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As promised, each month all Gulag Border Guards, Gulag Officers, Gulag  Chiefs, and Gulag Officers Commanders can offer suggestions for the ensuing poll for new story concepts to write for the month. The suggestion will be repeated as a stable element in the Weekly Polls.


Mackenzie Buckle

my idea: SI's time at Sandock SI volunteers for an experimental stasis test, 500 years later they're found by the Eufaula Salvage crew

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

The Cunning God of Cuddles: Basically that SI ends up as the Ridley Clone from Metroid: Other M and has to find a way to survive the upcoming chaos, especially once Samus and the Federation discover his “true identity” as a member of Ridley’s species, but through sheer cunning and cuddles things may work out somehow…and don’t even get started on also getting some girls as well because it turns out that Space Dragon Cuddles are worth it XP