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Broken Divinity - or 'The Tale of a Failed Path to a New Heaven gone glorious and legendary' (Absolute Divinity x Genshin Impact Dio!SI)

Edit: It's suggested to read the 'Capitolo Primo' of Absolute Divinity to understand some elements, but most of the story is understandable for new readers.

“I guess Dio will be defeated by Dio.”

“The original against the little impostor.”

“Bite my butt, effeminate bloodsucker.”

“You shall perish!”

“You disgusting mongrel!”


“「ACT 1」!”






My eyes darted open, sweat drenching my face and palms as I tried to cover my wide-eyed gaze. It was early morning and... and I was fine.

And alone.


I slowly pulled myself out of the small trap that was originally my little shelter while I waited out the night. I shook so much during my slumber and... and it was morning. I couldn't exactly waste any time now that there was light.

I pulled myself out of the ditch, focusing on doing the one action I had some stability over: fixing my clean shirt and pants. A grimace was soon on my face, the current state of my clothing reminding me how I lost a good battlegear during... whatever happened back then.

Which was frustrating knowing that the equipment had been meant to be resilient to harsh battles. That monstrous woman- I… It was worse than anything I had been ready for. It came out of the blue and-


Right as I thought of it, my brain burned and seared through my outward probing- why the hell couldn't I remember what happened yesterday?

Closing my eyes, I tried to pull out from that potential migraine-inducing effort and I settled my gaze on the sight in the distance. A settlement, a big one. It wasn't London for sure- the entire place blended too naturally with the rest of the world for it to be the highly-polluted and overly-populated center of the British Empire.

But what manner of city was that and... how did I get there?

I had so many questions, but I held back from throwing assumptions until I was confident enough of having a source of knowledge to rely on. Hesitation, in an unfamiliar environment, was tantamount of death. The many books I had to help Jojo with...

I, Dio Brando, couldn't believe that I would need to rely on knowledge over the wilderness of this kind.

Then again, things have been way more bizarre than I could have expected between facing a Vampire Jack the Ripper, facing Dio at least twice and then... Something else happened. Something against that last Dio. Was this tied to why I couldn't muster my Stand? Or why my capacity to fight was limited to just Hamon?

Actually, that wouldn't be correct. The spear that I found in an abandoned hut near to where I found late at night yesterday as I struggled to find a refuge provided me with the means to further expand my combat prowess. The blade was dull, but speed and power from its user should balance things for now. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it was good enough as of now to handle small fishes along the path.

Still, my walk was not as smooth as I would have wanted. The spear and the Hamon became staple for my combat capacity against those hostile creatures I found along the way.

The first batch of mongrels was made by Slimes. Water-based ones at first glance and upon closer inspection. Very peculiar how Hamon reacted to them as I managed to turn their attacks into healing boosts for me. Some of the wounds I had roughly patched up mere hours earlier had healed up nicely, giving me the edge about these mobs.

The same went for the peculiar masked monsters I fought next. They worked in packs, not too dissimilar to Slimes in the basic meaning of the system, however they were structured to have short-ranged and long-ranged weapons.

Some had shields and some were... quite big. Despite wasting quite a lot of time dealing with those, I could tell these encounters were beneficial in what they rewarded me with.

Currency. The coins I found were clearly no Pounds, but the coinage suggested care and attention- something that only a degree of advanced machinery could conceive. This setting was not as primitive as I had worried about- and then I saw the city in the distance. It was big, it was developed and now it is close.

All was going well, until I saw something fly above my head and take the place of a storm. A large hurricane-like barrier encircled the city, coating it in deadly winds. I was unable to see the cause of it, but I didn't hesitate to come closer to the barrier.

While I was doing that, I crossed the bridge and found a child holding tightly by one of the sides. I approached him, the boy nervously gulping as I helped him being put as the storm tried to drag us both closer.

Much to my relief, it didn't take much for the unusual sight to dispel, with the entity causing this, a dragon-like being with numerous feathered wings, soared away from the city. As the winds dissipated and a clear sky was brought back to the city. I let go of the child and he sighed in relief.

"T-Thank you, Mister."

"It's alright. Is this... normal here?"


I could tell the child was confused. The tornado? The dragon? Both!?

"The storm thing." I summarized and the child looked as clueless as before.

"No?" He huffed nervously. "Wait, you are a foreigner?"

"Something like that," I replied, unsure how foreign I really was to this situation.

"Well, if you need any help, you can ask the Knights of Favonius. Their headquarters is right near the Church of Barbatos."

Unfamiliar names, minus Barbatos- isn't he some sort of demon? I couldn't spot any satanic connotation on the building mentioned, the Cathedral-like structure looked very Christian and yet not. What a peculiar naming system. I wonder if the foes here are all named after angels...

Ignoring these insignificant dilemmas, I ventured into the town and paced through the streets of this place. I should really ask for directions and that was my plan before I felt something 'tugging' at me.

A feeling, something reaching out and calling for me. It was within the spiritual sense of it, and I found my steps guided by this feeling. I walked through a few staircases that led me to the upper levels of the city, no one paying me any attention as I ultimately found myself standing in front of a large fortress-like building.

I walked in, opening part of the large door and stopping to look around to where to go. Two rooms for each side plus a staircase that led upstairs and downstairs. The source of this feeling- it came from the left side. The door closest to me. I slowly approached there, ignoring the fact that some of the armored guards had started to approach me as I moved in that direction. Right before they could stop me, the door swung open and a figure passed through. It was by coincidence alone that her sudden arrival caused me to trip and fall, causing me to trip her too in response.

"Hey, you should watch where you are going!" A squeaky voice chided, causing me to look up and at a... tiny floating child? A little seraphim or...

Not. The real source of interest wasn't the peculiar appearance of this being, but the one she was trying to defend. The individual that fell too and was soon glancing back at me with confusion and then... remembrance.

"Dio! Be careful!" Jojo exclaimed, using a Spin Ball to explode some of the cubes rushing at us. Some had claimed Bhediya- Hannah looked ready to go too and-

And then Jojo pushed me off the platform, right before cubes could claim me and allowed himself to be captured by those.

I fell and fell...


The girl, she perked at this. "You- You were there."

"I... I was."

I knew I was.

"Uhhh, what's going on? Paimon doesn't get it."

We did, however. Our gazes showed familiarity, understanding- she too lost someone. I remember... a similar-looking boy... her brother? Her brother. She lost her brother... and I lost my brother too. Jojo- he... he is still out there.

And I knew that things were going to be much more complicated than they seemed at the moment. I found someone, but she had that sense of cluelessness that made it clear...

She too was lost from her home.


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