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Tower-Cracking - or ‘When two ‘Side Characters’ join forces to break ‘The Plot’’ (The Last Sovereign, Feat. UberMage!SI + SlightlyOP!Succu-Knight)

A Vampire Coven is one of the nastiest things that this fantasy world has to offer.

When one thinks of vampires, they think of either the Twilight version, the ‘Western’ Kind, or the Anime Husbando/Waifu of the Night, the Japanese Kind. In this world, this was not the case.

These were outright predators as they tended to swarm unprotected villages and steal their lord’s favorite ‘meals’. It could be a general diet of humans, or it could be more specific. Vampires tended to not have trouble being gay or lesbians… and child-lovers.

This last case was the one I hate the most. You know, the kind that induces Stockholm Syndrome by turning kids into sexual blood cattle to satisfy their desires. It was a curious case how a Coven Lord managed to get this close to where I lived nowadays, but when I was informed of this I saw no point in taking a quest at the guild and just marched against the bastard.

A large castle, numerous monsters and a righteous quest- I felt like I was going through Castlevania or something… but I managed to clear the place in less than twenty minutes. By the time I was through with most of the army available to the Coven Lord, I was pushing through the doors that led to his throne room.

The man appeared to be ‘young’. It was no surprise that some vampires were ‘taken’ at a young age, so seeing a young adult greeting me lazily from the throne room was normal.

“A mere mage was able to easily crush my forces. What is your name, fool, and who is your patron God?”

“Name’s John, and I have no Patron God,” I greeted curtly, then huffing as I could tell what he was going to ask next since this was not the first time some tough-looking boss tried to explain how I managed to deal with their hordes of monsters. “And no, I am in no service under some Incubus King. I really don’t even know who the fuck they are.”

“Then… how?”

“I respect the Grind.”

He gave me a long look, but I think that’s where he came to realize that I may not be lying to him.

After all, a quick comparison between him-

‘The Blooded Fang’
LVL. 50
HP: 25k
MP: 5k

And I-

John Bukharin
LVL. 27
HP: 3,1k
MP: 210k

-was quite telling of how fucked he was. I have a confession to make, in a situation that I can only describe as incredibly ironic, I ended up becoming a bit of an ‘Uber-mage’.

I wasn’t that when I first came to this world just a month ago, joining the Adventurers Guild with not much on myself and… kind of learning how Magic worked in this world. It would be safe to say I am not a ‘Gamer’. This world just revolves around some JRPG rules that were as familiar as confusing.

Mages were rare- at least, the kind of mages that could use all sorts of magic. Due to the unique nature that every being has, magic doesn’t necessarily come with ease and some had affinities that allowed them to use this sort of circumstance in a limited way. Healers, Clerics (those that could use Light/Divine Magic), Battle Warlocks (those that can use attack-only spells), and Sexual Beings.

The last bit is not a nickname I gave to this odd bunch- it was an actual group of living beings that were born to not be able to use normal magic in most circumstances, and reliable on what was known as ‘Sexual Points’ or SxP.

This entailed Succubi, Incubi, Sex Mages, and even some creatures that were born with anomalous cores that allowed this sort of spellcraft.

Back to me, since I was not born in this world and thus magic couldn’t assign a proper affinity, I was not hindered in learning pretty much anything. I found this to be quite convenient as I went on a D-Rank Missions spree early on.

I struggled at first to get a good combination to be used without draining my MP, but I managed to get something ready before the end of Week 1. A basic Mana Blast, a basic Mana Shield, and a basic Mana Growth Spell for Plants.

This last one was ironically what had allowed me to ultimately attain the one thing I wanted out of this odd Isekai situation: self-sufficiency. First for food and water, then for a house of my own with all sorts of material I could produce with the Conjuration Spell I was training with for the ensuing two weeks.

Conjuration in general was a difficult spell for anyone with any affinity actually and it was considered a ‘pure magic’ spell that required an user to ‘shed’ previous affinities. Since I didn’t have one, it was easy for me to learn it, grind it, and be able to produce a house, devices and all sorts of stuff I needed to be happy with myself.

“W-What are you? Not a normal human- You are-”

“Bored,” I interrupted, aiming my staff at the guy and proceeding to use something I could safely use within the distance between us. “Maximum Explosion EX!

The Coven Lord tried to bolt away, but the explosion unfolded within a radius near to his position. It tore into the vampire’s body and consumed it before any scream or shout could fully manifest.

The attack successfully ended the Coven Lord and-

DING, you leveled up!

Name: John Bukharin
Title: The Youth That Wanders
Level: 28
EXP: 120/2900
Money: 24,4k Sx - 5.000 ProN

HP: 3200/3200
MP: 211k/211k (+500 MP/min)

ATK - 58
DEF - 91
MAG - 758
MDF - 978
AGI - 60
LUK - 96


Weapon - Custom Mana Staff (+250 MAG)
Off-hand - Custom Mana Shield (+200 MDF)
Headgear - Warlock Hat (+5 DEF, +50 MDF)
Bodygear - Modern Warlock Outfit (+20 DEF, +100 MDF, +10 AGI)
Accessory - Refined Mana Core +10 (+200 MAG, + 250 MDF, +150 MP/min)

“I guess that’s another reward,” I hummed, turning around and leaving the throne room as I could feel the entire castle shaking.

These fortresses were constructs summoned by the Coven Lords and tended to collapse once they were killed. Due to my proclivity with barriers, I was slowly making my way out with the children captured while holding up a large reddish spheric shield all around us. Debris cracked against the shield, but did nothing to break it.

In previous instances, the kids of the village would have been scared. This was the fifth time some High Vampire Lord tried to establish a Coven in the region, with the last three snatching kids left and right.

First it was by kidnapping boys to be trained as brainwashed soldiers, then it was all sorts of kids to ‘have a lot of pets’ to play with, and now this guy is trying to get a fresh ‘endless’ supply of easy blood bags.

To say that the kids were no longer frightened by this sort of issue would be a lie, but they had grown accustomed to the vampires’ kidnapping and… given the talk. The last bit was hilarious as it did something very odd with the previous Coven ‘Lady’.

Imagine a big-tiddied Vampire Lady getting told by a group of little girls that ‘her tits were fat and that didn’t make up for her ugly behavior’. I knew kids were cruel, but damn I never faced such a depressed Boss after those exchanges.

Because the kids were relentless with the bullying of their attempted groomer, to the point where she had been close to pulling a ‘I will do what my predecessor did’ kind of deal out of spite.

Sadly, an explosion ripped her apart. Like those that came before her and after her.

Once I was done with bringing the kids to their parents, I just walked up to the guild to report the recent success. The entire guild was a place I became a feature of. The ‘lone wolf magician’ that had struck deals with the Guild Chief to bring forth some interesting artifacts from time to time to be a solo agent.

Usually adventurers are compelled to be at parties but… I had a few unpleasant experiences of idiots not wanting to take some advice. It wasn’t even like I was being the ‘snot-nosed bastard’ kind of helper, I genuinely explained why some behavior was unacceptable within normal adventuring.

Some injuries and traps could have been avoided if that had been listened to and… I was now happy to work alone.

“Janet, the Coven Lord is taken care of,” I greeted the secretary, the old woman huffing and nodding.

She was a bit stressed compared to usual, and I would say that it had to do with the hooded individual she had been verbally sparring with. A newcomer, potentially a new entry within the guild. But as I interacted with the old woman, I could tell she wasn’t truly a rookie.

Something about her aura felt oddly familiar- but it wasn’t human. And it wasn’t a clear reading either. Something about her magic as my Detect Magic skill activated autonomously made me a bit tense. She wasn’t strong, but…

The ??? of ???
LVL. 10
HP: 1k
SxP: 500

That’s a lot of SxP for a standard Sexual Being.

“Apologies, are you… the Arch-Mage? John Bukharin?”

“You can read my name through magic,” I pointed out, causing the hooded girl to fully turn to look at me and… I saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at me.

“I can. But copycats exist.”

Fair point. I had already dealt with two of those trying to call dibs on my deeds. Which is why I had them hanging by the nearest flag poles in their towns when they tried to make money out of this shit and swindle people for ‘magical blessings’.

One thing is bragging, another is tarnishing my good rep for some quick cash.

“If they do, then they would stay away from this place since it’s the place I work in,” I flatly remarked. “So, skipping the whole ‘I am trying my best to be mysterious’ thing you’re going for, who are you and what do you want?”

“My name is Nalili, and I was looking for someone that could train me in combat.”

That… got me confused. Then I frowned back at the hooded girl.

“I am a magician. And I can tell you’re not a magic user.”

“Yes, but I wasn’t asking that,” She said, removing her hoods and revealing… horns.

Red curved horns that were common in succubus. Her ears were pointy, she had shoulder-length light-blue hair, and it was clear that I was talking with a Succubus. One with a high pedigree from the looks of it.

“John Bukharin, can you train in the ways of the Grind?”

And she gave me a smile. A big genuine one. A hopeful one. A mind-shattering one-

Can Succubi really muster the power of wholesome like that?


“Why not?”

I blinked, looking around and seeing others had picked up on the situation. I looked at Janet, she shrugged at me as this was beyond the guild’s business and…


Nalili then proceeded to give me a hug, almost crushing me with it as I felt bones cracking. From this experience came an important rule for the Succubus’ training in the Art of the Grind.

First rule, no using super-strength hugs on me. I can fix my bones, but it is a painful process.



First chapter is for John, the next one is for Nalili. Both are the MCs and there is a reason I say this.


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