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My Dark Lady Shouldn't Be This Cute 3 - or ‘The day I had to become a bit of a teddy bear to my beloved Dark (Cutie) Lady Tammy’ (HP SI, feat. Fem!TomRiddle)

A train ride to Scotland.

It sure felt like we were being given the children’s evacuation treatment a bit earlier than it was happening for the muggles. WW2 has yet to fully happen, but boy I could tell London was going to get very quiet for a few years once that git Hitler started his Battle of London.

Despite the expectation of making new acquaintances during the train ride, it was only Willow that tagged in our wagon’s room. The girl had her glasses on, mentioning that she didn’t want to ‘cause a scene’ around. She was a sociable individual, but I could tell that Tammy struggled to like her due to the bad first impression she got on her.

The forwardness was to blame, I think, as Tammy didn’t like people getting to cozy around her unless she was truly fine with it. Either that, or I am missing something from the equation which wouldn’t be a novelty considering how unpredictable Tammy was getting.

While we couldn’t exactly test out magic at the orphanage, what we learned through the textbooks was enough to put someone like me in a good mood. Ah yes, despite my growing paranoia that these were going to be turbulent years as I focused on keeping Tammy out of trouble while also behaving like a normal kid, I still ached to see the real magic of Hogwarts.

This was back when, maybe, there was a leftover of what kind of beauty that had declined through the centuries. We arrived at Hogsmeade in time to catch a ride by boat through the lake and towards the castle.

It was a chilly evening, and Scotland’s weather was getting a bit irritating. Not much in my regard but-

“We could catch a cold,” Tammy lamented. “I hope the boats have some sort of protection from that.”

I sighed. “Doubtful considering these charms may have remained untouched before the common cold was addressed as a potential threat tied to ‘freezing up’ and humidity.”

“Surely there is something to prevent that,” Willow hoped. “I… Maybe?”

Tammy’s stare aimed at her softened and the fellow girl shrugged.

Turns out that she was wrong as someone started to sneeze a fair bit after the boat-ride. So yeah, we were going to keep an eye out for that sort of stuff- it was clear that healthcare had yet to catch up to that sort of stuff.

Despite this first disappointment, the rest of the evening was amazing. One of the best memories for this new life as the Great Hall was by far the most wonderful place to be in. If outside there was enough cold to feel one’s balls freeze up, this here was pure warm and bliss.

The meals were also lovely as I could see  some common but fucking delicious food at the table right as we waiting for the sorting. Right there, I saw Willow growing excited at the many whispers shared by the fellow firsties. It never occurred to me up to that very point that not many of the kids knew what was up with the Sorting ceremony. We didn’t have the money to buy Hogwarts: a History or books like that, so I expected Tammy to be curious too when-

“It’s the hat.”

Her comment gained a confused look from both Willow and I, but the circumstances behind these reactions were different from one another.

“How can you tell?” I asked, and the girl frowned back at me.

“It glows with magic. Can’t you see?”

“...I can’t.”

Willow blinked, tentatively lifting her glasses for a moment and- dropping those down immediately while looking pale in her face.

“L-Lots of magic in the Great Hall,” She mumbled, explaining her brief bout of panic as we both kept close to her to hold herself up. Her legs were a bit wobbly for a few moments, but she recoiled fast. “But yes… the hat is definitely magical.”

“Neat,” The dark-haired girl hummed, smiling smugly as I gave her a pout. “Jealous?”

“Nope, just expecting your cheeky self-praises.”

She snorted. “I don’t do that. In public.”

Which is why I was already dreading the moment we were in a private situation.

Still, our conversation was brief as it was time to get sorted. It was the moment where I really felt a bit of dread considering that the Sorting Hat could be the chillest fellow possible or could really fuck me over. It wasn’t like I considered the Hat a real bastard, but I knew that the possibility of that thing screwing with me just to ‘contain what I could do’ really unnerved me.

First went Willow and she was sorted as Slytherin. Next was me and, right as I made the walk up to the hat, I could feel eyes on me. Not many, but rather a specific bunch. I could tell that Dumbledore was watching, but it wasn’t me specifically- I noticed he was doing this with the other students.

Wait, could he read the mind of the students so distantly and without being noticed? I preferred to focus on the hat, thinking I was overthinking it. I didn’t see him react oddly, so I was possibly being a touch too paranoid.

Right as I sat down on the tall chair and felt the hat being settled on my head, I got confirmation-

He was not spying on your mind.

I sighed in relief.

Albus is a rather guarded individual, but he knows that Grindelwald wouldn’t send students to infiltrate Hogwarts. He can’t afford a full war against Magical Britain-


The hat hummed. Yet.

So, you know what I am.

Dimensional-hopper. And no, I have not experienced others like you. It would be an interesting opportunity to remember but… still, your plan is really ambitious. And bold.

If you sort me Gryffindor, my sister will flip horribly.

But what happens if- Okay, stop guessing. I guess it wouldn’t work, but then- ugh, boyo!

Sorry, I am very nervous.

You and many others. And you’re holding up like any sane adult would before a hat able to read one’s mind. Well, I believe there’s not much for us to exchange so-



Smiling eye to eye, I was soon able to stroll off to the Slytherin’s table, sitting right beside a smiling Willow as she mentioned the kind of food around to try out. Some of the older members eyed me with a degree of wariness.

Racial purity had yet to make a serious comeback, but some lingering displeasure at dealing with a potential muggleborn may tickle some snakes the wrong way.

Next up was Tammy and she spent roughly half an hour sitting there. It was a bit of a stunning sight to see a hat writhe in discomfort- not pain, but genuine unease. Tammy was mostly calm-looking as her red eyes were unfocused as they stared forward.

Ultimately, the hat sorted her to be Slytherin, but I saw it give me a strange look as Tammy approached. Sitting on my left compared to Willow being on my right, the girl appeared calm and collected, and I could see that she was truly fine as she confessed she had been nervous on some ‘odd questions’ from the hat but she shot them down rather than tackle them.

I didn’t press her on it, but I could tell that she may have said something quite unnerving for the act to react like that. If dimensional-hopping didn’t faze him that much, then something it saw within Tammy had him on edge.

I decided against studying this now, however. Much was left for the evening as we were escorted into our dormitories. The dungeons were surprisingly pleasant to the eye, and the common room felt similar to the one shown in Hogwarts Legacy. The beauty and elegance praised by the prefects as they acted as our guides to the place.

We were to wake up early the next day for an ‘introduction to Slytherin’ from Professor Horace Slughorn. I had seen him, but I already knew he had been there as the Head of Slytherin House.

Once all the basic things were said, I was escorted to the male dormitories while Tammy and Willow went for the female one. There was a hint of surprise at this within Tammy’s face, but she rationalized that it was going to be ‘fine’. It was the first time in a while I saw her visibly upset, but I blamed myself the most for being so permissive of her sleeping in bed with me.

From cribs to beds, we would cuddle up to sleep. She was hooked to the delight of hugging someone while slumbering and… now she wouldn’t have that. And while I was a bit disappointed at that, I knew I had other issues to deal with. Specifically, I had to share the room with someone. Three other individuals.

It was Thaddeus Nott, Rodrickus Lestrange and James Rosier.

Well, this is going to be a fun experience alright.



Hat: You can’t make children with your brother!

Tammy: Watch me~!

Next time, Zeke exerts dominance on posh pricks.


Alex McGregor

Watch as his room mates all suffer horrible 'accidents' because they are getting in the way of Tammy's cuddle time lol


“Guide to Calm Your Dark Mistress” Step 1: Have her brother giver her cuddles. Rest of the steps follow suit in increasing levels of affection between Mistress’s brother and your Mistress