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A Grim Bond 11 - or ‘The Grim Adventures turns into Broken Tales’ (Grim Tales from Below, OC!Brother to Mandy)

It was a rather quiet day at the Grim Castle.

Grim’s silent gaze followed his wife’s pace as she easily cleaved through a few obstacles she had set in the throne room. First there was shredding, then the cracking of guns as Mandy’s favorite pistol drilled into the tiny targets that were hidden in the bigger ones.

It was the same as usual. Yet not.

To anyone that wasn’t familiar with Mandy, this was just a normal training session like the rest, but Mandy was actually not of calm mind. Her lips were not falling into the usual flat line that would show no emotion, but rather were morphed into a tiny scowl that hid away a degree of genuine irritation.

Nothing was wrong in the castle. She could happily nod at this. Her children were behaving as usual and not proving to be infuriating idiots- which was always a boon nowadays.

The main problem for Mandy was her brother. It’s been a while since she had decided to let it ‘rest’ for a few days, knowing that too intense of a touch into this path would gain suspicion from her sibling. Arthur was not a fool- he may have lacked brutality, but he was not Billy. He could pick up when she was up to something that required restraint.

And, right now, she had to deal with someone that once did that to her- moderation was not Mandy’s thing. It was either full-force cruelty or passive responses.

So… this was vexing. It all came to head when she got news that the idiot had decided to visit the City of Aku of all places. Grim had even dared to say Aku was a friend nowadays and thus trustworthy- and she was quick to call bullshit on that hideous lie.

Aku was a snake, always had been, and ‘she’ was now worse because of how in touch with her female form she was. Her brother had been prey- how much the slimy bastard did to him was a secret and, the worst part of it all, is that she couldn’t do shit about it.

Aku, Ikra or Aki- shit, she doesn’t care for the right name, but the truth remains the same. That slimy bitch may as well have branded him somehow to ultimately turn him into her husband or something. Knowing how the bastard mellowed into playing ‘dear mommy’ to that ‘idol’ that was her daughter, trying to create a big family didn’t even seem like an absurd idea.

A warning? It can hardly do much when his blasted thing was now hanging around the demon’s daughter for playdates. She knew well enough that her brother was stupidly following that brat’s whims like an utter fool.

That brat was HIM’s daughter, it was in her blood. She can’t ever hope to be good even if she got all the boons this world can offer a little rat like her. Then again… Mandy was saying this while seething over getting one-upped by that harlot despite having lost much of the childish closeness her brother and her once had.

Nonetheless, the sheer amount of balls to approach her brother like that… was too irritating for her to ignore. Yes, Mandy had to strike again. It couldn’t be too much, it had to be slightly more than the dance and no major events in the near future would allow for Arthur and his thing to tag along.

She thought about straight up inviting Arthur to visit Castle Grim, but considering the fact that he already visited the City of Aku, having him painted as the ‘friend’ of two Hell-Lords may drive some issues with the rest of the council.

No, it had to be something else. Maybe an event within Endsville? It would be romantic to some extent. Back where it all started. But it couldn’t be a random event. It had to be relevant. It would take something clever and creative. Something that could work like-


Mandy almost took aim and headshotted Minnie as the girl’s voice echoed through the mostly empty hall. The bullet soared above her head however so that was fine in her book.

Her stance eased as she stared flatly at the surprised little blonde.

“Yes, Minnie? What do you want?”

“B-Brother and I… we wanted to know if it would be possible if we invited…” She drew a big sigh. “If we could invite Uncle Artie to a Picnic.”

Mandy smiled inwardly at her daughter’s lovely idea. Grim flinched as he could perceive his wife’s sudden delight.

“Any particular details?”

“Well, there’s this Park-”

“The Endsville Park,” Mandy interrupted, but nodded to her daughter to continue. It would be fitting considering that’s where the ‘odd Wolf story’ their parents told her about came along. “Anything else?”

“Well, since it’s that nice, I wanted to know if Uncle Nergal could join us too.”

“I will ask him. But don’t expect him to tag along- he is busy with other jobs at this moment and I doubt he has any time for this sort of activity.”

“Thanks, Mom!”

The girl bolted, leaving Mandy scowling at getting treated by the brat with so much informality. She was still the Bitch Queen- she had burned decades to get the reputation she currently has and she demanded proper respect. May those be part of her family or not.

Only now she realized that Nergal Jr. had not learnt that Arthur had been found. Despite what many would think of the two due to the intimacy the former had towards her and the protectiveness of the latter, both were quite close friends before he left.

Heck, one may even go as far to say that Nergal stood out from the wimpy kid he once was mostly due to Arthur becoming a bit of a model early on in his life. Out of the original trio, Artie was the one that cared for Nergal Jr. a lot.

And this may work to her advantage in two or three convenient ways…



Mandy is up for some Yandere-ish pushing. Minnie actually wants to talk with her Uncle to test the water to… ‘understand her Feelings towards Junior’. Junior just wants to have fun.

Mimi? She likes her chill life.



Love how Mandy's letting out her Yandere rage cause she doesn't know if Ikra popped her brothers cherry. I wonder if Minnie is gonna accidentally let it slip how Mandy feels for him. I wonder if the Wolves will come back and we will have a reenactment of that scene.


Next time on A Grim Bond: Some nice fun family time along with talks of sibling love and a reconnecting of bros.