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My Futa Incelf is a Cute Tsundere 2 - Or ‘By accident and development, I end up with a submissive and breedable GF’ (Futanari no Elf, SI)

It was a Sunday morning, the dorm was mostly devoid of people and I had planned to stay indoors. Like usual, this sort of plan was not bound to survive. Not when a certain shy elf had decided to knock at my door for ‘romantic advice’.

“W-Were you busy, John?” Mara asked, the girl clearly looking for ‘reasons’ to avoid this conversation- despite the fact she had personally wanted this to happen.

“Not really,” I hummed as I spared a brief glance at the paused game. I was still doing some offline rounds so I didn’t worry much about ‘the game keeping on playing’ and I could deal with this. “So, what’s up?”

She sniffed, her cheeks flaring red as she took a seat by the bed while I remained by my desk.

“I… You human males like human females, right?”

Odd starting point for such a talk, but I have a feeling I know the topic that Mara was going around.

“Considering recent developments, I would say that elves are on the plate- but it’s true that a considerable majority do fancy ladies. What about?”

She gulped nervously. “D-Do human girls like elves?”

I sighed. “Yuri is not exactly a normal girl.”

“T-That’s not-”

“Mara. It’s alright. I know that you are into her and I am not going to tell her.”

Her mouth opened, ready to protest that, but she listened to my soothing words and… the unease slightly vanished. “Y-You wouldn’t?”

“I think she already suspects that. Plus, I think she likes you a fair bit.”

Mara perked up. “I-is that so? But why is she so-”


“Yeah, it’s like she doesn’t want to… be close to me.” The elf deflated a bit as she said that. “Is it about… what I have between my legs?”

“To a degree, yes.”

“I don’t get it.”

I sighed. “Just like any girl that is nervous to face an awkward situation, she tends to feel. While you popping a boner here and there may be the source of some situations, you have to understand that Yuri is just not accustomed to being reminded like that on how the girls all around have a bit only males back home have.”

“So, she sees me as a girl but my thingy makes her feel like I am… a male?”

“Close enough,” I commented on her guess. “You elves have a tendency to barely mind when someone shows an erection if it is covered and came up by accident. We humans have a culture of modesty that clashes with that. If a man was to be seen pitching a tent in public, they would be arrested for harassment.”

Her eyes widened. “R-Really?”

“Yep. Which is why Yuri is easily caught off-guard by this,” I confirmed for once. “See, Yuri has a way to use teasing which, by your standard, can be a bit surprising but she doesn’t realize that some of those awkward situations are caused by these actions. She will learn eventually but… you are kind of enabling one another, I believe.”

“How so? I mean, it doesn’t feel like that,” Mara argued and I nodded.

“Let’s try to put it in a simple way- you and Yuri are both compatible personality-wise. You both take care of each other, you do have similar hobbies and familiar experiences. However, you both have ‘incompatible’ forms of teasing. Where Yuri’s teasing is one to try and ‘loosen up the tension’, yours is a reaction to said attempt. So, it kind of clashes a lot in some instances.”

“A-And how do I solve that?”

“Just go for friendly hangouts. She definitely likes you, so you can easily work it slow and make sure that both yourself and Yuri are caring for that bond by being close friends.”

“But I want- I mean, I would like to be more to her.”

I smiled. “Who said that wasn’t what I was suggesting?”

Her eyes widened again, but I continued.

“What I meant, Mara, is that you are accustomed to that unease, so you can gauge which place you can comfortably bring Yuri at with minimal chances for accidents. You have time, you don’t have rivals and, best of all, Yuri is hooked to you. You just need to work on it so that this friendship becomes more.”

Mara offered a tiny smile at that. “I see… thank you, John.”

“No prob, Mara–”

“By the way, how’s your situation with Tansho?”

The elf’s question got a surprised look from me and then a deep frown.


The girl perked up, panic flashing on her face. “I-I mean, I have seen how she looks at you and- and the fact that you two do spend some time after school to… talk?”

It was clear what she was implying, but for a moment I thought Tansho had told someone else what she was getting ‘on the side’ for being ‘a good girl’. It’s been a few days since I had her ‘teased’ for fapping, but the girl kept on asking for my ‘help’ with it.

First through whispers, then through some groping of her upper body. The girl was clearly sexually-repressed and actively horny, but that was slowly declining the more stress we burned through these sessions.

To add more to this, Mara has big tits, but Tansho’s were massive. She had some of the biggest milkers I had the chance to ever tease, and she actually didn’t seem to give those much credit! It was frustrating how self-conscious she was about her tiny cock, but seemed to not care a lot about the fat breasts she was blessed with.

Those were big enough to really compete with the ‘Dorm Mommy’ as Funou-san was a reasonably nice woman of the MILF-kind with one of the best racks and a big willy to make normal elves wet themselves at first glance. She was nice, but I just didn’t see her too deeply in that regard.

“Tansho and I have a bit of an agreement. If she behaves nicely, she gets a bit of kind touching.”

Mara tilted her head to the side. “Kind… touching?”

“Not sex, that’s as much as I will say and she is… really repressed.”

The girl’s face burned up a bit, and I saw her lengthy shaft making a tent through her skirt. “O-Oh. So you two… you do foreplay and-”

“Mara. Don’t press it.”

Her mouth went silent. “Sorry.”

“Just don’t flaunt dirty laundry to others. It’s not a nice thing to do.”

She bowed her head in shame… and noticed her boner.

“I-I am sorry, I have-”

“To go and fap that one,” I interrupted, causing her to pause in surprise. “Mara, I am not usually the guy that has to say this, but if you go blue-balls so frequently, you are going to get something bad. Just rub a quick one or something.”

“...Okay, thanks.”

Mara smiled a bit as she bolted to her room, leaving me back to my chores as I focused once more on my PC game. I could already tell that this was going to trigger more accidents between her and Yuri, but I could tell this was going to end up positively for both as they clearly liked each other a lot.

I wasn’t too sure to call it ‘love’ since it’s been too soon for this to happen, but I was hopeful these two were going to make a nice couple eventually. What I didn’t know was that a mirrored situation happened while Yuri had taken Tansho out for some shopping, asking her for advice and in return giving the Tsundere some words on what to do with me.

Things were definitely going to get more intense for us all quite soon. Especially when summer was around the corner and… I hadn’t informed myself much on the ‘traditional swimsuits’ worn by elves.

Turns out that this was going to spark a few… ‘accidents’.



Next time, some ‘escalation’ of sorts.



Yey segundo capítulo temprano, ahora sabemos que los juegos con Tansho han continuado por un buen rato y que Yuri posiblemente le ha dicho que use más sus tetas para llamar la atención de John. Gracias por el capítulo.


You know, I was expecting something similar to this, but in Futabu instead.