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Of Babysitters and Caretakers - or ‘When Promiscuous Lolis want some Meat' (Loli/Mesugaki Stories)

Episode ‘Icha Icha: Little Leaf Hassle 1 (Himawari)’

My name is Jin and I am a Chuunin Shinobi belonging to Konohagakure no Sato.

And that’s all I can say as an introduction.

I mean, there’s a bit more to it but, really, most of the people at my age had done what I had gone through and more. I was a little kid back when the current Hokage was trying to become a Chuunin, back when Suna was still the ‘baddies’. The flashy techniques, the dramatic start of the invasion from Orochimaru- I still remember it now.

I remember my mother yanking me around as the civilians were escorted to the village’s bunker for the duration of the attack, whining like the little shit I was back then about ‘missing all the cool action’.

I would go as far to say that it drove me to be a ninja even more than what my father told me of the job. It was a ‘hassle’ to train, but it was a good hassle. It was the kind of ‘no pain no gain’ sort of training that made me realize how much this job was for me.

It was like my body was telling me this was it- this is my life vocation.

It was so ‘right’ for me that I managed to get to Chuunin at 11! I was just so giddy to prove my worth and I had a good career behind my back when… a lot of stuff happened.

Pain? That was the first red flag. The entire village got demolished by the Rinnegan-user and I remember how- how it is to die. It was an immediate situation, the blast had caught me while I was enjoying a break from work and had demolished my flat and all memories I had kept from my childhood.

I may have been resurrected by the end of that, but fuck I lost so many memories due to this. And that was before the time of war came. My father had told me so many times of how ugly a war can be, but I doubt he had taken under consideration the extent of the war we went through.

I was still merely 13 when the conflict took those bizarre turns with a reborn Madara Uchiha, followed by ‘Kaguya Ootsutsuki’ and then… peace. It was all so sudden, like a blur. And… It burned me.

I wouldn’t say I was depressed or anything, I still managed to do things right, never once got stopped to have my mind checked by others but I really felt something was now gone. The war seemingly took it, yet I also felt like it just showed me I never had it.

A purpose beyond following childish ambitions. Sure, I liked my job and my life, but I was without a family, without a potential girlfriend, my parents had passed away in the last few years due to sickness and… yeah, I didn’t have that many friends at work. Most had opted to take on the programs that allowed Konoha-nin to be relocated to other villages, while I just opted to stay behind.

The idea of traveling felt nice, but I really felt no purpose beyond some dull tourist-like glee. I just decided against moving. The salary was quite good as it allowed me to have so much in my bank account that I wouldn’t be able to go bankrupt even if I started to live more frivolously than my current humble pattern.

Still, life was good in that monotonous existence, with missions growing less exciting, the academy being ‘easier’ to many and kids being kids. The attack from Momoshiki was a brief interruption to that, but it was averted by the Hokage and others so that wasn’t really much to remember.

Yet, just a month after the attack, I found an anomaly happening during my job. It was common for Chuunin to be given the ‘infamous’ Forest of Death’s Patrol mission. It was the kind of job that hardly gave trouble if not for some random wild animals causing a ruckus. The job itself was to keep any intruder out of it. There was nothing but danger inside of it and only idiots tended to enter it.

I still can’t believe Anko-san has a fanatic fanclub that thinks she bathes there…

The woman had long ditched the duty of keeping an eye there, but many refused to believe that. Many idiots at that. So, when I spotted a blur swiftly bypassing the gate from a small opening in it, I was stunned by their speed- clearly not a civilian but not a… Genin?

It was roughly low-Chunin speed, the intruder being a little speedball as I struggled a bit to catch up to her and, for a time, as I looked around to try and sense where they had gone as I lost them in the chase- I was greeted by something soft rushing from above and landing straight on my face. The momentum it carried was so that I found myself on the ground.

The Ninja Rulebook was clear on the matter: If you are pinned down, you have to get the hell out of that bad spot. And that is what I tried to do before I caught the noise of-

“Kyah~!” A soft exclamation of the feminine kind. Actually, the noise came right after my nose picked up something strong and really feminine- the familiar wet slit was pretty much confirmation of it as I felt the sweet aroma only a pussy could have reached my nostrils.

The girl’s thick thighs clenched, unconsciously driving my nose close to the exposed flower. It was so intense- there was something so strong about it that my mouth watered instantly. I gulped nervously, knowing that I had to find a way to get out of that hold without having my head crushed by this girl.

So, rather than risk forcing myself out of it, I had to take a rather questionable route. My tongue slithered out of my mouth tapping playfully at the pussy, causing the girl sitting on my face to moan weakly. I had to thread the ‘path of the Icha Icha’ if I wanted out of this situation.

Soon I was licking the girl happy. She was squirming like crazy, rubbing against my face as the pattern took over her brain and she was letting all those cute moans. Not only that, but I reached to grasp her butt and- God, that was the bubbliest butt ever. So round and fat that my palms just couldn’t get to hold these cheeks properly.

I slurped contently, ready to drive this intruder to an orgasm for daring to go around without panties and attacking me with that delicious cunt. I was not willing to compromise on that, and I could hear only melodious and slutty noises from above as the girl was too deep into the pleasure.

She was so delighted that she exploded in girlcum once I had gone quite deep in her feisty and tight hole with my tongue. The girl’s clench lessened to nothing and she fell backward on my body as I lifted my upper body up and–

“Now that I am done with that pussy of yours, I can-”

Detain you. That’s what the sentence is missing. But in that shocking moment as I realized who I was looking at, the one that I had just finished giving a cunnilingus to, the one I squeezed the fat butt of with my hands, was none other than Lord Hokage’s daughter, Himawari.

My face was pale, blood drained by the sight as the girl looked… mortified. We were soon sitting and she just-

“I am sorry!”

My brain farted and died. Did I just hear her apologize to me? I was unable to compute for a moment, but then the girl explained, still flushed on her face.

“I wanted to check the Training Ground because dad told me that’s where super-strong ninja trains.”

I blinked, my brain rebooting as I focused on the conversation itself. “Used to. Now no one trains here because it’s too dangerous and the risk outweighs the rewards.”

She deflated a bit. “Oh.”

“Oh! Teach me how to be a ninja!”

My jaw and brain dropped.

“What?” My brain was finally catching up to the absurdity of the situation, and it wasn’t fleshing out as a good situation for me at all.

“I want to become a ninja- mom and dad say that I am too young but… I want to be as strong as them! Plus, I want to be ready for the Academy.”

“Considering how standards have gotten there, I doubt you need this much to be ready.”

Himawari blinked, tilting her head on the side as cutely as she could be. “Why?”

“Well, the Academy is now asking less from students compared to how it was before the Fourth Shinobi War, so you will catch up fast if your dad has you trained before that.”

She looked at the ground. “Dad is busy a lot, so… he will ask someone else to do that.”

…Man, I knew the Hokage was busy, but I thought he could have just had others deal with the paperwork to spend more time with them and-

“Which is why I want you to train me, Oniichan!”

I deflated. “You don’t even know my name.”

“Oh,” Himawari hummed, her smile widened. “What’s your name then?”



“If I have to train you, it should be Sensei.”


I frowned. “Why do you want to call me ‘Niichan’ or ‘Oniichan’?”

“That’s because you remind me of Konohamaru-niichan.”

Konohamaru, huh? Isn’t that the grandson of the Third Hokage that got mentored by the current Hokage? I don’t exactly look like that guy though…

Still, I found myself in a bad spot. If I told her no, the chances of her telling what happened just moments ago in case I reject her and for the Hokage to affirm his paternal wrath upon me through a Rasengan up my rectum… so, there wasn’t much of a choice.


“YAY!” She celebrated loudly.

“A-Actually! There is one thing I wanted to ask before we begin,” Himawari said, suddenly appearing nervous. “If I do the job right, are you going to… do that thing you did with your tongue again?”

My face paled again. “I-I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Is it because it’s a secret thing?” Himawari pointed out. “I saw dad do it with mom, and when I asked what it was, he said it was something secret.”

…Dear Lord, the kid saw Lord Hokage do stuff to his wife. That’s… reasonably possible, but nonetheless perplexing and awkward in this situation.

“In a sense, yes.”

“Oh, I will not tell! I liked it a lot, Jin-niichan! Can you do it again if I do a good job in training?”

She really wanted this, and I could tell no wasn’t an option in this situation too.

…What choice do I have really?



As much as he tries to deny it, this is a rather odd way to bring spice to Jin’s life.

Next time… I don’t know, how about a tiny poll? Write it down in the comment what Loli should get lewding with some guys.



Jack the Ripper from the Nasuverse.


Someone wrote 'Mimi from Grim Tales From Down Below.' But for some reason it is not appearing anymore. Sadge, it was a good idea.

Austin Randall

Mimi chi and mini Mandy from grim tales


"I will lick my way out of the situation!" Realizes who he'd been licking and freezes. "I have just licked my way into a situation!"