for the picture, not sure if that's a bad link or just my connection being shit


Would love to see more please


This is looking good. Love it.

King Ottarl

Keep them coming chief!