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Got in the Robot, now what?! 3 - Or ‘Where is the fucking instructions for this big ass robot?!?’ (NGE, Shinji!SI)

When Shamshel appeared, I was in the middle of an Art History lesson. I didn’t even bother asking the teacher for permission to leave as my duties as the ‘Third Child’ overstepped those of being a student.

I had memorized the quickest route to NERV HQ, and I was manning the Eva-01 in less than twenty minutes of being notified. I could speedrun switching into my plugsuit, the process not as tedious as I expected it to be, and I was soon facing the ‘squiddy’ causing issues in Tokyo-3

At my disposal, I had two weapons: the Pallet Rifle, which was defined to be a ‘powerful weapon capable of piercing AT fields’, and the Progressive Knife I planned to rely heavily upon.

Get close to it, or the rifle will not work.

Ritsuko’s voice was providing a rather strict but overall direct explanation on how this worked- the longer the distance between the user and the target, the less effective the rifle was going to be.

I nodded from the capsule, focusing on Shamshel and its core. The rifle, in principle, was not meant to one shot the monster. The focus was the AT Field as my little trick with Sachiel couldn’t be mimicked in those circumstances- Sachiel was less reactive due to its reliance on the powerful AT Field it got, while Shamshel’s offensive capacity was tied to its electric tendrils.

With that in mind, I carefully took great care of getting all distances right. I moved around as the Angel was aggroed towards me. I suspected it was tied to the fact Angels did take note of what was going on within Earth and were keeping track of anomalies. By killing Sachiel the way I did, I pretty much became a major threat to Angelkind- and they were keen to try and ‘deal with me as fast as possible’.

Frustrating, but actually convenient within those circumstances. Despite focusing on killing me, Shamshel was not aware that I had my own limitations and that I was purposely luring it in a trap.

Said trap being the rifle being fully charged up and aimed point blank at its expected AT Field’s maximum range, causing the barrier to suddenly flare up violently as I took a shot at it.

AT Field is still intact!- UH!?

I mean, what’s so surprising of me punching it down while it was weak enough to smack through it?

Still, I didn’t speak as I knew I couldn’t waste much time. At this stage, the Eva still relied on a limited electric supply, so I didn’t plan to lose a good chance to dodge any damage this close to my prey. Unleashing the Progressive Knife, I crouched down to the Angel, surprising it as I emerged from the smoke created by the rifle’s shot, and lifted it from its ‘head’.

The core was a bright red orb under it, the sudden shift causing it to panic, but its tendrils were too stretched and flailing without focus to genuinely stop me. The knife didn’t stab the core, as I pulled at it, exposing the ligaments connecting it to the rest of the body and cut those off.

So yes, compared to the previous Angel, I was able to kill one while keeping 99% of it still intact. And with its core surviving, I sure hope we are going to get the S2 Wireless Engine in the ensuing fights.

With that victory, I get a lot of things I actually wanted as rewards: not being forced to sit through the rest of the school day, get avoided by Gendo and Rei, and being able to rest a bit back at Misato’s flat without having to explain anything to anyone as I had done a relatively simple and logical move against the Angel.

Sitting in my room, I had the door sealed shut as I looked for any ‘surprises’ such as cameras or secret microphones. I was quite sure nothing had been set in the room while I was out, thus giving me the chance to further plan out what I had to do to fuck with Gendo’s plans.

Despite NERV having the growing popularity in tackling the Angels’ situation, the Military wasn’t exactly sitting idle. If I was able to somewhat get in contact with those disgruntled elements that had sway and influence to get some technicians to ‘work’ on the Eva, then I could try to have a backstage base of operations where to hurl my ‘rebellion’ from.

I couldn’t handle this on my own- As much as I could give it a shot, the Eva still had too many fail safes installed by NERV’s technicians loyal to Gendo to turn it off against my will

That had to change before the ‘final battle’.

Once I was done setting the layout of my plans, I hid the journal away, and I started my homework. I was done around lunch time, and for the rest of the day (excluding dinner) I was holed up in my room.

Rei… visited.

I think she expected me or Misato to let her in as she brought some ‘notes’ for homework, but I had already told Misato that I had gotten them by the phone through another classmate. I couldn’t stop plotting out any potential plot against me, especially this sort of ambush.

Still, as much as I tried to ignore the matter, there was something else that was prepping behind my back. It was around morning time when Misato decided to attack me with a ‘full-on teasing offensive’.

“So, Shinji-kun, what is it that you now have a girlfriend~?”

Silly Misato, you are but a lil’ bug before the sheer Roast God before you.

“I don’t have a girlfriend, but I would say I have a stalker.”

The young woman snorted. “Yeah? Why would you not even consider that an option? She is cute, wants to help-”

“We work at the same place, she has close ties to my father and she is clingy,” I flatly interjected. “Trust me, Misato-nee, you don’t want to start this.”

“Oh~? Is Shinji-kun shy about telling his ‘Neesan’ what girls he fancies?”

“It’s more of an interest to not brutalize your self-esteem much. Trust me when I say you don’t want this.”

I forgot Misato is a fucking moron.

“I wonder if I should have let Rei-chan in-”

I sighed. “If you did then you would have to explain to someone else how you have turned into a slouch ever since I started to be the adult in this flat by actually doing all the chores around the place.”

“Th-That’s not true! I do my things-”

“Sure you do. Especially with the new beer cans and used smokes that I have to personally put in bags and put by the bins out of the flat on an hourly basis,” I interrupted flatly. “I mean, this has absolutely  *no* correlation with your chances to get in a long-standing relationship in the near future, right?”

“You are a cruel boy, Shinji,” Misato remarked with a demoralized look.

“And you should have known better than pick a fight you were going to lose, Misato. See, I can assure you that I not only don’t love Rei that way, but I also dislike her a fair bit.”

“Oh? And why?”

I already stated that, but I felt like I had to deliver a gut-punch as a grand finale to that unwarranted nagging. After all, I was meant to be getting ready for school at this point, so I dropped the bomb right as I was going to the bathroom.

“Her face and hairdo are the same as my mother’s.”

I wasn’t sure what happened after that, but I could tell this stuck to her. I had a picture of Yui Ikari, a ‘memento’ of sorts I kept because I knew Gendo would have tried to flex the fact ‘he had removed all evidence of her existence and that her tomb was devoid of a body’.

I showed it to Misato, so she knew what Yui looked like and… the haunted look on her face as she realized I may not be wrong was definitely going to create a rather hilarious reaction. I just didn’t expect for it to go as far as for me to get a call from Ritsuko to ‘assure me that it was just a coincidence’.

Oh right, she was part of the cloning experiment. I forgot these two bitches tended to hang out during breaks.

Well… I am happy I gave NERV a bit of a heart attack. I hope ‘Daddy Dearest’ heard that too as I want to see his face next time he is around me and Rei.



SInji is about taking down people and their mothers. I wonder how he would do in the Shinji Ikari Raising Project Manga AU. Time to turbo-roast a lot of people at once at that point.



Ufff, me encanta como les está dando a todos ganchos en los riñones.

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

I do still hope Shinji actually ends up fucking Rei, and the other girls later on, but yeah this was definitely hilarious XP

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

Oh yeah, and to make sure, would this be only Classic EVA Timeline or would there be new stuff from other timelines like Rebuild, Girlfriend of Steel (which could potentially make it easier to contact military via Mana) or Raising Harem?

gabriel bezerra

Shinji Bukha: Uses Logic (It's Super Effective)